We are being ripped off left
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We are being ripped off left and right, we are one of the lowest paid regions in the UK, we are in the middle of a serious cost of living crisis and our public services are a mess expecting us to pay more for energy because "climate change" is a hard sell. Do better.

Fewer in NI willing to pay more for greener energy

Ursalers do RS, segurem a onda a e dem um al para mostrarem que esto em segurana. Pessoal de SC, j coloquem os mveis em lugares altos, porque a chuva brava chega a. Resto do Brasil, bebam gua, porque vamos fritar.

Climate Change

begin to remake who we are and how we live

Greek summer threat nears, outpacing plans to contain it

This is possibly the longest question I've ever asked but here goes. Do candidates for jobs at oil and gas companies have to pass a psychological test to determine whether or not they're sociopathic or psychopathic, a positive outcome resulting in employment and a negative one, rejection

When viewing such impacts of I am convinced we can't reduce CO2 fast enough. Therefore I wrote a blog on how we should start a path toward stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) yesterday.
SAI can cool the earth in 2 years and keep temperature steady even if CO2 keeps rising.

Please read the blog before you disagree
And sorry, its very long and thorough

Camarade cologiste !

Pour soutenir un mdia en devenir, documentant les luttes.

Pour faire contrepoids au capitalisme et lextrme-droite, les deux faces dune mme pice.

Cest par ici :

Je compte sur toi pour, minima, faire passer la bonne parole.

Storm front brings much-needed rain across southern Western Australia
By Bridget McArthur and Kate Forrester

A potato farmer says he has turned his six pumps off as rain gives his crops a much-needed drink that has spread across much of his region.

02.05.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Editorial in Dawn - Pakistan's oldest English Daily:

"The writing is on the wall. The time for incremental steps is over. The scale of the challenge requires bold, decisive actions that reflect the urgency of the moment."

Another setback for the kids' climate change lawsuit Juliana vs. the US. May not be all over yet. .

on our grief & sadness at our environmental destruction of our planet as weve known it: A cup of tea and a biscuit for the end of the world

Jennifer Sensiba is working to raise awareness and bring more charging stations to the National Parks through her Charge to the Parks project.

In light of Emo sabotaging Teslas Supercharger network by firing its entire team, supporting this GoFundMe for Sensibas efforts is an easy way to make a difference in the space. Join me in donating if you are able, or share!

We need to do this in

Cities & states have filed a slew of lawsuits against big oil for alleged deception.

A Nuclear Power Revival Is Sparking a Surge in Uranium Mining.

A push for nuclear power is fueling demand for uranium, spurring the opening of new mines. The industry says new technologies will eliminate pollution from uranium mining, but its toxic legacy, particularly in the U.S. Southwest, leaves many wary of an incipient mining boom.

Impact of changing climate on bryophyte contributions to terrestrial water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles

The latest issue of Australian Geographic is out now!
Our cover story flies into the beautiful world of bat babies and invites readers to join the frontline of a wildlife emergency that has left specialist flying-fox carers reeling.

Grab your copy in stores and online:

Also in this edition
- Our space industry taking off
- Rescuing numbats: spreading the joy
- On the road with the Solar Car Challenge
- The women ultra athletes ballooning in WA
Annette Ruzicka

Rapidly rising levels of TFA, a class of forever chemical thought to damage fertility and child development, are being found in drinking water, blood and rain, causing alarm among experts.

TFA, or trifluoroacetic acid, is a type of PFAS, a group of chemicals used widely in consumer products. The substances have been linked to many negative effects on human health.

Satellite Imagery Covering Catchments Of Indian Himalayan River Basins Show Significant Changes In Glacial Lakes
<-- shared media article
<-- shared technical article


02.05.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

How to visualise Climate Change (ft. Katharine Hayhoe)

How do we get our heads around something as huge & abstract as climate change

May 1

Grousing about infrastructure not fit for purpose.

Only 32 of the Top Movies in the Last Decade Say Climate Change Exists Study IndieWire

Why we need more climate in our cinema.

New EPA regulations target air, water, land and climate pollution from power plants, especially those that burn coal.

Electric power generation in the U.S. is shifting rapidly away from fossil fuels toward cleaner and lower-carbon sources.

Listen to the Sounds of the Largest Tree on Earth.

While coastal redwoods rank as the tallest trees on the planet, Utah's "trembling giant" transcends the titles. Known as the Pando aspen grove, it is actually a single massive root system with around 47,000 genetically identical stems that create a grove of trees that keep the root system going.

No Mow May: How to turn your garden into a haven for butterflies this spring.

Gardeners are being encouraged to let grass and wildflowers bloom for No-Mow May.

Putting away your lawn mower and allowing native plants to flourish is one of the best ways to help pollinators do their essential work.

The GOP is killing us--all of us.

House GOP Passes Bills That Attack Environmental Protections, Benefit Oil And Mining Companies

#434: Selling The Climate Hoax (Clip)

Incredible news for bears and wild horses as US shifts preservation plans.

National Park Service will reintroduce bears to Washingtons North Cascades and wont remove horses from North Dakota park.

What will it take to get companies to embrace reusable packaging

Inside the effort to standardize the design of returnable containers.

Climate change threatens Africas rhinos.

Extreme heat, poaching, and habitat loss are pushing the animals closer to extinction.

Extinction Rebellion unites with wildlife and climate campaigners for biggest march to save natural world

#extinction #rebellion #xr #rebelforlife #climate #climatechange

And the winner of the award for the national newspaper that did the most to wreck the climate in 2024 is.

#extinction #rebellion #xr #rebelforlife #climate #climatechange


#extinction #rebellion #xr #rebelforlife #climate #climatechange

Doctors and patients blow whistle on medical regulators inaction on climate

#extinction #rebellion #xr #rebelforlife #climate #climatechange

Former defence chief says government 'doesn't understand' climate change risk to Australia's security
By Jake Evans

Former military and intelligence leaders, including the former chief of Australia's Defence Force, say the government has "astonishingly" forgotten the risk of climate change in its defence strategy.

What is the outcome of the 'armchair expert" podcast audience, deciding which science is right & which is wrong (The confirmation bias of popular social media menes)

Making Sense with Sam Harris - Subscriber Content: #365 - Reality Check

Episode webpage:

Media file:

Big oil changes strategies from climate denial to strategy of deception, disinformation and doublespeak. Big oil spent decades sowing doubt about dangers of fossil fuels, experts say

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks