Today is the International Day of
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Today is the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies!

is a key driver of , disrupting weather patterns, fueling and severely impacting our health. At , we integrate into to better understand their influence on climate change. Tackling air pollution and climate change together leads to cleaner air and a more sustainable future. Lets act now!

Red states, Blue states ...
Yes, you can have colder than normal regional weather on a heating planet.

Paul Beckwith book review

"COPOUT: How governments have failed the people on climate.

An insiders view of Climate Change Conferences, from Paris (2015) to Dubai (2023).

Author: Nick Breeze"

What will the climate in your city look like in 60 years Scientists have now developed an atlas based on current climate data.

Today is the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies!

is a key driver of , disrupting weather patterns, fueling and severely impacting our health. At , we integrate into to better understand their influence on climate change. Tackling air pollution and climate change together leads to cleaner air and a more sustainable future. Lets act now!

The Gaza war is an environmental catastrophe

Toxic waste, water-borne diseases, vast carbon emissions: Dr. Mariam Abd El Hay describes the myriad harms of Israels assault to the regions ecosystems.

Dit jaar zal hoogstwaarschijnlijk eindigen als het warmste jaar dat de mensheid ooit heeft gemeten, meldt de Europese klimaatdienst.

Dit zijn niet alleen cijfers in een recordboek. Net als mensen die in een oorlogsgebied leven met het constante gebons van bommen en het gekletter van geweren, worden we doof voor wat alarmbellen en luchtalarmsirenes zouden moeten zijn.

looking for people to

If you post about / , / and general politics i probably want to follow you so please makeurself known cuz my feed is getting way too slow and dry for my ever increasing social media consumption

same with / / topics :3 or if you just post cool shit in general

Trump en pleine forme sur le climat. C'tait la semaine dernire.

"Vous savez, quand j'entends ces pauvres imbciles parler de rchauffement climatique, ils ne l'appellent plus ainsi. Ils ne l'appellent plus comme a, ils l'appellent changement climatique parce que vous savez, certaines parties de la plante se refroidissent et se rchauffent, et a n'a pas march. Ils ont donc fini par comprendre, et ils parlent dsormais de changement climatique. Avant, on parlait de rchauffement climatique. Il y a quelques annes, on parlait de refroidissement global. Dans les annes 1920, ils pensaient que la plante allait geler. Aujourd'hui, ils pensent que la plante va brler. Et nous attendons toujours les 12 ans. Vous savez, nous sommes presque la fin de la priode de 12 ans, vous comprenez, o ces fous qui ne savent rien, qui n'taient mme pas de bons lves l'cole, qui n'ont mme pas tudi la question, ont prdit, ils ont dit qu'il nous restait 12 ans vivre. Et les gens n'ont pas eu de bbs parce qu'ils ont dit - c'est tellement fou. Mais le problme n'est pas que les ocans s'lvent d'un quart de pouce dans 500 ans, le problme, ce sont les armes nuclaires. C'est le rchauffement nuclaire... Ces pauvres idiots parlent tout le temps du rchauffement climatique, vous savez la plante va se rchauffer au point que les ocans vont monter d'un demi-pouce dans 355 ans, vous savez, ils n'ont aucune ide de ce qui va se passer. C'est la mto".

The Guardian dcrit quel est l'agenda qui se cache derrire ce charabia :

"Mais il s'agit d'un charabia au service de quelque chose de trs important et de trs dangereux : faire tout ce qu'il peut pour bloquer la transition nergtique, en Amrique et dans le monde entier. Ses amis du Projet 2025 ont expliqu en dtail comment traduire ce charabia en politique. Le projet expose avec force dtails un grand nombre des mesures que son administration prendrait pour soutenir le ptrole, le gaz et le charbon, tout en cartant le soleil et le vent. Il s'agit notamment de mettre fin aux efforts visant stimuler la production de vhicules lectriques Dtroit, de cesser de soutenir les nergies renouvelables (Trump a promis de "tuer l'olien", peu importe ce que cela signifie) et de revenir sur une dcision cruciale prise en 2009 par l'EPA, selon laquelle le dioxyde de carbone est nocif, une position qui sous-tend une grande partie des efforts dploys par l'tat fdral pour rduire la pollution atmosphrique. Il a galement promis de fermer la National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, c'est--dire les personnes qui mesurent l'augmentation de la temprature. Et ce, au motif que ces mesures sont "l'un des principaux moteurs de l'industrie de l'alarme sur le changement climatique".


Il existe des moyens de calculer la signification de tout cela. L'ONG britannique Carbon Brief, par exemple, a dclar au dbut de l'anne qu' une victoire de Donald Trump l'lection prsidentielle de novembre pourrait entraner une augmentation de 4 milliards de tonnes des missions amricaines d'ici 2030 par rapport aux plans de Joe Biden . Pour mettre les choses en perspective, c'est beaucoup : Ces 4 milliards de tonnes supplmentaires d'quivalent dioxyde de carbone (GtCO2e) d'ici 2030 entraneraient des dommages climatiques mondiaux d'une valeur de plus de 900 milliards de dollars, selon les dernires valuations du gouvernement amricain. titre de comparaison, 4 GtCO2e quivalent aux missions annuelles combines de l'UE et du Japon, ou au total annuel combin des 140 pays les moins metteurs de la plante. C'est comme si l'on avait trouv un continent supplmentaire plein de gaz effet de serre.

Mais le pire, cest le timing. Si ladministration Trump devait tre un simple interrgne de quatre ans, ce serait ennuyeux. Mais en fait, elle arrive prcisment au moment o nous avons dsesprment besoin dune acclration. Nous sommes sur le point de briser le systme climatique de la plante nous pouvons le voir se fissurer aux ples (le glacier Thwaites est maintenant min par leau de mer chaude), dans lAtlantique (les grands courants commencent ralentir) et en Amazonie (o la savanisation semble sacclrer). Le systme hydrologique de la Terre la faon dont leau se dplace autour de la Terre est dj en plein chaos, car lair chaud contient beaucoup plus de vapeur deau que lair froid.

Les climatologues du monde entier ont fait de leur mieux pour tablir un calendrier : rduire les missions de moiti dici 2030 ou voir disparatre les possibilits dune trajectoire comme celle de Paris, qui consiste maintenir laugmentation des tempratures 1,5 C au-dessus des niveaux prindustriels. Cette rduction est la limite du possible techniquement, mais seulement si tout le monde agit de bonne foi. Et le prochain mandat prsidentiel prendra fin en janvier 2029, soit 11 mois avant 2030."

Most of the from the happens in the first 50-100 metres of air above the ground.

The 421PPM and rising measured and reported from the mountain in is way below the averages in many local areas.

What is the normal range for in the outside air

Elevated CO2 levels are only one aspect of outside . Particulates, and others all lead to reduced air quality. The focus on carbon dioxide in the last few years has been the result of CO2's importance as a .

When we look at normal ranges of carbon dioxide levels outdoors near ground level, we find numerous studies that show 450-550ppm in concentration - although this may vary depending on different regions. For example, in high traffic metropolitan areas these levels can peak as high as 600-900ppm.

While these are normal outdoor CO2 ranges not harmful to humans, the following CO2 facts should also be considered:

The exhaust gas of a combustion engine contains 140,000ppm CO2

ASHRAE "unsafe" CO2 levels are recognized at 5,000ppm or higher

Locally elevated CO2 levels outdoors occur due to CO2 emissions from transportation, energy production and industrial manufacturing

Climate change: Graveyard of glaciers lays bare existential threat of melting ice

Links for 9/7/24

A new plan seeks to protect California's coast against a rising ocean: It doesn't require sea walls

Power-hungry AI is driving a surge in tech giant carbon emissions. Nobody knows what to do about it

A Brief History of South American Surf Rock

What Earth Could Look Like in 2050 If We Do Nothing About Climate Change

Looking for a breakfast podcast
I enjoyed the medium-advanced episode with on Nate Hagen's that streamed 1 month ago.
"Even if we were successful in phasing out fossil fuels, we would still breach the 1,5 degrees Celsius boundary, if we do not come back into the safe space on the biosphere boundaries."
Meaning, we need a healthy carbon sink that helps us in temporarily parking our fossil CO2.

A healthy carbon sink on land needs biodiversity and healthy soil, not mass extinction and forever chemicals. Did you know that tire rub-off from cars regularly kills 40-90% of the salmon and other species of less direct economic value in Canadian rivers after a rain storm Stuff like this has to end or even our strongest fossil CO2-related action can't keep us in a safe temperature space.

Agricultural reliability and sustainability are of key long-term importance for human and planetary health. The challenges raised by climate change require accelerated adoption of practices and technologies that improve agricultures environmental sustainability and climate resilience"

Arizona's "days over 100 degrees" will not end until (maybe) September 16th. The "last" day over 100 is predicted to be September 22nd.

, Day 1632
Friday, 06 September 2024
Ukraine war: Day 927
Hamas-Israel War: Day 334
Mass shootings in the USA in 2024: 385
Days until the 2024 Election: 60

07.09.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Strike for Water Justice

11 districts of Bangladesh including Feni have been submerged in floods by cutting the river dam. Prominent people have demanded India's trial in the International Court of Justice and compensation for the victims due to this water encroachment.

A6 (reply) We're seeing this at UC Davis, with them banning all transportation items from indoors, in a place where cycle theft is rampant and the huge cop budget doesn't seem to go towards reuniting bike owners with their bikes at all (which is why folks brought them indoors). Still no crackdowns on the transportation killing the planet - cars. "Platinum Bike-Friendly" UC Davis.

"Emissions from domestic air travel leapt sharply by nearly 9% over the year to March. But the biggest change has been in diesel-powered SUVs and road freight. Australians are driving nearly twice as many big diesel vehicles as a decade ago."
Adam Morton, Guardian, 040924. We are not good global citizens.

I just found this carbon footprint calculator on the internet. My average ended up being 17t of CO2, or 11% less than the average Canadian.

- - -
J'ai trouv ce calculateur d'empreinte carbon sur Internet. Ma moyenne tombait tre 17t de CO2, ou 11% de moins que le Canadien moyen.

WARSA: Most of Poland's rivers are suffering from drought, the national weather agency said Friday, with the Vistula river in Warsaw likely to see a record-low level in the coming days.
The IMGW institute said climate change was to blame, as milder winters, less snow, fewer days of rain, & higher temperatures push down water levels.
"At the moment, 70 per cent of Poland's rivers are in the low water level zone"

Wilcox et al present a climate proxy record from MIS 5c (106-93 thousand years ago) from a speleothem in southern Alaska. The temperature reconstruction indicates that the temperatures in southern Alaska were similar to present during this period, despite being an interstadial.

Flight shame is dead: concern grows over climate impact of tourism boom

Post-Covid hunger for travel is taking a heavy toll on the environment amid race to net zero, say experts

Protestors interrupt forum featuring Manchin and Capito at Shepherd University

SHEPHERDSTOWN, W.Va. While U.S. Senators Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito talked about the identity of West Virginians, protestors from a climate change group swarmed the stage, interrupting the forum

New Dutch coalition climate plans: Why the regions are fighting to keep a successful rural programme

Italians want destroying nature-climate to be a crime says study
67% in favour of criminalizing 'ecocide' - Earth4All-GCA survey

Climate Change

Explore the alarming rise in -time across due to .

A historic September heat wave has swelled over Europe

Both Sweden and Norway saw their highest September temperatures on record Thursday

Medical professionals are changing their training due to climate change

Experts say medical professionals need to understand new changes in the environment and how they will affect health outcomes

California city approves industrial park next to one of Earths oldest trees

After months of deliberation, the city of Jurupa Valley approved a development next to an oak tree that is at least 13,000 years old

Graveyard of Glaciers Highlights Climate Change Threat

By rni Snvarr Icelands glaciers are retreating so rapidly that future generations may wonder how the ancient island nation got its name

My brother isn't exactly a denier. He's worse in many ways. He always fully acknowledged that it's real, he just didn't care. He literally didn't care. It wasn't his problem that billions of poor people die. It's sad and all but as long as he made enough money to take care of his family, that's all that matters.

Today he sent a photo of the weather forecast. 42C and smoke from the forest fires. "insane" was his comment.

I just wrote back "Climate change"

He spent years telling me I'm crazy for what I do and that I should just focus on making money. He believed it would not affect him. I am not sure he acknowledges that it's hitting him still.

"Due to the severe heat, the roots of lettuce and other vegetables have been damaged, and the leaves on the ground have stopped growing. Compared to the same period last year, production has decreased to 30 percent of its usual level.

The article below explains why I haven't seen spinach in our supermarkets since last winter. It's usually in everything from kimbap to japchae to bibimbap. But we've been averaging 30C daily since mid-July, and the crops here are suffering.

But this is how it will begin. One by one, foods we took for granted will vanish from our tables, and farmers will face defeat & financial ruin while billionaires focus on outer space, evading taxes and "owning the Libs."

Oil and gas communities are a blind spot in U.S. climate and economic policies.

America is currently the worlds largest producer of oil and natural gas.

: 4 in 10 kids in , who previously travelled to school by car, switched to walking, cycling, public transport after introducing Low Emission Zones (). BBC:

07.09.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

The Guardian reports on the risky underwater surveys of the grounding line of the Kangerlussuup Glacier in Greenland. They are hoping to find out if the pile of sediments near that point help to stabilize the glacier.

A new University of Bristol study has linked to health conditions such as dementia. The report, published yesterday (Thursday, September 5), outlines how more frequent weather extremes create a greater risk of illnesses, also including Alzheimer's disease, kidney disease and certain types of cancer.

"Stationary energy a label that covers onsite burning of fossil fuels in manufacturing, mining, and commercial and residential buildings has skyrocketed by 22% since 2005, mainly due to pollution from a massively expanded (and still expanding) liquefied natural gas (LNG) export industry. Adam Morton, Guardian, 040924." If you havent been voting Green, youve been voting for Climate Breakdown.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks