Wildfire season is here. How can
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Wildfire season is here. How can you reduce the risk to your home
As wildfire season begins, experts say there are a number of steps that homeowners can take to try to protect their homes against raging wildfires.

Wildfire season is here. How can you reduce the risk to your home
As wildfire season begins, experts say there are a number of steps that homeowners can take to try to protect their homes against raging wildfires.

"Thousands of Canadians have been ordered to leave their homes in Fort Nelson, British Columbia due to the threat of a wildfire."

"The Canadian government has warned this year's weather conditions would mean a greater wildfire risk in the country."

Wildfire season is here. How can you reduce the risk to your home
As wildfire season begins, experts say there are a number of steps that homeowners can take to try to protect their homes against raging wildfires.

Wildfire season is here. How can you reduce the risk to your home
As wildfire season begins, experts say there are a number of steps that homeowners can take to try to protect their homes against raging wildfires.

"Deforestation of Brazils Amazon Has Reached a Record High. Whats Being Done" and "This puts the Amazons rich biodiversity at risk: frequent fires, hotter temperatures, and changing rain patterns damage the habitats of the forests more than three million species, thousands of which are endangered. " < D'oh!

Climate Change

Why everyone brags about for decades but almost never about soil degradation, air and sea pollution, disease from toxic processed food, rising inequalities, cultural dumbing down, widespread trauma and isolation, etc.

As if these weren't contemporary predicaments to consider as well

Good luck fighting changes in climate when our own body, mind, system and environment is misused.

Is there a better way to promote public transport rather than ULEZ which focuses on the private car. I am starting to think that private car ownership is the issue much more than the age of vehicles. A ULEZ which encourages scrapping of perfectly serviceable vehicles is hardly environmentally friendly.
These are the things we shouldn't just accept but need to discuss. 2/2

Come si fa il pomodoro siccagno, e che cos, in Sicilia

The simple facts of climate change which politicians seem not to get.
1. Climate change is real.
2. Climate change is with us today.
3. We cant solve the problems of climate change with the same thinking that created these problems.

I have just been on a 5 day marine biology field course, taken as part of an online study.

It was great to meet the other students but the mixed signalling was strong. We had lectures highlighting the massive problems to marine ecosystems from , but a huge amount of the chat from participants was where they flew to recently, where they were off to next.

If a group of scientifically minded & engaged individuals aren't prepared to change their behaviour, what chance for the world

Survivors pick through debris-littered streets and damaged buildings as rescue workers dispatched amid warning some areas cut off by flooding...

This article from 2022 just surfaced in one of my feeds. Absolutely insane.

You can buy every politician, every system with all this money, and I think this happened. It protects producers from political interference that may limit their activities.

The tech world is in a state of chaos and dysfunction, to compost this mess its crucial that we reckon with the consequences of our past decisions to understand how we arrived at this point.

Over the past four decades, there has been an intertwining of social thinking and economic ideology. This marriage of has fractured societal values and pushed down ideological divides, leading to righting polarization and dysfunction in both politics and technology.

In the realm of technology, this has translated into the proliferation of centralized platforms and the erosion of community. Weve witnessed the rise of platforms that push profit over peoples well-being, exacerbating societal divisions and amplifying disinformation and hate speech.

As we confront existential threats like and ecological degradation, its imperative that we acknowledge our role in shaping the current reality. For forty years, weve marched down this dark path, shaping our human nature through collective choices and actions.

The next four decades will be marked by hardship and suffering as we grapple with the consequences of our actions. But we must take responsibility for charting a new course forward. Its time to reject the poisoned philosophies and dogmatic economic doctrines that have brought us to this precipice.

We must reclaim agency over our collective future and commit to a path of social healing, reconciliation, and renewal. This begins with the first step of acknowledging our complicity in creating this mess and embracing the power of collective action and solidarity.

Lets try please not to just push mess back at this text. Its essential not to view this social thinking as an individualistic moral judgment. The effectiveness of postmodernism and neoliberalism in achieving their goals is evident, the judgment lies in our collective choice of path.

The disintegration of social norms and the widening gap between the rich and the poor are natural outcomes of the path weve chosen over the last four decades. Its not just about moral judgment its about recognizing the consequences of our choices and taking steps to course correct towards a more just, equitable, and sustainable future. And away from the current common sense mess.

#climatechange #ideologies #neoliberal #postmodernist

The tech world is in a state of chaos and dysfunction, to compost this mess it's crucial that we reckon with the consequences of our past decisions to understand how we arrived at this point.

Over the past four decades, there has been an intertwining of social thinking and economic ideology. This marriage of has fractured societal values and pushed down ideological divides, leading to righting polarization and dysfunction in both politics and technology.

In the realm of technology, this has translated into the proliferation of centralized platforms and the erosion of community. We've witnessed the rise of platforms that push profit over people's well-being, exacerbating societal divisions and amplifying disinformation and hate speech.

As we confront existential threats like and ecological degradation, it's imperative that we acknowledge our role in shaping the current reality. For forty years, we've marched down this dark path, shaping our "human nature" through collective choices and actions.

The next four decades will be marked by hardship and suffering as we grapple with the consequences of our actions. But we must take responsibility for charting a new course forward. It's time to reject the poisoned philosophies and dogmatic economic doctrines that have brought us to this precipice.

We must reclaim agency over our collective future and commit to a path of social healing, reconciliation, and renewal. This begins with the first step of acknowledging our complicity in creating this mess and embracing the power of collective action and solidarity.

Let's try please not to just push mess back at this text. It's essential not to view this social thinking as an individualistic moral judgment. The effectiveness of postmodernism and neoliberalism in achieving their goals is evident, the judgment lies in our collective choice of path.

The disintegration of social norms and the widening gap between the rich and the poor are natural outcomes of the path we've chosen over the last four decades. It's not just about moral judgment it's about recognizing the consequences of our choices and taking steps to course correct towards a more just, equitable, and sustainable future. And away from the current "common sense" mess.

Meanwhile, there's a mine just a couple dozen kilometers away, but you protest a factory making electric cars.

What a farce.

Protest groups such as Just Stop Oil and Palestine Action could be banned in a similar way to terrorist organisations, under a proposal from the governments adviser on political violence.

Continuing the theme - why despite hitting 's rooftop target half a decade early the Gov is being forced to somehow put brakes on the renewables transition.

" this rapid growth in rooftop solar is creating costs that have to be passed on to poorer segments of the population"


"Environmental scientists have criticised a move by the Australian government to protect the beef industry against European laws that will ban imports from areas with land clearing, saying cattle farming is the biggest single driver of deforestation in Australia." Aston Brown, Guardian, 100524.

"Global heating is likely to soar past internationally agreed limits, according to a Guardian survey of hundreds of leading climate experts, bringing catastrophic heatwaves, floods and storms." Damian Carrington Environment editor, Guardian, 110524. But who cares

Links for 5/12/24

Roger Corman, Pioneering Independent Producer and King of B Movies, Dies at 98

While plastic is destroying the planet, fossil fuel lobbyists try drown out Indigenous voices and scientists

A call for economic degrowth

Book Review: Confronting the Slow Calamity of Climate Migration naked capi

12.05.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.


wildfires in Canada. already. bad enough to cause crazy smoke and evacuations

Venezuela becomes first country to lose all of its glaciers.

At beginning of 20th century, Venezuela had 6 glaciers.

Nearly 75% of Climate Experts Blame Lack of Political Will for High Chance of Future Warming.

Almost 80% of Scientists Polled Expect 2.5C of Warming

Rolling coal (also spelled rollin' coal) is the practice of modifying a diesel engine to emit large amounts of black or grey sooty exhaust fumesdiesel fuel that has not undergone complete combustion.

US plug-in sales slow

A lot of rain here: 85mm in my gain gauge today, 118mm at the official Moruya weather station. The local record for the wettest May has already been shattered. It was 157mm, but we're already at 226mm and not even half way through the month. It seems probable that this is part of .

On the plus side, my emergency flood mitigation works have been largely successful and my garage did not get flooded again. Permanent measures will be installed in the coming months.

Buddha taught us to be happy with less. How does this apply to the climate crisis Bhikkhu Sujato and Nadine Levy

How long can federal budgets keep ignoring a deeper truth
By Gareth Hutchens

How long can federal budgets keep ignoring a deeper truth about economics Without a healthy natural world, human societies won't flourish.

The differential impact of climate interventions along the political divide in 60 countries

The authors assess the differential impact of 11 climate interventions across the ideological divide. At baseline, they found that political polarization of climate change beliefs and policy support globally, with people who reported being liberal believing and supporting climate policy more than those who reported being conservative.


Climate scientists have told the Guardian they expect catastrophic levels of global heating. Heres what that would mean for the planet

(IMO: Wars bring 100 thousands to millions of dead and destruction,
pandemics bring millions to dozens of millions of dead,
climate change may bring billions of dead and millions of species extinct)

"It's over."

connectivity disrupted to , due to near and N.W.T.


  • MyTrueNorthNow:

  • :

  • :

12.05.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Space Weather Update Report S0 News May.11.2024

... impact 6 hits tonight, 7 tomorrow ...

And nuclear plants are NOT equipped to handle temperature rise or storm surge from . Get rid of and , build SOLAR where it's sunny (like the desert), and use , , and where appropriate. It's a bit of a no-brainer, if you ask me. Why not use what we have And also be frugal with the ENERGY we do produce -- rather than waste it on Crypto and AI!

Dawn on Lavender Federation Trail, South Australia. Indian summer, wide open paddocks waiting for rain. Driest Feb to May in a century

Western Alaska had another high precipitation early spring this year, making six out of the past seven March-Aprils with high end precipitation. I've got a Alaska and Arctic Climate Newsletter posted that investigates "is this just random variation or is something different."

A monumental victory for humanity and the environment: UN member states have, after prolonged negotiations, reached an agreement on the first treaty dedicated to protecting the High Seas.

A positive step forward for both people and the planet. Let's maintain this momentum.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks