Why clearing out spoiled food may
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Why clearing out spoiled food may not be enough after disasters

While people may think they can just open the fridge and clean it out, food that has been spoiled for even just a few days could lead to more than just a bad smell. Some experts say it may be wise to toss out the fridge altogether.

Floods, storms and changing coastlines: how a warmer world is impacting Ireland

Five graphics which show how Ireland, county by county, has been affected by climate change and how it could change in future

We should have better answers by now

Climate scientists baffled by unexpected pace of heating

The leap in temperatures over the past 13 months has exceeded the global heating forecasts is this just a blip or a systemic shift

Plant trees and save the planet.

David Keith zag ei3 gebeurtenis als bevestiging van een idee dat zijn levenswerk is geworden: hij gelooft dat door opzettelijk zwaveldioxide vrij te laten in de stratosfeer, het mogelijk zou zijn om de temperaturen wereldwijd te verlagen, waardoor de opwarming van de aarde zou worden afgeremd. Volgens de New York Times krijgt zijn idee steeds meer bijval.

Greenhouse gases are undeniably warming the planet. The Paris Agreement, a legally binding treaty, aims to cap global temperature rise at 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.
However, with emissions continuing to climb, this climate goal is out of reach.

The treaty's lack of enforcement has driven a surge in litigation, with 2,666 cases filed globally by the end of 2023about 70% since 2015, according to the Grantham Research Institute.

"The probability of extreme fire seasons of these magnitudes has increased significantly due to anthropogenic climate change, with a 2.93.6-fold increase in likelihood of high fire weather in Canada and a 20.028.5-fold increase in Amazonia. By the end of the century, events of similar magnitude to 2023 in Canada are projected to occur 6.310.8 times more frequently under a mediumhigh emission scenario (SSP370)."

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 1.10C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

Face aux fortes chaleurs, des infrastructures plus fragiles
Aude Martin
34 minutes

Lurgence de ladaptation Sans infrastructures rsilientes aux chocs climatiques, pas dconomie rsiliente. Intgrer le futur du climat dans les oprations de maintenance est une premire priorit

(texte disponible en mode lecture )

Dezeen : "Design as we know it is doomed, but that's a good thing for designers"

A sign of corruption = fossil fuel executives at climate talks.

The Job (description) of a fossil fuel executive is to sell fossil fuels. A , , company is a business that's aiming to sell fossil fuels

The point, according to the , of having a conference, is to phase out all fossil fuels, so as to mitigate the detrimental impacts of anthropogenic

A fossil fuel executives agenda's don't align with those goals (evidently)

I updated my plot of annual average temperatures in Kumamoto, Japan (where I live) since 1900. Since 1980, Kumamoto is warming 3 times faster than between 1900 and 1980. It has definitely already pushed through the 1.5C threshold here. Data from the Japan Meteorological Agency.

USA Foundation sent $544,010 btw 2013 & 2022 to org's sharing an agenda of building conservative power, inc restricting access to abortions, creating school lesson plans downplaying & policies aimed at overhauling the federal govt

How climate change has pushed our oceans to the brink of catastrophe.

The oceans have absorbed much of the excess heat. The latest observations suggest they are reaching their limits, so how worried should we be

Whats going on. .

"But this natural sequence of establishment has been broken, as the and conditions become more habitable. More than 100 plant species have invaded already."

"None so deaf as those who will not hear."

Another warning. This by Swedish scientist, chief scientist at Conservation International.

The Tipping Points of Climate Change and Where We Stand Johan Rockstrm TED

Definitely some stuff going on. I can't recall the last time our Augusts were green and had multiple rain showers. And we certainly never had Julys that were in the 90s (fahrenheit) nearly the entire month.

Luft in Norwegen

Hey peeps!

The NJ League of Conservation Voters reports 50+ people came out in support of at a meeting yesterday, & Atlantic City & Egg Harbor Township voted in favor of local projects crucial to making the Atlantic Shores Wind Project a reality.

TODAY is the final day for EPA public input & big oil/gas is flooding the EPA with negative comments.

Please comment NOW in support this NJ project!

Its going to be too hot to work in the studio today so fuck it, lets go to the beach.

I wasn't worried about climate change. Now I am.

The basic fact is you can be solar powered all night long with todays accounting, and thats absurd.

Great read on the impact and number games Big Tech wants to play on their carbon footprint.

The question no one seems to be asking is "what is it going to take to get the politicians to act appropriately"

Everyone knows the issue.
Everyone can see the damage.
But the politicians keep putting off real action.

country soon to be submerged by produces weird politics

Why I don't moralize on : Science is good at describing what something is & predicting things. Science is bad at prescribing what we ought to do.

Normative prescriptions, moral judgments, laws, & politics are & not science.

Scientists lecturing on , , norms, morality, etc., are entering . Scientists can tell you the likely outcome. They can tell you what something is. They can't tell you what you should do.

16.08.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

As someone who studies microbiology, it always strikes me that "germs" are so evolved yet not intelligent or conscious. Take , for example.

Intelligent civilizations might self-destruct before they can spread beyond their own planet. Stable forms of life throughout the universe might not be intelligent or technologically advanced.

, who is an advocate for space colonies, is also a significant driver of societal collapse.

As a biologist, I wonder if we are living through a solution to the . There are more non-intelligent beings on this planet than intelligent beings, and the intelligent speciesusare driving ourselves to extinction.

This is an empirical example of how the most evolved things aren't necessarily the most intelligent. There is no teleological point where things will evolve to be intelligent. Intelligent life might end up wiping itself out.

It was all across the prairies last night. Had to buy my aging mom in Saskatchewan an air cleaner. Can I send the bill to Suncore

So thats why we bought $300 billion of nuclear submarines.

Summary: & f*king the world for money + jobs for boys

Its important to note the fossil fuel companies have been working hard to prevent action on for decades. They have been successful.

From 2012:

Heres a paper from 2014 that details the vast sums being spent: An examination of these data shows that these 91 climate change counter-movement organizations have an annual income of just over $900 million.

From: ApaulD

Via the National Center for Science Education (NCSE):

Are you a teacher or graduate student who wants to work with NASA scientists on a project related to If so, check out these opportunities and apply by 8/30/24:

"Most models of the bodys response to heat focus on young, healthy people in the shade. But Jay and his teams model estimated the limits of survival in the shade and sunlight across ages and while people were resting or exercising. Among their results, they estimated WBT survival limits of between 26 C and 34 C for young people and 21 C to 34 C for older people."

Wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone Park in 1995 and back then there was only one beaver population - today there are nine. Amazing article about the complexity of ecosystems.

plans to occupy grounds

plan to create diversion with in fancy dress on Long Walk, allowing others to slip into out of bounds areas

Emma Gatten, Environment Editor 15 August 2024 5:15pm

protesters are planning three days of action at Windsor Great Park Credit: Steve Parsons/PA

Extinction Rebellion is encouraging elderly supporters to take part in mass in which the group plans to occupy restricted areas of Windsor Castles grounds, according to a report by security analysts.

The climate change protesters are planning three days of action at Windsor Great Park, the site of one of the Kings main residences. 

The grounds of the are also home to Adelaide Cottage, where the Princess of Wales has spent time recuperating from cancer.

Activists plan to create a diversion with protesters in fancy dress on the parks Long Walk, allowing others to slip into areas that are out of bounds to the public, according to security documents seen by The Telegraph.

The information was revealed after private investigators, acting on behalf of a local businesses, reportedly infiltrated online discussions by XR activists.

As as possible

In an online discussion, members of the XR leadership team said they wanted to make the protest as inclusive as possible, extending to elderly and disabled activists, according to the report by ASG Pivotal.

XR leadership members pointed out that elderly and disabled activists can contribute to the success of direct action. Others affiliated with the group said the optics of removing elderly or disabled activists were extremely challenging for the police.

The report also said activists affiliated with XR had discussed plans to target hotels and restaurants in Windsor town centre, while blocking local roads.

But in a statement XR said it does not have any plans to storm Windsor Castle, any hotels, nor cause public disruption during our three-day Upgrade Democracy event in Windsor.

The statement said: We wont be storming any castles but we will be hatching exciting plans to fix the current broken system that is burning down the planet.

Marijn van de Geer, of XR, added that the gathering was about uniting communities for positive change, not disruption or alienation.

"As long as there is , it will keep accelerating, he said of the permafrost erosion. So the solution is for us to stop climate change to stop emitting into the atmosphere.

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