"Why I've given up on humanity
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"Why I've given up on humanity saving itself from the dire effects of global warming"


Why some climate experts are criticizing whats happened at the COP28 climate conference

The countries use the right tone and say the right things, but in reality it's the same lack of action over and over and over again!

For anyone interested in biology, climate change, and decarbonising our food production take a look at

Great video by Dr Adam Levy (ClimateAdam) looking at the problems with carbon capture (but also looking at the cases in which it is useful and needed):

On :

"It's hailed as a compromise, but we need to be very clear what has been compromised," said Otto, who lectures at The Grantham Institute for Climate Change. "The short-term financial interest of a few have again won over the health, lives and livelihoods of most people living on this planet."

-Friedericke Otto

Also funny quotes about and donuts from .

Anche un bambino capisce che procrastinare l'abbandono del fossile motivato dal voler sostituire il suo giro economico con il nucleare.

Per la 4a gen. di nucleare (l'unica sensata) si parla del prossimo decennio: fantascienza.

Le rinnovabili sono pronte ed efficienti, ma sconvolgono il sistema economico.

I came to the sad conclusion ten years ago or so that politicians were unlikely to solve the problem by a plan to phase out fossil fuel use. The only way humanity will decrease global carbon emissions is if non-carbon-emitting technologies become cheaper than fossil fuel ones. If that sort of transition occurs, then the politicians will come in at the end with policies to mop up.

Personally, I still support a to speed such a transition.

Oil spill in Chennais Ennore Creek destroys livelihoods of fishers in eight villages

Environmental activists say this man-made disaster would have a long-term and far-reaching impact on the lives and livelihoods of fishers, their surrounding ecosystems, and microhabitats that are endemic to Ennore Creek.

Secondo Oil Change International, ENI prevede di aumentare lestrazione di petrolio e gas del 3-4% allanno fino al 2026. Nel 2022, la compagnia italiana ha investito circa 15 volte di pi nei combustibili fossili che nelle energie rinnovabili, pur registrando profitti record e dichiarando di essere leader nel contrasto alla crisi climatica.
In AZIONE alla sede di ENI per denunciare i suoi crimini climatici!

#Eni #Clima #ClimateChange #CriminiClimatici #CrisiClimatica

... for deliberations on the marketing of study drugs, the sponsor will make their pitch and provide their evidence ...

But they don't have a vote and they don't chair the review.

The reason is obvious: Because of conflict of interest and the critical importance that the decision is right for who will receive the drug into their blood and experience the side effects.

Aftonbladet Vrldens farligaste rovdjur: oljelobbyisten

COP28: "The UAE Consensus"calls for transition away from fossil fuels by 2050  
The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) has concluded with an agreement named The UAE Consensus, that sets out an ambitious climate...........

Umesh Prasad

The only way to truly judge if this was in any meaningful way, a success is if we see a distinct drop in co2 emissions over the next couple of years. If it continues to go up, it is by definition a failure.

EverythingElectricShow:Do Solar Panels Ruin Old Buildings!

A U.N. climate deal that approved a call to transition away from fossil fuels has been hailed by some as a milestone, but climate scientists say that does not reflect the limited ambition of the agreement, which could put limiting dangerous warming beyond reach.

was the pharmacist in charge of selecting the right ingredients to prepare a cure for a patient dying from a terminal disease.

Instead of just taking the right ingredients recommended by the best available scientific knowledge, COP28 decided to listen to all charlatans and also the coffin manufacturer and the undertaker in town.

After overnight work, the result was a potion with ALL available ingredients in it.

So pleased there are night trains into from , the network is growing! There's a certain romanticism that has never left the , often economic benefits, and SO. MUCH. LESS. CO2 compared to flying!

I look forward to making the most of them next year

It was an extraordinary COP Summit in a year characterized by record-breaking temperatures combined with El Nio, producing a climatic carnage in Africadeaths from fatal floods in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, and Libya, where floods wiped out a quarter of a city...

If you ever wonder why we can't fix anthropogenic or why the rising wave all around the world seems unstoppable, you have to look no further than the enthusiasm with which users welcome the news of testing in .

I maintain a presence at The Other Place because many good people still post there. But I refuse to add value to the platform, so I long ago stopped posting or replying.

I very much enjoy Mastodon, but do find that I have to work a bit more at building my network here. My latest strategy is to search for hashtags that reflect the kind of attitude Im looking for, and then befriend the authors of some of the better posts.

Maybe youre doing this already, maybe youre not. But I suggest that it might be a good idea to choose hashtags that are likely to attract your preferred tribe. For example, is a bit generic, but for me anyone posting about is likely to be someone that I want to hear more from.

Green Our Planet

Il modello delle COP si sta rivelando scarsamente efficace e deve essere necessariamente riformato. Trovo interessante la proposta di sostenere l'organizzazione di COP continentali o sub-continentali da tenersi durante l'anno per arrivare all'evento internazionale con delle sintesi omogenee mirate a promuovere l'azione climatica a livello locale

Commissioned illustration by Coline Cadilhac for "The Shipyard" game.
See more of Coline's portfolio at

The Shipyard will be developed in Godot engine and serve as an educational platform on pollution-free shipping, inspiring people to build and operate a sailing fleet for a livable planet.

Post On COP28 agreeing to "transition away" from fossil fuels

Just imagine if it had taken 28 years and counting to actually do the things that were needed to stop ozone layer depletion, as the global rulers have for climate change.

This is stating the obvious. A mediocre and lukewarm bare minimum which comes 30 years too late. An iconic example of COPs inadequacy to address the urgency.

How can one dare to celebrate this and at the same time not mention the aberrant results in , which ensure business as usual for everyone especially the fossil fuel industry but also including all charlatans and which were even decided without island nations in the room

Phasing out the burning of fossil fuels is also something we can easily do and we can begin doing it right now!

No miracles needed to do this. We have the technologies. We have the resources. We have the skills. The price is affordable. The transition is doable."

to Protect Children from the Impacts of !

The end of the COP28 climate summit has seen representatives from nearly 200 countries agree to start reducing global consumption of fossil fuels to avert the worst of climate change, signalling the eventual end of the oil age.

The deal to transition away from fossil fuels represents the first time oil, coal and gas have been mentioned in COP agreements since the annual summits began almost three decades ago.

Read more:

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COP28 concludes with contentious 'transition away' from fossil fuels pledge

"Somebody here has had a successful COP, that's the 2,000 lobbyists. And you know, we're given crumbs to celebrate, but it's like asking us to celebrate flowers that will lie on our graves, you know, how do we celebrate that"
- Brianna Fruean, a Samoan climate activist

We are witnessing the coalescence of GLOBAL autocracy. At the risk of sounding new-agey woo-wooish, we are being given a chance to make a choice at a species level. What kind of humans are we going to be What kind of planet do we wish to inhabit

Anthropogenic climate change is breaking property insurance.

A neurotropic flu virus is breaking life insurance.

Actuarial math is .

This will all end well.

Elephant in the room: The US militarys devastating carbon footprint

The US military emits more than entire industrialised nations like Portugal and Denmark, yet evades scrutiny.

Strong words from the Minister.
Now the actions need to be so strong they make the words look like soggy tissues.


"If you think about what you had for breakfast this morning, all of it came thanks to nature and much of it thanks to insects. If you had berries, almonds, a tea or a coffee, that wouldn't have happened without insect services. So there goes your entire
Dr. Roberto Salguero-Gmez, Associate Professor in Ecology
>>"Climate change causing 60% of plants and insects to fall out of sync"

So this is Minister for Energy & Climate Change speaking at

Looking forward to this being actioned here in

"transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems, in a just, orderly and equitable manner, accelerating action in this critical decade".


We will systematically accelerate our narrative of doing some things whilst actually doing things in our own sweet time.
And boy are we sick of you being so critical in this decade.

Researchers use deep learning to enhance spatial temporal resolution coarse precipitation maps: New AI method developed by researchers at KIT improves precision of global climate models, helping to forecast and prepare for natural disasters.


After COP28's central document was approved on Wednesday, Samoa's lead delegate delivered a critical assessment of the agreement's flaws and pointed out the Pacific Islands delegates were not even in the room when the deal was done.

How physicians are preparing for and extreme heats impact on human health.

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