Why is US energy demand soaring
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Why is US energy demand soaring putting climate goals at risk

New industries such as cryptocurrency and cannabis are boosting industry forecasts, straining efforts to cut emissions.

Bill McKibben - The Crucial Years: How Not to Act in an Emergency

Forget AI--we need some human intelligence

John Ketchum, CEO of utility NextEra Inc., told attendees that US power demand, which has been relatively flat for years, is poised to increase by 81% over the next five years. Toby Rice, chief of the largest US driller, EQT Corp., cited a prediction that will gobble up more domestically than households by 2030.

Persistent drought is drying out Chile's drinking water

After 15 years of a devastating drought, reservoirs in Chile are running dry, imperiling access to drinking water in the Andean nation. The Cogoti reservoir in the Coquimbo region of northern Chile, a basin with a capacity of 150 million cubic has completely depleted as the southern Hemisphere summer comes to an end......

La plante au bord du gouffre aprs une dcennie record de chaleur, alerte l
Records battus concernant la chaleur des ocans, llvation du niveau de la mer.. 2023 a conclu la dcennie la plus chaude jamais enregistre.

7000 baleines bosse mortes de faim en seulement 9 ans cause des canicules marines
Elles taient le symbole de la rsurrection dune espce depuis la fin de leur chasse.

School of Social & Policy Studies at Tel Aviv University is hiring or researching and teaching in the areas of and the .

Biden administration issues new rules aimed at cutting vehicle carbon emissions, boosting EV sales

The new standards will avoid more than 7 billion tonnes of planet-warming carbon emissions during the next three decades and provide nearly $151 billion in annual net benefits, according to the EPA but they could be rolled back if Donald Trump is returned to office.

The Staggering Ecological Impacts of Computation and the Cloud
By Steven Gonzalez Monserrate

Over the past few weeks, we've had some pretty hectic heatwaves over the central parts of . Scientists say we ain't seen nothing yet. :(

These things we can do, not to stop , but to adapt to a changing . It is the kind of we need to do now, in the UK, to survive the changes in the weather that are happening now and which will only get worse.

Easter eggs costs rise as climate change hits crops An effect of .

Climate Change

Extreme heat at work can double stillbirth risk, India study finds An effect of .

All right, now we really do need to do something! prices rising due to poor yield linked to !

More climate records fall in world's warmest February

Last month was the world's warmest February in modern times, the EU's service says, extending the run of monthly records to nine in a row.

Each month since June 2023 has seen new temperature highs for the time of year.

#ioxide concentrations are at their highest level for at least two million years, according to the UN's climate body, and increased by near-record levels again over the past year.

is reporting that this year's crop of chocolate Easter Eggs is delivering more expensive or smaller Easter Eggs. And it's blaming .

Sorry, , but if is delivering smaller chocolate Easter Eggs, the proximate cause is conscious marketing decisions by manufacturers not the .

That's not good.

We're going to need a bigger Y Axis.

> The tropics just had its hottest day on record on March
> 13th, reaching 26.87C, barely beating the previous
> record of 26.83C on April 24th, 2016.

> That's right, there's over a month of heating ahead before
> the Tropics hits its yearly peak.

"The time scale of the is not as fast as the atmosphere, Saulo said at a news conference. Once a change is established, I would say its almost irreversible in time scales that go from centennial to millennial.

": Deutschland muss bei vorangehen

Die Weltorganisation fr Meteorologie () warnt in ihrem aktuellen Bericht: 2023 war das heieste Jahr seit Aufzeichnungsbeginn. Deutschland stehe in der Pflicht, seine zu reduzieren, sagt Klimaforscher vom Alfred-Wegener-Institut."

Climate Change Is Causing Trees To Struggle To Breathe

Climate injustice is in full swing. Climate Change Made an Early Heat Wave in West Africa 10 Times as Likely

"A transition strategy reset is urgently needed and my proposal is this: We should abandon the fantasy of phasing out oil and gas and instead invest in them adequately reflecting realistic demand assumptions,"

They obviously give a fuck. At least they stop greenwashing and are honest.

very far from target to plant 3B trees, Commission admits

Australians fear moving from where they live due to climate disasters
By Tyne Logan

The majority of Australians have lived through a climate disaster and they are increasingly afraid of having to move away from the place they live due to extreme weather events, a new survey by the Climate Council shows.

Climate change unleashing torrent of infectious disease threats, physicians caution

( affects so many things that will affect our lives )

Who is "we" in this context

As a member of Ora Taiao NZ Climate & Health Council
and a reader of IPCC reports, I use .

As NASA says global warming and climate change are sometimes used interchangeably, but "global warming" is only one aspect of climate change.

Global warming refers to the long-term warming of the planet. Climate change includes global warming and a broader range of changes happening to our planet.

Have we crossed some

> ".. no year has confounded climate scientists predictive capabilities more than 2023 has."

> ".. no combination of them has been able to reconcile our theories with what has happened."

> "We need answers for why 2023 turned out to be the warmest year in possibly the past 100,000 years. And we need them quickly."

Sets Tough Auto Rules While Easing Automakers' Path to EVs

"The new rules will help prevent more than 7 billion tons of emissions causing ... The union also thanked the administration for taking seriously the concerns of workers and communities."

'Want to be an effective climate communicator Ditch the doom.

Not only is it bad science, doom and gloom messaging was the absolute worst for motivating action and among the worst for changing climate change beliefs or support forpolicies. '

from (Exec Dir Project Drawdown) via LinkedIn

If the committee had a section for instead of economics maybe we theoretical ecologists would have had the means to pressure economists to do better work than this stuff.

Yet another article that will become a teachable moment.


Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Next-Generation Geothermal Power

Next-generation geothermal technologies can expand geothermal power by more than a factor of 20, providing 90 GW or more of clean firm power to the grid by 2050 across the U.S.

, , , , ,

"We have a template from our recent history in which the good people of Alberta came together from across the political, socioeconomic & rural/urban divide to stop bad environmental policy with the wildly successful effort against new coal projects in 2021."


Its especially rich that the logo for , an org that trains LLMs so is massively accelerating , uses a sakura blossom. Sakura are suddenly blooming earlier each year due to climate change.

Tasmanias tall eucalypt forests will be wiped out by heatwaves unless we step in to help them

>Tasmanias tall eucalypt forests are globally significant. They accumulate carbon faster than any other natural forest ecosystem in the world.

>We cannot ignore the risks of a warming climate.


Tim looks old enough to have been around long enough to be well aware that's exactly what we are doing, and we're still increasing emissions, so I am not sure why he'd write that We'd rather destroy the biosphere then not fly and ride a bicycle and that leads me to this bit from the article.


>The forest supports unique tourism experiences and an emerging opportunity for big tree tourism.


This is insanity! It's a dog whistle to massive carbon emissions. Tas. is at the arse end of the planet and anyone coming here needs a huge emissions footprint. Even experts are seemingly able to hold two completely different concepts in their head simultaneously we need to take emissions seriously to protect it but we need to emit vast quantities to protect it. Locals aren't enough to support it, the state has a small population no useable public transport (smaller then the City of The Gold Coast) and is mostly poor, overwhelmingly old and poorly educated. (I live here)

Here's a tip, don't visit Tas, stay close to home, keep your emissions foot print super low and vote Green in an attempt to move the Overton window.

Earth 2: NVIDIAs next-gen AI weather oracle for the entire planet New Atlas

NVIDIA is utilizing accelerated computing to drive environmental sustainability initiatives and climate action through the Earth-2 platform.

Scotlands pledge to cut emissions by 75% by 2030 no longer credible

How do halibut migrate Clues are in their ear bones

This makes me so angry.
I don't watch cable news at all, but the news sources I do follow have had a number of puff pieces about how beautiful the cherry blossoms are that are blooming now.
Um, AHEM, in Japan and most of the U.S., cherry blossoms (sakura) are not supposed to bloom until roughly mid-April, making these blooms a month early.
Global warming not a thing
Bitch, please.

message from scientists

As the repeated failure of COP shows, those in power will not follow the science, & are willing to sacrifice our future, & the future of younger generations.
Turning instead to the general public, scientists wrote a letter urging everyone to engage in collective climate action. Both history and the present have shown that strong social movements shape our reality. If we want to avoid the worst impacts of climate breakdown, we must all become climate advocates and activists.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks