Will Americans ever see that it
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Will Americans ever see that it will take **government regulation** of corporate America to limit the pain, suffering and death from climate change

Spains plan to ban domestic flights where you can take a train in under two and half hours

Despite these encouraging statistics, we document that the world is in a state of pluralistic ignorance, wherein individuals around the globe systematically underestimate the willingness of their fellow citizens to act. This perception gap, combined with individuals showing conditionally cooperative behaviour, poses challenges to further climate action. Therefore, raising awareness about the broad global support for climate action becomes critically important in promoting a unified response to climate change.

Most people support climate action: Notably, 69% of the global population expresses a willingness to contribute 1% of their personal income, 86% endorse pro-climate social norms and 89% demand intensified political action.

In the last four decades, the United States has outlawed lead paint, phased out asbestos and curtailed tobacco marketing and sales. Similar policies can be used for fossil fuels..."

World Leaders Tackle Climate Change Aboard Private Jet, Claim It's to Stay Above Rising Sea Levels

Peter Dutton's nuclear plan is just terrible public policy.

The truth is that, in an Australian context, with nuclear power more expensive per kilowatt hour than either grid scale solar & storage or coal, nuclear just doesn't make economic sense.

The UK has a mature nuclear industry. Its new Hinkley Point C plant, started in 2016, is now expected to not be complete until 2031, and costs 35bn.

So how much would it cost to replace all of Australia's coal power plants with nuclear ones

We'll, at current exchange rates, 35bn that's the cost of just one Hinkley Point C sized reactors works out to A$67.6 billion.

So building just 10 nuclear reactors the size of Hinkley Point C costs $A676bn, making the AUKUS subs look like Home Brand corn flakes in comparison.

(Just for comparison, ScoMo's AUKUS subs cost $368bn, and Daniel Andrew's Suburban Rail loop is estimated at around $100bn.)

That's assuming Australia, starting from scratch, could build nuclear plants as quickly and cheaply as the UK, which was one of the first nations on Earth to split the atom.

So is it debt & deficit to fund this Big new taxes Even by the LNP's own measuring sticks, it's a crap policy!

So would you support holding up the closure of coal plants for 15 years until nuclear plants are completed, then paying substantially more on your power bills, while the federal government pays hundreds of billions of dollars in government subsidies, while also hiring thousands of additional public servants to regulate it all

In news that should surprise nobody but its nice to have it quantified: high speed rail is less carbon intensive than short-haul flights, even when you take into account the full life cycle (including construction).

In other words, we should be banning short-haul flights and investing in trains.

could be only months from running out of :

Stiell said Australia could seize huge opportunities and avoid climate carnage if it adopted a climate forward economic reform agenda.
Except we have complete state capture by fossil fuel & mining interests

Interesting video on . I think we need more communicators explaining how the seemingly small changes in temperature will significantly , possibly disasterously, impact the lives of everyone, not only the people who live in hot places. Too many fail to connect the dots and seem to think "it will be nice to be a bit warmer".

Plant trees and save the planet.

Another Climate Impact Hits the Publics Radar: A Wetter World Is Mudslide City

L.A. saw 592 mudslides in one week, a reminder that excessive precipitation events set off more than flooding.

Neil Armstrong and the America that could have been

#Astronauts #ClimateChange #Earth #Gemini #Government #Infrastructure #Lunar #Moon #NASA #Research #SaturnV #EditorSPicks #IndustryReportsPapersAndEBooks #Noteworthy #PolicyLawAndRegulation #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy


To protect the , we need to grow not burn

Volunteers try to plant 4000 Joshua Trees over 4 years to attempt to restore the area burned in the Dome Fire.

Mapping how deforested land in Africa is used

Africa's forests, constituting 14% of global cover, face accelerating decline due to human-driven economic activities, impacting climate and biodiversity. A study provides high-resolution mapping of post-deforestation land use, aiding conservation efforts and supporting the EU's Deforestation Regulation, crucial for sustainable resource management.

FT:The uninsurable world: what climate change is costing homeowners

Our young have navigated a crisis in , three lockdowns & the continuing/growing danger(s) of ... is it any wonder there is a growing incidence of problems for people in their 20s.

We are wrecking their future, we cannot be surprised that its depressing them....

Contribute to a compact synthesis report of the latest ecosystem research and please forward this post within your network.


More details about the survey and the project:

: The Everything Problem : Medium

They lied: producers deceived public about , report reveals : Guardian

Comes to the , With a Cascade of Troubling Changes : Yale

Check our latest

Ulua, aka Trevally at Richelieu Rock in the Andaman Sea. Your

sea thesmilingseahorse

Most people dont seem to realise the volumes involved when it comes to fossil extraction vs lithium and other recyclable materials for ev and other low emissions solutions:
In 2021, the world produced around 8 billion tonnes of coal, 4 billion tonnes of oil, and over 4 trillion cubic meters of natural gas
Lithium mines produced an estimated global total of 130,000 metric tons in 2022

Copernicus: Free Earth Observation Services

#Agriculture #ClimateChange #Earth #EarthObservation #Energy #EU #EuropeanUnion #Maritime #Research #Science #UrbanPlanning #EditorSPicks #Noteworthy #SatelliteApplications #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy


The Pale Blue Dot: A Cosmic Perspective

#ClimateChange #Earth #Jupiter #Life #NASA #Science #SolarSystem #SpaceExploration #Spacecraft #Technology #EditorSPicks #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy


Folks need to speak up about it more often. When I speak alone, I get written off as a "crank", but when people speak together it's taken more seriously.

We have an obligation to move swiftly on steps to reduce greenhouse gases. I agree that much in ag/hort and landscaping can be done with human-powered and e-assist vehicles. Leave only the heaviest stuff to be done by automobiles (although we should be bringing back draft animals as well, IMO).

My favorite way of doing fieldwork.

approached UC Green New Deal several times about the accessibility issues that keep disabled students & others from being able to use our sustainable transit on campus, but they turned a cold shoulder.

Regardless of their pretty dedicated ableism, I'd still recommend joining their campaign to get University of California to cut down on greenhouse gases.

Andrews et al investigate the ice rafted debris records from sediment cores from offshore eastern Canada to deduce the ice sheet configuration of the Laurentide and Innuitian ice sheets in Marine Isotope Stage 5 (115-75 ka). Their analysis of the carbonates suggests that the Lancaster Sound and Hudson Strait ice streams were active throughout the period, providing evidence of extensive ice sheets throughout MIS 5.

"Is Alberta's renewable energy industry being treated fairly

How to assess the outcome of the Alberta Utilities Commission inquiry into the ongoing economic, orderly and efficient development of electricity generation"

30 years ago as an undergraduate student in a USian university, I learned about this. I was naive. I thought that learning about this meant that, obviously, people who were in power were doing something about it.

But, alas, no. They were too busy listening to someone promising them glistening dreams of endless growth.

"Official dietary advice in is set to warn of the climate impact of certain foods. The move has raised the ire of farmers, meat producers and others who branded it, 'green ideology' and a 'war on meat'."

leaders: and are interdependent

On day two of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, the climate crisis that are overwhelmingly expected to bear was highlighted.

by Jenna Kunze April 19, 2023

"Indigenous peoples around the globe agree that their health and the health of the planet are interdependent and in jeopardy. On day two of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, or UNPFII, this fact that Indigenous people make up 5% of the worlds population but are responsible for 80% of its biodiversity was repeated again and again by global Indigenous leaders.

"'As we are all aware, Indigenous peoples have least contributed to the problems of climate change nonetheless, due to their interdependence with their vital environment in their ecosystems, they suffer at its worst effects,' said Francisco Cali Tzay on Tuesday, a from and the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous peoples. The Special Rapporteur keeps tabs on Indigenous peoples globally and reports back to The United Nations Commission on Human Rights on best practices.

"This years theme: human health, planetary and territorial health, and climate change gave attendees an opportunity to talk about the shortcomings of governments and non-Indigenous leaders. Others called upon the Permanent Forum to take action.

" Tribal Chairman, Terry Rambler, drew attention to a major human rights violation happening at , a sacred area within s where a joint venture of two mining giants and seeks to develop one of the largest in North America.

"'Apache people have lived, prayed and died at Oak Flat from time immemorial,'
Rambler said. 'Every person by virtue of being human has the right to practice their religion. By violating the rights of Apaches to practice our religion and maintain our spiritual health and wellbeing, the United States is failing to comply with international standards incumbent on them.'

"'By violating the rights of Apaches to practice our religion and maintain our spiritual health and wellbeing, the United States is failing to comply with international standards incumbent on them.'

" youth from , and called upon the Permanent Forum to urgently turn their attention to green transition projects in , the traditional territory of the Smi, which stretches across the Nordic countries and into Russia.

"'In the name of saving the planet, the Nordic states are digging into our , drilling holes into our rocks, and making it impossible for Smi to practice our livelihoods,' said Elle Rvdn Nkkljrvi, a spokesperson for the delegation. 'What is being shown to the world as a shift to sustainability is just hiding behind a new kind of mask.'

"In 2021, Norways Supreme Court stripped the operating license of the Fosen Vind project on Norways west coast after ruling it was built illegally and violated the Smis human rights, and in January, a Swedish state-owned mining company found 'vast amounts of ' it could mine to decrease dependency on . That mining, however, would 'devastate the local Smi community,' the Smi youth said.

"'We demand the Nordic states to immediately halt the ongoing human rights violations against the Smi,' they said. 'We plead the global Indigenous community to notice this green colonialism.'

"The composed of Indigenous youth from all seven regions within the UN also made waves on Tuesday, calling on the Permanent Forum and the General Assembly to assist in perpetuating ancestral knowledge by enforcing an intergenerational Indigenous advisory group for bodies of the United Nations. That advisory group could share and apply and within UN agencies, such as the World Health Organization.

"'Environmental destruction not only contributes to , but also impedes on our ability to access to traditional knowledge, traditional medicines, sacred sites, and traditional practices,' The Global Indigenous Youth Caucus spokesperson said. 'As Indigenous youth, we are future bearers of knowledge, and we hold both the knowledge of our ancestors, and our descendants.'

"Indigenous Rights Governance partner at the New Zealand Human Rights Commission, Claire Charters, gave an intervention about the disproportionate risks people are facing in a changing landscape.

"'We must ensure that Mori are centered in the discussions on mitigation and adapting to climate change, and that Indigenous knowledge is more deliberately considered,' Charters, who is Mori, said. 'Climate change is accelerating the severity and frequency of major weather events. We must act with urgency to understand the risks and minimize the impact on our lands, territories, cultural infrastructures, and the overall well being of our Indigenous communities.'

"Climate will remain a central theme in the upcoming days of the UNPFII. Tomorrow, the Native Womens Association of Canada will host a session on 'Indigenous Womens Perspectives On the Burning Issues of Climate Change', and the International Indian Treaty Council will join with other Indigenous Peoples Organizations to discuss the contentious conservation goal of 3030 and how it violates the rights of Indigenous Peoples."

The early onset jacaranda bloom in Mexico City has set off alarm bells among residents and scientists.

Satellites are burning up in the upper atmosphere and we still dont know what impact this will have on the Earths climate

#Astrophysics #ClimateChange #Earth #ElonMusk #Ethics #EuropeanSpaceAgency #Gravity #Launch #NASA #Research #Satellites #SpaceSector #Spacecraft #SpaceX #Starlink #Sun #EditorSPicks #IndustryReportsPapersAndEBooks #Infrastructure #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy #SpaceSegment #SpaceSustainability #Upstream


kicking puppies rapidly leading to collapse of earths life support system

scientists: give us $10 billion dollars and a few years and well figure out a way to keep kicking puppies, and maybe! make this whole end of civilization thing a tiny little bit less urgent. maybe. if were lucky. no promises, but there are no other possible solutions here

on rapidly rising methane emissions that threaten the future of life on this planet

> Scientists also have ideas for reducing methane emissions from livestock. Some experiments show that changing the diet of cattle by adding fats or seaweed, for instance, can reduce the amount of methane animals expel.

absolutely INSANE. how many scientists does it take to realize we already have the solution weve always had the solution! stop fucking eating cows and stealing their milk. the solution is not to take years of research to make one of the most damaging, exploitive, unnecessary industries on earth slightly less destructive so it can keep chugging along.

these sick fucks can comprehend a world where life ceases to exist but not a world without their precious beef. the future is in the hands of some of the brightest people on earth, truly

A lot of what the university is currently using huge pickup trucks and gas-powered John Deere carts to do could be done with fewer GHGs by using a cargo quadricycle like mine.

When I see large, heavy gas-powered vehicles being used in the field, more often than not they are not carrying any more equipment than what I could carry in the

This compresses the soil less, too.

Humans think they are so superior -- that it's okay to cause of species for their own comfort. And profit. Let's not forget the PROFIT!

US wildlife service considering endangered status for tiny snail near


RENO, Nev. (AP) "Federal wildlife officials have agreed to conduct a full, year-long review to determine whether a tiny found only in high-desert springs near a huge lithium mine being built along the - line should be listed as a threatened or species.

"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said in a finding published Thursday in the Federal Register that enough scientific exists to warrant the review sought by environmentalists who say that groundwater pumping required for the operation of the mine could push the pyrg to the brink of extinction.

"However, the agency said in the new finding it 'does not anticipate the species is immediately at risk.'

"The argued in its formal petition for the listing in September 2022 that the tiny snail no bigger than the tip of a ball-point pen was imperiled even before any new mining was contemplated due to livestock grazing, round-building and the anticipated impacts of ."

As permafrost melts as a result of climate change, it may release more radon, a colorless, odorless gas linked with lung cancer...

Familys climate action journey: From carbon cutting challenge to sustainable living
Six months ago Winnipeggers Brigette DePape and Kari Rodrigues set out to cut down on their carbon emissions and now they are beginning to see the fruits of their labour.

Familys climate action journey: From carbon cutting challenge to sustainable living
Six months ago Winnipeggers Brigette DePape and Kari Rodrigues set out to cut down on their carbon emissions and now they are beginning to see the fruits of their labour.

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Global Warming sucks