'We're asking the Premier League to
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'We're asking the Premier League to ditch domestic flights'

A Reporter at Large: The Promise and the Politics of Rewilding India.

(From Dec 2022)

Last chance revised
18" x 10

Alt Text: With calligraphic outlines - three trees having ochre hues contrasted against a hostile blue sky - only the center tree fully vertical.

How does the IPCC AR6 views , and Learn more form the lead author of the chapter on , and sustainable David Wrathall from Oregon State University on texts and subtexts of the report:

New publication

The study employed models and a approach to investigate for the end of the century

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Samantha Power spoke to my alma mater to say nothing but the most obvious about . It seems she didn't say anything most people who pay attention don't already know. No, I don't imagine the administrator of the U.S. Agency of International Development would have courage. No, being aware of that reality doesn't make me skeptical.

Here's a photo from five years ago, of the Floofbeast at Drumtochty. Today, other than the biting wind, it could be late spring. Today's high will be in the mid teens. I know there's a difference between weather and climate, but it just doesn't feel right for it to be so warm so early in the year.

clears first hurdle in and can now submit two full proposals. The successful & initiatives are studying the interdependence of and biodiversity as well as . dfgpublic

Green Our Planet

clears first hurdle in and can now submit two full proposals. The successful & initiatives are studying the interdependence of and biodiversity as well as . dfgpublic

Just got back from doing . I was somewhat shocked at the prices on olive oil. 1 litre of the stuff costs 8,29 at the moment, and that's even the lowest price I came across, which was around half the price of some expensive "bio" variants. That's all because of heatwaves ruining harvests in Southern Europe these last two years.

This is graffiti on a plant pot directly outside the "Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union" building. It's a big building. Everyone who comes in or out of the building through the front door sees it. Everyone who works in an office on the front side of the building sees it.
They don't care, of course. They're still killing it, and you. #ClimateChange

Happy New Home Zero Carbon Guildford!

Today, the award-winning community climate hub and Transition group gets the keys to their new high street premises.

It will be home to loads of projects helping folks explore how we build community and resilience together.

Over the next couple of weeks, busy volunteers will move in their , zero waste shop, exhibitions, community fridge, vertical farm, vegan cafe, energy & water projects and getting their buzzing events/workshops up and running.

Read more:

RT by : Happy

Wetlands are essential as they
Provide almost all our freshwater
Help mitigate
Are biodiversity hotspots

The provides a global opportunity to upscale their conservation, restoration &amp sustainable use


2024-02-02 08:30 UTC

Is your self-certified sustainability program ready to be 3rd party audited

This is so fascinating from so many angles. The reality (whether we are 1.3 or 1.5 C warmer than preindustrial) boils down to sea level temperatures in the 1800s, and how those were measured...

New 4 billion frameworks to provide low-carbon utilities infrastructure

SSE Digital Services: Enabling the energy transition through data and technology

The water supply for Mexico City is at critical levels due to drought. At current trends the Cutzamala system would reach day zero in 147 days (end of June) in which the system would not longer satisfy the citys and surrounding urban areas needs. The system is already operating at reduced flow.

Just like Dec, Jan 2024 turned out 2 B very mild.
Temps in were more than 4 degrees above average 4 a 2nd month in a row. Mean temperature 4 January 2024 was -5.3 degree Celsius compared to normal mean of -9.7 C.
Montreal did not record 1 single day w/ of -20 C city has not seen a -20-degree reading yet this winter. Coldest temp recorded so far this season was -17.4 C on Jan 20

"When we think about climate futures, we predict that will go up, which in theory is good for plants because those are the molecules they breathe in," Lloyd said. "But we've shown there will be a tradeoff that some prevailing models don't account for. The world will be getting warmer, which means plants will be less able to draw down that CO2."

I put this graph on the side of my bike for exactly this reason. Stop driving.

"Extraction of raw materials to rise by 60% by 2060, says report" - Exclusive - "Report proposes action to reduce overall demand rather than simply increasing production - ... The stripping of Earths natural materials is already responsible for 60% of impacts, including land use change, 40% of air impact, and more than 90% of global stress and land-related loss, says the report, due to be released in February ... Higher figures mean higher impacts, he said. In essence, there are no more safe spaces on . We are already out of our safe operating space and if these trends continue, things will get worse. events will simply become much more frequent and that will have ever more serious financial and human costs.

- World Day - 2 February 2024 - Wetlands and Human Wellbeing - "World Wetlands Day is celebrated each year on 2 February to raise awareness about wetlands. This day also marks the anniversary of the Convention on Wetlands, which was adopted as an international treaty in 1971. Nearly 90% of the worlds wetlands have been degraded since the 1700s, and we are losing wetlands three times faster than forests. Yet, wetlands are critically important ecosystems that contribute to biodiversity, climate mitigation and adaptation, freshwater availability, world economies and more." - The World Wetlands Day awareness campaign is organized by the Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands

I've previously criticised Christiana Figueres for not being radical enough, but what she writes here is excellent.

"In its current form, the global economy reflects a chronic neglect of our inner world and what human beings hold most dear. We reward competition instead of cooperation. We reward environmental destruction instead of regeneration. We reward short-term gains instead of long-term peace and prosperity for future generations."

A woman was attacked by a shark in Sydney Harbour this week a rare occurrence for this time of year.

So, why did this incident occur Is Australia experiencing a rise in shark attacks And how can we stay safe in the water

We asked Dr Leonardo Guida for the facts here is 60 Seconds of Science. Click below to watch in full

We will see more articles like this if things in France (and most likely elsewhere) don't change for the better. Climate change makes growing organically more challenging, consumer spending power has declined and they refuse to pay more for organic products, so prices have fallen, resulting in lower farm income. Organic production often means lower yields, compounding the pressure on farm gate values.

Yesterday, we generated a little over 5kWh of power. This was around 7% of our usage - but that includes running the electric car and the . This is in the UK, at the start of February. And with 2/3 of our array still shaded because of the low sun angle.

This makes me happy. It only gets better from here.

Governments urged to 'take control' of green energy transition as community backlash grows
By Jane Norman

Poor engagement and consultation have led to "material distrust" of renewable energy developers in regional communities, a much-anticipated review reveals, calling for the government to take back the reigns of Australia's stalling green energy transition.

It's 68 F degrees in February at night. It should be cold enough for ice to form on the surface of water at night.

Water comes from all four sides: how Rotterdams tidal park protects the city

The saying goes that God created the world but the Dutch created the Netherlands.

In a move to do even less than 'no where near enough' to prevent an escalating , bows down to pressure from business people, & says it will 'ditch the 28bn annual green investment pledge, party sources say

Why are these political parties so predictably dumb Why will they only get deadly serious about mitigating when the world is in a 'too late' to prevent a climate crisis period

The why is explicit. Ignorance, greed & corruption.

An underwater vehicle has disappeared without a trace as it explored under the "Doomsday Glacier" in Antarctica.

The 23-foot unmanned underwater vehicle (AUV), named Ran, was on a mission studying the Thwaites Glacier when it went missing this weekend.

The World Bank has approved new initiatives to allow member countries hit by natural disasters and other shocks to quickly access emergency funds from their existing loan programs.

Climate Readiness Framework for Coastal Cities

New Evidence Reveals Fossil Fuel Industry Sponsored Climate Science in 1954

"In 2022, 200 billion litres of fresh water was used by just the big 4 oil companies. And so, I guess the the fair question to ask here is if it's up to municipal to carry all this weight when the industrial is gulping down so much"


Scientists Try to Assess Wars Impact on Environment, Climate Change (VoA News VIDEO)

> New-wave reactor technology could kick-start a renaissance and the US is banking on it.

The article is mostly a fluff piece on how the US is 'falling behind' in applying and supplying nuclear tech compared to Russia and China. Little discussion of downsides like proliferation or waste.

Still, I think nuclear power remains an important piece in the decarbonization jigsaw puzzle.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks