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Turn out the lights...
The party's over...
They say that all good things must end...
Call it a night, the party's over..

"400 million students have experienced climate-related school closures since 2022, new report says"

Antonique Smith and Rev Yearwood Launch Nonprofit to Mobilize Black Communities on Climate Vote

10 Tough Climate Questions for the Presidential Debate

How will ensure planetary catastrophe. Comprehensive article about how our use of and the expansion of will ensure that all sources of will be needed far into the future with no thought for the effect on the and .

Feeling the heat as Earth breaks yet another record for hottest summer

The European climate service Copernicus says Earth just sweltered to its hottest summer on record

week 36

-Radioactive Wildfires

Abstract: Radioactive forests are burning in Belarus and Ukraine. What danger does this pose to the world

. , .



Climate Change

The insurance companies have a legal fidicuary (if not moral) duty to recover costs from those parties that have caused or contributed to property, health, business loss and other damages. They are obliged to do this on behalf of their shareholders as well as policy holders.

They will also have liabilities as they have been (and still are) insuring and investing in the fossil fuel projects and companies that leading to the climate related blowout in insurance payouts.

Governments will be very dependent on insurance payouts to cover the repair and replacement costs for road, rail, bridges and other infrastructure.

When the Insurance companies go broke (declare bankrupcy and walk away) Governments (taxpayers) will need to pick up the tab.

The models still give too much weight to old data.

Wait until they see what it will do to insurance availability and prices. Along with financial collapse of the insurance pool, leaving governments () to pick up the tab.

All and for companies needs to be diverted to the global industry to compensate policy and for the additional risks and costs associated with induced .

Fossil fuel consumers and producers need to be compensating insurance companies for the rising frequency and damages to , , and losses.

US Home Insurance, Real Estate Markets Teeter on Financial Crisis

UNCOVERED - A Hidden Crisis in US Housing

In places most prone to wildfires and hurricanes, state insurers of last resort are absorbing trillions of dollars in risk.

Health costs and associated health insurance impacts may well challenge those costs and risks. Add in financial losses to industries like tourism, construction and agriculture, along with transport infrastructure. Trillions of dollars.

Demand 5  - Explore ways to bring fossil fuel companies to court in order to make polluters rather than insurance customers pay for the growing costs of climate disasters.


A CDP report points out that a few companies have emitted the majority of CO2 since 1988

should be removing any legislative protections that fossil fuels have as critical infrastructure, as it no longer is. It is now just a choice, with more affordable alternative available.

The global clean energy investment figure, which topped fossil fuels for the first time last year, is likely to be double the $1tn forecast for coal, gas and oil in 2024, the IEA said.

For every dollar going to fossil fuels today, almost $2 are invested in clean energy, said the IEAs executive director, Fatih Birol.

If investment is now more than 2 to 1 against fossil fuels, then it would seem its future status is as an alternative fuel. Electricity, solar, wind, battery storage, green hydrogen, these are all the new mainstream, critical infrastructure.

is in the process of killing the fossil fuel industry.

Fossil fuel industry are a bunch of has beens and only losers care about them these days.

All and for companies needs to be diverted to the global industry to compensate policy and for the additional risks and costs associated with induced .

Fossil fuel consumers and producers need to be compensating insurance companies for the rising frequency and damages to , , and losses.

US Home Insurance, Real Estate Markets Teeter on Financial Crisis

UNCOVERED - A Hidden Crisis in US Housing

In places most prone to wildfires and hurricanes, state insurers of last resort are absorbing trillions of dollars in risk.

Health costs and associated health insurance impacts may well challenge those costs and risks. Add in financial losses to industries like tourism, construction and agriculture, along with transport infrastructure. Trillions of dollars.

Demand 5  - Explore ways to bring fossil fuel companies to court in order to make polluters rather than insurance customers pay for the growing costs of climate disasters.


A CDP report points out that a few companies have emitted the majority of CO2 since 1988

should be removing any legislative protections that fossil fuels have as critical infrastructure, as it no longer is. It is now just a choice, with more affordable alternative available.

The global clean energy investment figure, which topped fossil fuels for the first time last year, is likely to be double the $1tn forecast for coal, gas and oil in 2024, the IEA said.

For every dollar going to fossil fuels today, almost $2 are invested in clean energy, said the IEAs executive director, Fatih Birol.

If investment is now more than 2 to 1 against fossil fuels, then it would seem its future status is as an alternative fuel. Electricity, solar, wind, battery storage, green hydrogen, these are all the new mainstream, critical infrastructure.

is in the process of killing the fossil fuel industry.

Fossil fuel industry are a bunch of has beens and only losers care about them these days.

I've just read yet another piece on replacing developers. Judging by the current state of technologies, the most plausible way for it to happen is by putting so much CO2 in the atmosphere that our civilization collapses. Then nobody needs software any more - the most appealing occupation will be hunters-gatherers.

One other thing, I think South Australia and the world missed a trick to consider Flywheels in 2016 when SA went black
Elon Musk stepped into the political hole promising to build a 100mw battery (world first) to help stabilise our grid
It could be done within 100 days (it was). Large scale batteries have now become the norm
But maybe they shouldn't be. There is a place for batteries, but Flywheels I think are the greener solution


A week ago I started on a hunt to look at flywheels as a short term energy storage
This hunt started for me after South Australia had just gone through a week of very high winds that sent energy prices into negative. What we needed was a big energy sink to soak up that power
Many households need a hit of power right when the sun goes down and solar no longer works. I need mine for about three hours until 8pm. Could flywheels be a suitable short term power storage
So what did I find.
Flywheels have an issue where over a number of hours the power available degrades, but for a short term hit (<12 hours) they are perfect. They also don't require rare earth, often acquired using child labor and polluting refining techniques
Another issue is flywheels need to be wide. They can be low and flat, but energy available increases with width. But not to much width as then the rotational forces are difficult to constrain
Anyway, this video summed it up well for the domestic energy market
Just a note though, the company owner entered into the comments and pointed out that the stated cost ($50k) was was for a full home system. Solar, hybrid inverter and hybrid chemical + flywheel storage. Which is why the price point is so high. The wheel will last for 25-years so the levelized cost of storage is exceptionally competitive to the life of almost all chemical batteries, and, its not affected by temperature extremes

Bridge collapses as more rain falls in Vietnam and storm deaths rise to 21

HANOI A bridge collapsed Monday as more rain fell on northern Vietnam from a former typhoon that caused landslides, flooding, power outages and at least 21 deaths, state media reported

- change leaves future of Pacific Islands tourism 'highly uncertain'

All and for companies needs to be diverted to the global industry to compensate policy and for the additional risks and costs associated with induced .

Fossil fuel consumers and producers need to be compensating insurance companies for the rising frequency and damages to , , and losses.

should be removing any legislative protections that fossil fuels have as critical infrastructure, as it no longer is. It is now just a choice, with more affordable alternative available.

The global clean energy investment figure, which topped fossil fuels for the first time last year, is likely to be double the $1tn forecast for coal, gas and oil in 2024, the IEA said.

For every dollar going to fossil fuels today, almost $2 are invested in clean energy, said the IEAs executive director, Fatih Birol.

If investment is now more than 2 to 1 against fossil fuels, then it would seem its future status is as an alternative fuel. Electricity, solar, wind, battery storage, green hydrogen, these are all the new mainstream, critical infrastructure.

is in the process of killing the fossil fuel industry.

Fossil fuel industry are a bunch of has beens and only losers care about them these days.

"the current widespread occurrence of , , and intense should come as no surprisein fact, it can be argued that these are outcomes that humanity has collectively chosen.


Relentless , together with other anthropogenic impacts such as pollution, land-use change, and non-native invasive species, is shifting the baseline to a new normal"

09.09.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Why the UKs biggest carbon emitter receives billions in green subsidies

The Drax power plant burns 7m tonnes of biomass pellets a year and generates 4% of the UKs electricity needs

Fighting : Over 15ha of mangroves planted in under Temasek Foundations efforts
Agricultural expansion and infrastructure development led to a loss of mangroves in South Sumatra province.

is always talking about wanting to be a carbon neutral university. They're also always reducing faculty parking in the name of reducing carbon emissions. Yet yesterday they arranged (and paid) for ... two fighter jets to fly all the way from OR to do a fly-over before a football game. Is that really more carbon neutral and climate-conscious than me parking an EV on campus

The carbon footprint of astronomical observatories

This paper summarises a talk I gave at the ADASS conference in 2022. Since the proceedings are still not published I decided to put it now on arXiv.

we had 35c/95f on Wednesday in vienna, 30c/85f on Saturday

and for Friday, the forecast is 10c/50f. this is all very normal, nothing to see here.

Those who say that climate change isnt real or that it doesnt matter are the same people who tell us that school shootings are just a fact of life.

(2020) Flood data from 500 years: Rivers and climate change in Europe

Library - new on : Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground : Actors, Arguments and Approaches in the Global South and Global North - Edited by: Gupta, Joyeeta Hogenboom, Barbara Olofsson, Malin Rempel, Arthur - - How can the world move away from a century-old global system based on fossil fuels And how can societies in the Global South and Global North overcome the deeply vested economic, financial and

The troubling ways a heatwave can warp your mind

17 August 2020
Zaria Gorvett

"It was July 1988. Across the United States, the land was simmering in the warmest summer on record. City dwellers swarmed onto beaches, electricity use was higher than ever as people cranked up the air conditioning and the freeways were lined with broken-down, overheated vehicles. Ice lollies melted before they could be eaten.

"But something else was happening too.

"In fact, 1988 wasnt just a year of record-breaking sunshine, but also record-breaking violence. There were an unprecedented number of murders, rapes, armed robberies and assaults around 1.56 million of them. Could there have been a link between the weather and the general trend for violence

"People have suspected that warm weather can alter our behaviour for centuries. The idea is embedded into our very language we talk of tempers 'flaring', 'incandescent' rage, getting 'hot under the collar' and Shakespeare described 'mad blood stirring' in the oppressive heat of a Verona summer back in 1597.

"The earliest studies into the phenomenon emerged in the late 19th Century, coinciding with the first reliable crime statistics. According to one analysis, offences against people tended to peak in the summer months, while crimes against property were found to be more common in the winter.

"Since then, the evidence has been piling up.

"Every year, as the mercury rises, we undergo a collective transformation. Some of the symptoms are relatively minor people are more likely to honk their horns when theyre stuck in traffic the police usually notice a spike in disorderly behaviour and were less likely to help strangers out.

"But others are more disconcerting.

"The global heatwave of 2018 which led to widespread and unusually high numbers of Arctic drove reindeer to Finlands beaches and even shrunk a mountain in Sweden was also associated with some alarming human occurrences. In the UK, there were a record number of 999 calls, with one police officer commenting that the public react 'very strangely' to that kind of weather. In some areas, police reported that calls were up 40%.

"Of course, this is all heavily anecdotal and there are plenty of alternative explanations for these individual incidents. But the wider correlation appears to be supported by a weight of academic research from around the world.

"In the UK, between April 2010 and 2018, there was 14% more violent crime at 20C than there was at 10C. In Mexico, there is more organised crime in warmer weather and some academics suspect this is because it creates a 'taste for violence'. In South Africa, scientists have discovered that, for every degree that the temperature goes up, there is a 1.5% increase in the number of murders. In Greece, one study found that more than 30% of 137 homicides reported in a particular region occurred on days with an average temperature of more than 25C.

"Similar patterns involving violent crime and heat have also been observed Sub-Saharan Africa, Taiwan, the United States, Finland, and Spain the list goes on. In all, the effect has been demonstrated in hundreds of scientific studies."

Read more:

Could these motionless turbines solve wind energys noise and wildlife problems

Will become too hot for humans

30 June 2023
Sarah Griffiths

"At what point the heat becomes unbearable is personal, but a study published in 2010 estimated that a 'wet-bulb' temperature of 95F (35C) at 100% humidity, or 115F at 50% humidity is probably as hot as most humans can maintain a healthy core body temperature by sweating. Above that 'critical environmental limit' our body temperature rises continuously and the risk of heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke increases.

"But a team of researchers from Penn State University discovered our resilience to heat is probably lower than this after testing how healthy people handle hot temperatures in a sweaty experiment in their laboratory. They showed that the upper environmental limit is a lower wet-bulb temperature of 95F (31C) at 100% humidity.

"The heatwave in Texas has in places exceeded this band of dangerous temperatures, so whether people can live happily in the state also largely depends on whether they have access to air conditioning and can afford to use it, or whether they have to work outside under the hot Sun."

Read more:

Almost all of Australias major airports, including Sydney and Brisbane, will face significant fallout from storms, floods, heat waves and high winds in the coming years thanks to climate change.

leaves future of Pacific Islands tourism highly uncertain.

Massive Attacks science-led drive to lower musics carbon footprint

Southern Californias Line Fire forces thousands to evacuate is real

YES vote BLUE for the sake of climate change ! From WHO on Climate change is directly contributing to humanitarian emergencies from heatwaves, wildfires, floods, tropical storms and hurricanes and they are increasing in scale, frequency and intensity. Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through better transport, food and energy use choices can result in very large gains for health, particularly through reduced air pollution.

Weather forecast for the week. Looks like we could be getting back to normalish weather by next weekend. So if we don't burn this week, it will be time to winterize next weekend. The weather weirdness is just getting worse.

There is something darkly funny / sad about listening to the episode of Not Built For This () about south western Florida, and it having an advert for this estate:

Admittedly, it looks like even a 10m sea rise wont quite put it underwater (based on ) but still

Yearly wildfire smoke shoutout to everyone with asthma.

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Global Warming sucks