Watched Paddy on Ice on Three
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Watched Paddy on Ice on Three tonight.
Antarctica is melting.
We're in deep shit.

But we all know that.

Greece orders evacuations near Athens as wildfires rage Europe live.

Unprecedented summer temperatures after the warmest winter ever have turned terrain into a tinderbox, environmentalists say.

Best thing you can personally do right now for our warming planet Go vegan.

Mangrove are unique coastal wetlands found in tropical and subtropical regions. They are characterized by salt-tolerant trees and shrubs that have adapted to survive in harsh conditions.

Mangroves act as natural barriers, protecting coastlines from erosion, storm surges, and tsunamis. They also play a crucial role in carbon sequestration, helping to combat .

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 1.10C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

British idiot: "where's all this 'global warming' nonsense this summer, eh"

The planet:

Climate Change

I was reading a blog (link now lost) that claimed renewable energy was flawed because renewable generators (solar, wind etc) used more materials per KwH produced, compared with fossil fuels. This struck me as hiding a logical fallacy.

And that omission is particulate pollution from fossil fuels, that you don't get from renewables. And those particulates kill 10,000's of people in the UK alone, never mind globally.

Can we predict how pests respond to climate change

"Climate change is throwing up huge challenges in understanding the puzzle of how organisms will respond"

Is there any arguement I thought it was just a lot of and by a bunch of looking out for the they are in.

Your original post is about CO2 being significant, but your later responses seem to be you saying that CO2 is not the main issue.

In case you have any confusion, we need to stop emitting and reduce atmospheric levels of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gasses to below 350 parts per million. On an ongoing and sustainable basis.

If youd like to do your own research, start here -

and there is a world of academic research and assessment to find from there.

We shouldnt fear a zombie fungus, like The Last of Us but a threat from fungi is real

While a zombie-style fungal threat is incredibly unlikely, rising global temperatures mean we're increasingly at risk from a life-threatening fungal pathogen

is exceptionally vulnerable to summer wildfires, but the situation has significantly worsened and become more dangerous over the past decade.

An uncotrolled near has forced the evacuation of hundreds of people from nearby villages.

After the warmest winter on record, Greece also experienced its hottest June and July since reliable data collection began in 1960.

Photo is Athens last night, taken by an airplane passenger (from X)

400 milioni per il Piano Mattei per l'Africa. Bond e Fondo italiano clima, bond da 100 milioni per le rinnovabili in Africa. La Banque Ouest-Africaine de Dveloppement sottoscrive obbligazione con il fondo gestito da Cdp. Lobiettivo mobilitare risorse fino a 400 milioni di euro nella regione.

I have 2 kids, a 10 year old son and a 6 year old daughter. When he was younger, my son's favourite season was winter he loved sledding and he loved building snowmen. My daughter, on the other hand, barely remembers snow the last snowman was when she was 2. Instead, she's lived through 40c summers today's going to be over 30c. In England.

Tell me again that climate change isn't real - or urgent.

Hace ya ms de sesenta aos que el era anunciado en la pelcula de Richard Fleischer
Cada vez me siento ms parecido al personaje que encarna Edward G. Robinson, Roth, o Libro, como le llama su amigo Thorn.

is taking a toll on cities that what to host in the future

Gift article:

Elon Musks embrace of Trump is turning off these Tesla lovers

This represents my experience. I just bought an (an ioniq) and never considered a .

There are now more than a dozen apps aimed at helping users keep tabs on their individual emissions, but keeping track of them is harder than it sounds.

How many countries promising to reduce their carbon footprint are pulling this stunt
(yes because of oil and gas Canada is also guilty)

"Australia is doubling down on fossil fuel exports, and helping to blow global carbon budgets"

I'd like to just smh and be pissy re Covid.

But I doubt we're (as in everyone in China, India, Japan , S.E. Asian democracies, Oceania, the EU, Nth and Central America) going to do any better than we'll do Covid.

Are in risky environments, staying home when sick, pay for sick workers, implimentation of widespread and targeted indoor air quality regulations, and public health education about vaccines, beyond our current cultures and political structures

How freaking disappointing is Labor. Shite-lite indeed.

& exports cause more climate damage than those from any other country bar Russia & is undermining a global agreement to transition away from fossil fuels.

analysis, commissioned by the University of New South Wales Australian Human Rights Institute, found Australia was the third biggest fossil fuel exporter on an energy basis in 2021, trailing only & the .

12.08.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Australian fossil fuel exports ranked second only to Russia for climate damage with no plan for reduction

This was not even remotely the same kind of protest as blocking motorway or attempting to damage totally unrelated artworks...

More power was generated by and than fossil fuels in the for the first half of 2024 per a new report showing all are now making up about half of their energy

The with greedy, lawbreaking, destroying young peoples future, may very well reduced to violence of many kinds. The fight needs to get dirtier more vicious. Dirty despicable actions are killing people and destroying futures. Search Harvard Climate homicide.

People flee wildfire near Athens as it spreads like lightning

This is justsad. And alarming. But primarily sad.
All GOP. No surprises there.

is getting worse on flights but a pilot says mandatory seat belts won't help keep people safe

Australian fossil fuel exports ranked second only to Russia for climate damage with no plan for reduction Climate crisis The Guardian

Marsha is running ads. What's the big issue she's addressing, , , gun violence, political extremism Nope, transgender athletes. Reminds me of this Onion article about Greg Abbott

Interactive map showing MODIS and VIIRS satellite heat detections for massive in . This data is *not* real time and locations are only approximate. Sometimes the data is false positive.

The dark symbols are heat detections within the prior 6 hours.

Open GISsurfer map:

Library - new on : UK Earth Law Judgments : Reimagining Law for People and Planet - Edited by: Dancer, Helen Holligan, Bonnie Howe, Helena - - This open access book collects 11 reimagined judgments from the UK and challenges anthropocentrism in legal decision-making across a range of legal areas. It draws from a range of Earth law approaches including rights of nature, animal rights, environmental human

'All of a sudden were cool' Green builders draft a cleaner, more profitable blueprint for construction

"Canadas Green Buildings Strategy, Ottawas long-awaited plan to decarbonize millions of commercial, residential and institutional buildings to align with federal climate targets, has drawn a mixed reaction since its July 16 release."

RCMP hired private spies to monitor Fairy Creek activists

This article contains too many problems with the RCMP to list with the character limit so please take the time to read it.

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Global Warming sucks