Wide-ranging introduction by Mark Coeckelbergh followed
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Wide-ranging introduction by Mark Coeckelbergh followed by the first talk by Aimee van Wynsberghe set out a good overview and introduction to the global nature and scale of the complicated relationships between AI tech and sustainability.

Nice to see that the first question highlights "small AI" work, ecologically focused work outside the mainstream big tech.

Red Flags on Climate: U.S. Methane Emissions Keep Climbing

Satellite data shows the U.S. releasing more and more of the potent greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, researchers said, despite pledges to cut back


Civilisation costs the earth.

Episode one hundred and forty-eight is up now! Today's songs are If Not Now, Then When by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard.

I discuss the very clear messaging in the song's lyrics, how it contrasts with the funky music, and the incredible and disturbing music video.

Tesla's Scope 1 total carbon emissions reached 211,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCOe) in 2023. The amount was 202,000 mtCOe in 2022.
A typical passenger petrol vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of CO2 per year.

So you could drive your current petrol car for 45,869 years before reaching the same impact.

Of course it may break down before that but then you could take the bus.

Climate Change

Global Investor Statement, signed by 534 financial institutions:

The climate crisis is amplified by inaction and underinvestment in the sustainable management of water resources nature and biodiversity and adaptation to climate change

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Study Finds Amazon Fires Nearly 30 Times Likelier Due to Climate Change

Researchers found that the western Amazon, including areas in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, Perus Loreto department, and Bolivias La Paz and Beni departments, is now 20 to 28.5 times more prone to fire compared to a scenario without climate change

Amazing work from my team mates at NZZ: a look at how the landscape in will change due to in about fifty years, using gorgeous visualisations. (In German, possible paywall)

After partial dissociation, climate activists say U. still has fossil fuel ties

A new report by student-run climate advocacy group Sunrise Princeton argues that, despite having cut ties with certain major fossil fuel producers two years ago, the University continues to invest in, profit from, and produce research that serves the interests of fossil fuel companies.

If you choose the path of preservation, eventually youll find yourself inside of a beehive, a dimension full of honeycombs and bees, The Bumblezone.

Ill explain this more in another post, but to briefly explain it here, in , all of the animals and most of the enemy mobs have gone extinct due to climate chaos over the 1000 years you slept. Through the course of the progression you bring animals back to life by opening gateways from the Gateways to Eternity mod and fighting waves of enemies from each dimension you go to. Theres other ways to bring specific life back like bees, sheep, cows, etc. You find the bees in this beehive.

Imagine a world without bees. Here is a story: The world is dying. We are watching it burn before our eyes, and we can't do anything about it. Most people have grown bitter and hopeless. The majority of us are burnt out and broke, and the ones who aren't are either purposefully ignorant of the crisis we are in, or actively contributing to our planet's demise.

A lot of us are feeling somber tonight, as it was just announced that the last flower on earth had died. The bees and other pollinator species died out a while ago, and with no pollination, all manner of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and other plants stopped reproducing. This massively increased the cost of food and widened the already enormous gap between the rich and everyone else. Companies started offering meals as benefits for employment, adding to the list of ever growing 'benefits' of being a good little consumer and a good little slave.

These our lives now - We wake up, give ourselves a pep talk, and go to work. We are good little cogs in our employer's, or better yet, our master's machine. When work is over, we eat our meals in our company's cafeterias, then go home and watch some tv to avoid crying. We walk to our bedrooms to try to sleep. We lie awake in bed, dreading tomorrow, trying to convince ourselves that we can do this, we just need to take it one day at a time, again, and again, and again, forever.

It didn't have to be this way. Why did these rich bastards do this to our planet She provides for us, she has given us everything we have. She takes care of us, and we should have taken care of her. But they didn't, and we are angry. I hope someone finds a way out of this nightmare."

Researchers are investigating the potential of ocean chemistry adjustments to combat global warming. This innovative approach could make the oceans a powerful ally in the fight against climate change.

This video of a lion in the snow was not on my 2024 bingo card.
We had some bad weather this past weekend in South Africa.
Its supposed to be spring.

Europes answer to migration a former colony with a government whose memory is sharp enough to remember the roads and buildings its master constructed in the past century but not the human beings it exploited in the past few decades.

Labour looks to fascists for answers to fueled movement of people.

Another masterful piece from Lea Ypi.

New Dutch fascist government that is
Denying the existence of

23.09.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

We are all a part of the gigantic electricity consumption problem. The data centres across Australia (over 200 of them) that hold all of the data we demand access to for our online lives, consume an enormous amount of energy. One good sized data centre can require the electricity needed to power 50,000 homes to run it. And we have over 200 of these data centres in Australia. Up to 15% of our total power needs by 2035 will arise from the demands of these data centres. Quite scary...

: What happens when -generated meets

Agreed, we need far more than just a swap to electric cars: railway-enabled large ferries, more enlightened forest policy, more cycleways, better and electric public transport, and above all a sensible agricultural policy.

One of the worlds largest exporters of oil, now has more electric than gas-fueled cars on its roads. Its aiming to become the first nation to end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2025 currently, 9 out of 10 cars sold are electric!

Six dead after record rain causes floods in Japan is real

The meat of this semi-long read is that there is another leg to climate change, and that is land use.

It had been lost in the translation (in the 70s) to the resentment of modelers that they missed important dynamics, politicians resistant to implications of land-use in climate change and media coverage feed back loops over the hot contest of co2 denial vs scientists.

Lol, imagine counting on data from previous decades about when anything climate-related will happen.

Our EV policy is doubly bonkers given that we aren't likely to meet our 2050 net C neutral target. Taxpayers are going to squeal when we spend billions to purchase O/S C credits, and 's reputation will suffer, sabotaging our exports.

Library - new on : Chapter Integrating Belowground Interactions into Seagrass Restoration Strategies - Bugnot, Ana B. Ferguson, Angus Fraser, Matthew W. Glasby, Tim M. Gribben, Paul E. Jackson, Emma L. Jongen, Renske Kendrick, Gary A. Martin, Belinda C. Marzinelli, Ezequiel M. Sherman, Craig D.H. Sinclair, Elizabeth A. Trevathan-Tackett, Stacey M. Vergs, Adriana Waycott, Michelle Wright,

Von der Leyens first 100 days: What shes promised, what it means and what shell really deliver #CompetitionandIndustrialPolicy #CybersecurityandDataProtection #ArtificialIntelligence #AgricultureandFood #EnergyandClimate #EuropeanDefense #Supercomputers #Sustainability #Climatechange #Cybersecurity #Farmerprotest

Making a Net Zero Society: Follow the Social Science


Also read:Ocean warming raises sea levels and has consequences for coastal populations (in Portuguese):

PBS Newshour on Project 2025 and NOAA This is Not Cool

A Playwright Asks Pointed Question about Climate Denial This is Not Cool

Video: Study shows coral bleaching in the oceans, affecting the entire marine ecosystem.

Extreme heat on the coast of the state of Alagoas, Brazil, kills corals and shocks scientists. 90% of the coral colonies are dead. This is unprecedented.

Another interesting bit from the Gates docuseries. Hes semi lecturing some college kids on wanting to tear down the existing thing when the replacement isnt prime time ready/scalable.

He says theres reason to still be optimistic well slow temperature increase.

One of the kids claps back and all I could think was sure its easy to be optimistic that well make a tiny correction when youre in the latter quarter of your life. Harder when youre youre in the first quarter

Among other things, destroying earths biosphere is bad for banking.

The Dutch banking group ING says it will stop lending to companies that arent decarbonising fast enough, and will immediately halt financing for those that continue to develop new oil and gas fields.

23.09.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Global Firms and Regions Lagging on Climate Targets

An annual report reveals that over 40% of major companies, cities, and regions have not set any goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Despite an increase in net-zero pledges, many entities lack detailed and robust transition plans. Only a small percentage meet all criteria for effective climate action

If youre a member of the top 1% of earners in the U.S., theres a fair chance your carbon footprint is bigger than you thought. A lot bigger. On average, 1,388 times bigger compared to someone in the bottom 50%. But dont worry if this is news to you. A new study says the vast majority of people dont know the true size of this inequality. explains:

In the southeast of Spain, the lack of rain is pushing the desertification. This year, in a lot of forests around the city of Murcia half of the trees have died.

El avanza. En el entorno de Murcia, los montes lucen colores otoales que por desgracia son terminales. En bastantes zonas ms de la mitad de los pinos estn irrecuperables. Las lluvias han sido muy escasas ya desde el verano del ao pasado. Un cambio radical en el paisaje.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks