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What is a fossil fuel company like TotalEnergies doing on the rugby pitch Lets tell WorldRugby Rugbyworldcup to stop making deals with climate criminals now:

is REAL, these are bot accounts and astroturf for force an agenda.

I really hope they are..

"Its been clear during party conference season that the UK is about to enter an unprecedented on . At the conference, the question has been: is the party up to the fight"

Labours policies show party is spoiling for a fight on Labour The Guardian

Do you want to learn more about in connection with & Then join our lecture series on just this topic. Learn about the different aspects in three lectures on 2426 October. More info:

LE FILM "BIGGER THAN US" : des DOSSIERS PEDAGOGIQUES, des chiffres cls, des vidos sur lengagement, les tmoignages de nos personnages sur leur combat pour utiliser le film comme matriau denseignement.
Les kits pdagogiques

Rapport "Sensibiliser et former aux enjeux de la transition cologique et du dveloppement durable dans lenseignement suprieur" de Jean Jouzel enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr

The Guardian article was an interesting read, thank you for sharing.

What is important to recognize is that when Mann says "Climate Doomism Disregards the Science" he only talks about climate science. And sure, based on climate science there is still time to prevent catastrophic .

But that's not at the core of "doomist" arguments. That lies in other sciences: psychology, (ecological) economics and geopolitics. And here science is not so hopeful.

Just booked a trip to London (from Berlin). BA cost me 250 return. Sleeper train would have cost 850. That's just too much, even in return for doing my bit towards saving the planet :(

A part of my job, plan invasive plants control !
Today we're gonna get this Reynoutria out of the ground and deprive of sun the site

Look, I don't want to be alarmist but ...

"Hop yields could decline by as much as 18% by 2050, and their alpha acid content which makes beer bitter could decrease by up to 31% due to hotter and drier conditions"

Don't take away my IPAs, fight for .

An interesting Grist article on planning for heat-resilient cities

I wasnt the obvious choice: meet the oil man tasked with saving the planet

When Cop28 starts next month, Sultan Al Jaber will be front and centre. He is the United Arab Emirates choice to head up the climate talks and he also happens to be head of the national oil company. Whats the problem with that, he asks.

Here is the track and wind speeds of hurricane Lidia over the past 7 days.

Note the explosive intensification on Oct 10, as the hurricane raced over very warm waters.

Intense hurricanes are just one consequence of the excess heat stored in oceans due to global warming.

Other effects include ecosystem destruction, rain/drought pattern changes, sea ice loss, inability to absorb CO2 and ocean current disruptions.



The Climate Canary is seeking funds to complete the edits of the film of three women's science - you may be able to support them

Out of nowhere, I am remembering today how, around 2012, the UAH satellite temperature team used to add a sine wave regression to their global temperature plots to suggest the climate would soon cool. Really funny in hindsight

"Most positive climate news doesnt make very dramatic reading, and I usually find it in technical journals, tweets from scientists and policymakers, and climate-specific news services. Its often about incremental stuff, like that were deploying more wind and solar and using less fossil fuel to generate electricity. Or its about legislation or technical things like new battery storage materials or less polluting concrete formulas. Or it unpacks surveys showing that most people support climate action. Mostly they tell us that we have the capacity or are increasing the capacity to do what will limit the crisis. Theyre interim reports, and the public often seems to want final scores, to know how the story will end. We dont know because were deciding that now."


  1. Remember that your anxiety is rational, and it makes you more likely to act

  2. Reframe the issue, and keep humanitys resourcefulness in mind

  3. Focus on the changes that you can make

  4. Find community, and work together

  5. Be mindful about your media diet

  6. Remember that change can be incremental

  7. Look after your overall mental health

  8. Get professional help or support if you need it

Finally a tracker for major climate polluters excluded by financiers

Theres a buzz about sustainable fuels but they cannot solve aviations colossal climate woes
Even if the airline industry could make the shift, theres not enough land or renewable energy potential on Earth to produce all the sustainable fuels airlines need.

Ireland lays out plans for 100-billion sovereign wealth fund

Expect more air delays due to .

Ireland lays out plans for 100-billion sovereign wealth fund

Evacuations are underway in Argentinas Cordoba province as wildfires grow amid heat wave

Nuclear renaissance in Europe
As countries including France, the UK and Sweden look to pivot back to nuclear power to help them meet net-zero targets, questions remain over safety, radioactive waste and where theyll find the vast amounts of money and expertise needed to build and manage new reactors.

"HKH region feeds 12 rivers that flow through 16 nations, providing to nearly 2 billion people. Melting would be disastrous for them, causing , landslides, , and crop loss."

Also, cause rise in sea levels & mass migration. If the glaciers melts, two billion would run out of water.

Who would have thought that +1.5C global warming would also mean +10 in certain areas. Oh wait Yet another Summer day here.

brewing a complex life termination event

Surging Methane Suggests Earth Is Brewing An Ice Age Termination Event

I suppose because they, personally, have yet to die in a raging wildfire it isn't a serious problem

fr.de: Forschende finden Hinweis auf heftigen Sonnensturm und warnt: Knnte enorme Auswirkungen auf die Erde haben

Climate Change

A nuestra compaera Aina le reclaman 1.700 por ejercer su derecho a la protesta

Aydanos a defender a las activistas que luchan contra la Crisis Climtica

Aporta a la caja de resistencia en

nete a a Futuro Vegetal en

A nuestra compaera Nahia le reclaman 1.700 por ejercer su derecho a la protesta

Aydanos a defender a las activistas que luchan contra la Crisis Climtica

Aporta a la caja de resistencia en

nete a a Futuro Vegetal en

Aftonbladet: Vgglss sprider sig i Londons tunnelbanor och bussar

Spreading adaptation scenario theses on pub bathroom walls

Netherlands citizens forced 1) govt to tell truth Re amount of fossil fuel subsidies (not euro 4.5 billion, actually 39.7-46.4 billion every year) 2) politicians to ask their cabinet today to cut subsidies short.
First peaceful occupation of ministries. Next block major freeway every couple of weeks. Finally 27 days continuous blocked freeway. First with dozens, then 100s, then 1000s, then 10s of 1000s of people. 9000 arrests.

C'est la merde !

La bire moins bonne cause du changement climatique 

Climate crisis will make Europes beer cost more and taste worse, say scientists

(... when the world is running down you make the best of what's still around)

Article: 3 unusual ways renewable energy is giving farming a boost


Normal people read romance novels or thrillers to unwind before bed.

apparently read scholarly articles on the "Impact of on Eye Diseases and Associated Economic Costs".

Sweet dreams are most certainly NOT made of these, but I hope that well-informed fiction can help avert a nightmare.


Phoenix experienced its hottest and driest summer on record

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks