Whats the cheapest electricity system thats
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Whats the cheapest electricity system thats reliable and will meet climate targets ... "According to the Australian Energy Market Operators Integrated System Plan , the answer to that question is to use solar and wind energy, backed by storage". Graham Readfearn, Guardian, 010923. Not nuclear, which is the LNP solution.

Why its so hard for Europe to stop buying Russian LNG

> European countries are buying more liquified natural gas from Russia than they did before its full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year,

Man is the most insane species. He worships an invisible God and destroys a visible Nature. Unaware that this Nature hes destroying is this God hes worshiping.

Hubert Reeves

Also this

People who celebrate burning stuff get their party pissed on by climate change.

Burning Man festival-goers told to conserve food and water

Activists across had been loudly warning back-to-back climate disasters can permanently end harvests:

The agricultural economy in all districts..is now three short crops in succession. Matured rice crops were swept away when the fields flooded in July, but over the next three months (i.e. Jul-Sep), we used to sow and harvest maize. Hopes for both crops are now gone.

It is about saving the planet too. Also other species, who are at risk of extinction from our actions.

Ours is a beautiful planet. We should at least try to reverse the damage that we've done.

The Silent Crisis: How is Silencing Photosynthesis. It's not just about saving trees it's about saving life on Earth!

The RSPB called out Goves new climate-wrecking plans but quickly climbed down

Fossil fuel subsidies skyrocket by $2 trillion! What does this mean for our Must-read!

Unpredictable weather patterns are making it increasingly difficult for African farmers to plan. In Ghana, where maize is the main food crop, erratic rains are causing drought and floods in quick succession, and a very short growing season in between.

Just read a story on NBC News where Florida governor rejected $350 million in Federal Funds meant to help tackle a few months before Hurricane hit.
I know people cant predict the future but Florida is one of the states effected by climate change the most. Why not help your state when its the one most hit by hurricanes every year
Terrible governing & he doesnt need to be anywhere near the White House. Yet, people are ignorant.

Climate Change

Australian govts & mining firms are cold-bloodedly contemplating the needless deaths of 5.3 million human beings many of them our own citizens from climate causes resulting from new Australian fossil fuels developments.

Australian govts have lately approved 3 new coal projects and have 28 more in the pipeline for approval.

Zimbabwes climate action plan: a win for the environment, health and energy

Africa's vast underground water resources are under pressure from climate change - how to manage them

"Nature" in other words, the ecosphere or biosphere the global ecological system, is life's foundational reality. Human infrastructure isn't a requirement for life on Earth

If a person spends virtually all their time in human-constructed infrastructure such as offices, factories, houses & vehicles, they will be physically, therefore psychologically, detached from - Influential decision-makers who are not aware of the foundations of life

El mapa de calor del Ayuntamiento de Madrid: descubre si vives en una zona con temperaturas extremadamente altas

El rea geogrfica del consistorio clasifica la ciudad en ocho niveles de confort climtico, segn les afecte el fenmeno de la isla de calor

El punto ms clido de Madrid est en medio de Malasaa: una plaza con 8C ms que la Casa de Campo

> the rain in Spain
> falls mainly in the plain

Time to read while walking on the treadmill I guess. I can't use the scooter like this.

a little background from 2017

> Floating on a lake over a collapsed coal mine, the power station in Anhui province can produce 40 megawatts of energy

Massive floating power plant up and running

> The world's largest floating photovoltaic power station was connected to the grid and started generating power in Anhui province on Sunday, with the remaining capacity to be connected in May, said China Three Gorges Corp, the world's largest hydropower producer.

Copernicus Methane Forecast Sept 2, 2023

Seasonal Trends for Canada...

Smoke forecasts

Voluntary Carbon Markets Experience First Decline in Seven Years as Companies Reduce Purchases and Forest Protection Projects Fall Short.

La crisis climtica lleva al planeta al verano ms caluroso jams registrado

Tras un junio y un julio de rcord, agosto cierra tambin con registros de temperatura nunca vistos. Espaa ha estado ms de la mitad de los das del mes pasado bajo los efectos de las olas de calor

Prof. Jason Box: "bigtime melt south Greenland ice. One year ago, the stake to the left was the height of the weather station to the right.
servicing PromiceGL climate recorders"

Edit: I'll add the Greenland readings for reference to this years melt.

I've been reflecting on this for awhile now, and as terrible as things have been this summer for heat and wildfires and toxic air, I think it also shows that we Canadians are well-prepared for in at least *one* particular way:

We are very, very good at discussing the weather!

Watching The Day After Tomorrow and it's like seeing an abridged version of the last 5 years. :(

"As climate change fuels more frequent and deadly blazes across the country, many officials are encountering risks that they didnt know existed a few years ago."

I am all for .

I dont disagree with the results of this poll at all.

The working class is being pushed to its limits.

The ownership class has a war chest of wealth that should be tapped to fund planet saving initiatives.


I get confused how a pollster can get this result yet also show a +40% support for a party that has as their only environmental policy to end carbon pricing which makes polluting cheaper and disincentivizes industrial emission reductions.

Blows my mind.


has been for this year

New is keeping with the fact it's turned into a .

A festival that'll be remembered by all attendees forever

The in the got rained on so heavily that the ground has turned to mud. Around 70000 people are now stuck & have been advised to conserve .

All roads in & out are halted, by state officials, due to excessive mud.

Who predicted this

Good article from MIT Technology Review : Its now possible to link change to all kinds of extreme weather, from droughts to flooding to wildfires.

165 million year old moss species, one of the first and oldest terrestrial plants on earth, is dying off due to

Some 70,000 festival attendees are stranded and are required to conserve food and water as there is no overland way in or out.

It's almost like something has changed big time, huh

"Burning Man has closed its entrance and exits gates and told its approximately 73,000 attendees to conserve food, fuel and water as continuing rains make driving off the Black Rock Desert near-impossible."

playing Laurie Andersons Oh Superman at the Clean Air Festival in

is due to start in a few minutes

The smoke from the fires is only a moderate health risk today, so a masked event seems to be setting a good example

workshop results in the background

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks