Where in Europe do voters think
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Where in Europe do voters think climate change is a priority

Over half of European voters think climate action is a priority, exclusive Euronews poll reveals.

Its good to see the leader of a global superpower taking effective action on

Stop the deportation of a peaceful climate activist! - Sign the Petition! via UKChange

Plant trees and save the planet.

"Incredible moment Senator John Kennedy destroys Olympic skier Gus Schumacher after Democrats invited him to testify as 'expert witness' on climate change - and reads out his damning old tweets"

Sure, wanting to call out an "expert witness" for not being so, but what in the f* do tweets on the "war on drugs" or "abolishing the police" have to do with climate change

Nearly 130,000 children exposed to lead-tainted drinking water in Chicago.

Study says the 19% of kids using unfiltered tap water have about twice as much lead in their blood as they would otherwise.

Engaging in is the only chance we have to save the future of our planet and everyone on it.

Climate science denial is a proof that a candidate or leader cares nothing about the people of a country.

runs a crime syndicate engaging in terrorism inside and outside - selling oil and science denial to fund it.

Trump sells denial -- aided by media owners promoting denial by omissions - determined to avoid paying taxes by getting him elected again.

Plastic chemicals are inescapable and theyre messing with our hormones.

Researchers say the U.N.'s global plastics treaty must reduce production and protect public health.

Dezeen : Buildings biggest lever for improving global resource efficiency says UN report

: "This direct association made by Marx between the exploitation of the proletariat and the exploitation of the soil is a good starting point for thinking about the link between class struggle and the struggle to defend the environment, in a common struggle against the domination of capital.

After the exhaustion of the soil, the other example of ecological catastrophe frequently mentioned by Marx and Engels is the destruction of forests. It appears several times in Capital:

The development of civilisation and of industry in general has always shown itself so active in the destruction of forests that everything that has been done for their conservation and production is completely insignificant in comparison.7

The two phenomena the degradation of forests and that of the soil are closely linked in their analyses."


*...the global increase in the frequently of , including torrential like the ones currently taking place in was NOT something known as early as 1972.*



...but they might be large and include changes in precipitation, seasonal temperatures, wind systems, and ocean currents.

The possible effects on the ice cap are likewise unknownwhether it would increase because of an increase in precipitation or begin to melt, and how long it might take for such changes to occur, although we believe any such changes would take many centuries. "


..."Inadvertent Climate Modification, Report of the Study of Man's Impact on Climate" 2)


There, you find 25 "rain" hits. Reading them, it becomes clear that knowledge was very limited back then. No surprise, it doesn't talk about "extreme weather events" either:

"...especially in the Northern Hemisphere which would occur after the arctic sea ice melted are unknown,...


...The potential is mentioned only very vaguely:

"Thermal pollution may have serious climatic effects, worldwide, when it reaches some appreciable fraction of the energy normally absorbed by the earth from the sun."

The economically insightful study, just references to another study:...


I was curious. I searched for the Club of Rome's full text of 1) and then searched it for

- * rain*
- *precipitation*
- *weather*

no hits at all!. The report is about economics. It barely mentions and focuses just on in one part.


(complete epub version )


Mainstream Climate Science: The New Denialism - Jonathon Porritt

> This is a bit of a long one! So heres my Executive Summary so you can decide whether to commit the time to the rest of it: mainstream climate scientists run the risk of becoming the new climate deniers.

Una buona e una cattiva notizia. Cattiva: le emissioni globali hanno raggiunto un nuovo record nel 2023. Buona: laumento stato frenato in modo significativo dalla diffusione delle rinnovabili e delle auto elettriche. A certificarlo la International Energy Agency (IEA), che nel suo ultimo report ha analizzato landamento negli ultimi 5 anni, mostrando il ruolo delle tecnologie pulite nel contrastare la crisi climatica.

Over half of European voters think is a priority

More than half of European voters believe the fight against climate change is a priority, according to an exclusive Euronews-Ipsos poll.
A further 32 per cent said it was important but not a priority and 16 per cent believe the fight against is a secondary issue.

Progress on clean electricity

I was very lucky to see Sam Lee last night at the Old Woollen in Farsley. His voice is totally mesmerising and his beautiful adaptations of traditional folk songs from around these isles seep into your soul.

Between songs he spoke eloquently and passionately about the and

A short poem that I was inspired to write after a short drive running errands, and I was absorbed momentarily into the beauty of the natural world around me.

Mainstream Climate Science: The New Denialism - Jonathon Porritt

We know that when for-profit companies control fossil fuel supplies, they will do anything to maintain and increase use, regardless of the costs to humans and our environments. Including investing millions in deceiving and manipulating citizens and officials

So why isn't there serious debate about confiscating fossil fuel supplies without compensation, and putting them under public control

to for the link.

This past weekend, Liberal voters in Tasmania ensured continuing environmental destruction in that State and Climate Breakdown everywhere. Poor Fella my Country.

Safeguarding Americas Gateway to Space: Contingency Planning for Floridas Launch Facilities

#ClimateChange #Cybersecurity #Government #Infrastructure #IntellectualProperty #KennedySpaceCenter #Launch #LaunchOperations #LaunchServices #LaunchVehicles #NaturalDisasters #Policy #SpaceExploration #SpaceForce #Spaceports #Strategy #Technology #UnitedStates #EditorSPicks #Launch #Noteworthy #PolicyLawAndRegulation #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy


Winners and losers': The world of is being reordered by laws to stop cutting of forests

Why we must de-risk and embrace regenerative farming #Businessandcompetition #Greenhousegasemissions #Remediesandcommitments #agricultureandfood #Fruitandvegetables #AgricultureandFood #Climateneutrality #EuropeanGreenDeal #Riskandcompliance #Societyandculture #Competitiveness #Decarbonization #Sustainability #Climatechange #Biodiversity

I am surprised to learn several people I know who work very hard to pass strong goals to build climate resilience are not themselves willing to compromise enough to meet their own goals. For example, we can't just expect to continue living in sprawl and drive everywhere anymore. The cost -financial and environmental - is too damn high.

Their only PR strategy is to keep denying the seriousness of the climate disaster as long as possible.

The Financial Times reports that the world is 'now warming at a pace that scientists did not expect and, alarmingly, do not fully understand' and that in 2023 'more than 90% of the worlds oceans suffered heatwave conditions, glaciers lost the most ice on record and the extent of Antarctic sea ice fell to by far the lowest levels ever measured'.

Your Saviors Doomed Us All (Official Music Video) - Outersider

Industry shutdowns are messy and painful: 4 lessons Australias coal sector can learn from car-makers about bowing out

Climate models cant explain 2023s huge heat anomaly we could be in uncharted territory

Taking into account all known factors, the


The world is warming faster than scientists expected

Rethinking electricity grids

-Insert angry American noises about not being able to buy-

Higher crop yields --- with solar panels

Why dont respond to -level risks

is shifting the zones where grow

whoa this is cool as hell!!!! the new gig is working on for utility scale solar so excited to learn way more about the power grid

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks