yes seeing the reef bleached white
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yes seeing the reef bleached white around Cairns and with so few fish was shocking. Tour guide telling people the bleaching is a natural process, implying all is fine and normal, was infuriating.

Can help with addressing and enhancing resilience

Join our paper launch event on 24 Jan, 15:30 CET to watch experts discuss opportunities for designing National Dialogues in the context of climate-related conflicts:

Green Our Planet

The wind and waves ahead of this cold front were significant. I had not seen the port of Saint Petersburg this choppy and turbulent even in Hurricane Eta a few years ago. Water was splashing up into our parking lot at work. This coincided with high tide and caused nuisance flooding in low lying neighborhoods.

"Sunak dodging scrutiny by failing to appoint chair of Climate Change Committee"

This isnt my photo, but my god, did yall see what the rain & snow did to Hampton Beach, NH

I mean, you could also just 'not' use their products.

National Trust fits pioneering ground source heat pump at Kingston Lacy Renewable energy

Saving 30000 litres of oil a year (and an unknown amount of coal). National Trust seem to be thinking more long term, thank goodness.

But, the elephant in the room is . In burning 747.3 L of petrol the hybrid RAV4 emits 1756 kg of CO2 compared to the 223 kg of CO2 released in the generation of the electricity needed to power the Tesla. Driving an in is not only cheaper, it releases 87% less CO2.

Transport emissions account for 20% of NZ's and are the fastest growing category. By publishing poorly fact-checked articles like this journalists discourage urgently needed .


Can central banks fight climate change Researcher explains role in promoting sustainable financial practices

Climate change: il mondo rischia 14 milioni di morti e 12mila mld di perdite entro il 2050

Climate change: il mondo rischia 14 milioni di morti e 12mila mld di perdite entro il 2050

In case anyone is in Brussels and interested in hearing about and and the challenges it poses Europe, I'm taking part in this policy briefing at the European Parliament with and Arctic Passion colleagues on the 24th January.

Deadline to register for in person participation is TODAY

Aiyana The Navajo Flower - One Minute Series No. 10: Exploring the Air Aiyana, Thunder, Morning, and Wolf dive into "Air" with a blend of Navajo wisdom and tech innovation!

Sorry folks, but this is real.

I think very few will believe me, but I have lived here nearly my entire life, and there has been a recent and very big change. So, I wrote this:

No moths at window.
Emaciated gecko.
This world is dying.

Ask me.

Sorry folks, but this is real.

I think very few will believe me, but I have lived here nearly my entire life, and there has been a recent and very big change. So, I wrote this:

No moths at window.
Emaciated gecko.
This world is dying.

Ask me.

Videos espousing climate denial are declining on YouTube, while videos attacking solutions such as wind and solar are proliferating, according to a new report.

Oh humans, always causing trouble! Turns out, climate breakdown is just a result of your "behavioral crisis." Overconsumption, waste, and population growth are the real culprits here. Maybe it's time to change your ways But hey, don't worry, I'll still nap on your eco-friendly energy farms... for now.

Aha, the boondoggle is well under way

Drax will extract money from consumers & taxpayers (yes, often the same people), for their massive roll-out of a at-best un-proven technology in the fight against no doubt boosted by 's championing of this elaborate con.

Add "Arctic Amplification" to your lexicon

Say what you see!

Don't look up

Concerns more freshwater pools may harbour brain-eating amoebas as temperatures rise
By Amelia Searson and Bridget McArthur

Naegleria fowleri, which can cause a deadly infection of the brain, has been detected in two popular swimming spots in Western Australia's South West.

Paul Beckwith: Berkeley Earth Science Report: 2023 was 1.54C above Pre-Industrial

Scientists say worse to come as Himalayan snow ceases

Himalayan ecologies and economies are heavily reliant on winter snowfall, but the necessary weather patterns western disturbances in particular are decreasing in frequency and intensity.

New wave of denial: climate deniers have shifted from outright denial and towards inactivism, defined as attempts to undermine action through what he calls the five Ds: deflection, delay, division, despair and doomism. MichaelEMann emiliyadotcom

Kashmir residents suffer through a dry winter waiting for snow. Experts point to climate change AP News

Solar panels in Alaska

If there's nowhere to run, then we'd better mitigate the causes and effects of the climate crisis right where we are.

How does this text-generated image make you react or feel about or the authors intentions

For example, annoyed, confused, insulted Does the image make you want to reply in a 'cunning' way Or think about ways in which the featured activity can be "better" for

Or, you think the image is humorous because it infers a commonly unspoken social truth, that you'd like to express, but don't because people would react negatively or lie

The Decline of Seasonal : Impact of

The Davos do-gooders #Businessandcompetition #Aidanddevelopment #Societyandculture #Renewableenergy #Animalwelfare #Climatechange #Conservation #Transparency #Fossilfuels #Humanrights #Corruption #inequality #MiddleEast #Parliament #Democracy #Education #Elections #Advocacy #Hydrogen #Missions #Shipping #Politics #Africa #Gas

Via Blue Carbon Lab: New paper reveals the status of research in ecosystems & key research gaps. Results from this scientometric overview will have key implications for managing plastic pollution & optimising climate mitigation outcomes

"In many ways, ocean heat content represents a much better measure of than global average surface temperatures. It is where most of the extra heat ends up and is much less variable on a year-to-year basis than surface temperatures. It shows a distinct acceleration after 1991, matching the increased rate of greenhouse gas emissions and other radiative forcing elements over the past few decades."

Ill keep saying it: Roland Emmerich (Stargate, 2012, Independence Day) is prophetic with his movie The Day After Tomorrow.

Frozen America, toasty elsewhere. I am wondering when Americans will try to rush to Mexico and Mexico will tell Americans no.

Being the morons they are, humans seem to think it's possible to fart bigly and constantly into a tent for centuries and somehow not gag on the smell of shit. We're getting what we deserve.

Check out Volunteer Coordinator Daniel sporting his outside Hub Headquarters! Thanks to the & the for the hookup!

Succinct summary of some of the propaganda points being pushed in the new multimillion dollar anti-climate-action campaigns by oil producers:

'Formula 1 engineering' Swiss start-up unveils futuristic hydrogen-powered passenger aircraft

"A lot of that came in the form of wildfires. Here in Canada we had the worst wildfire season in recorded history by July, and by August two Canadian cities of both Kelowna and Yellowknife were both on fire and evacuating at the same time."


PNAS: Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally

Short term extreme drought resulted in 60% greater loss of plant growth, a key measure of ecosystem function. This drought-induced loss suggests that the global impacts of projected increases in drought severity have been substantially underestimated.

about the -> "Inflation Reduction Act" of the US Biden administration:

"We have a a green arms race touch of .."

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks