TLDR: I propose bar soap saves
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TLDR: I propose bar soap saves you time and money compared to shower gel.

I've looked around the Interwebs & haven't found anybody with the same clear conclusion as me. With shower gel I spend 10x longer in the shower trying to rinse the damn stuff off. More time, more hot water (the water itself, heating it, & hot water stripping oils from your skin). A bar of soap is cheaper, has less packaging & is travel friendly. Moisturise after shower.

Shell lShell ll Shell lllShell llll How many sequels can we afford!

BAFTAs Climate And Sustainability Division Appoints Former ITV Exec As New Boss

a narrative of a planet heading for trouble.

the points overlap with prognostic of decades of previous are all there, perfectly.

knowing it was coming, and even proclaiming it loudly, had little apparent effect.

homo sapiens: what's the opposite of a species

Poland presses for ambitious 2040 EU climate target, signaling U-turn

A senior official vowed Polands new government would no longer block EU climate action.

Poland presses for ambitious 2040 EU climate target, signaling U-turn #Greenhousegasemissions #Climateneutrality #EnergyandClimate #Sustainability #Climatechange #Environment #Emissions #Coal

Regions of Arctic Alaska where streams and rivers usually offer crystal clear drinking water, scientists have observed a disturbing phenomenon. For some time now waters in the northern part of North America have been changing their color and becoming increasingly turbid. Initially, it might have been thought that acidic mining waste was responsible for the orange waters of Alaskas rivers.

and Wars Are Breaking Down the Foundations of Civilisation

Green Our Planet

Modelling paleo sea level in western France has been notoriously difficult, so much so that researchers thought it would be impossible without using complicated 3D Earth models. Although preliminary, PaleoMIST 1.0 (my paleo ice sheet/topography reconstruction) does a pretty good job using a simple spherically symmetric Earth model.

Finished reading The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson. Fun read, I especially liked solving a lot of problems by the careful use of terrorism :D Is the book banned in the US yet )

Between 2008 & 2018, companies & the trade associations they fund spent a whopping $2.2 billion on advertising & promotions. Many of these ads erroneously suggested & corporations are 'leading efforts to address '

people in Maine could do what the people in Bude, Cornwall are doing. Organise adaptation themselves. Our government is not going to help us.

In France, we have a outlet that popularises issues and debunks : "Bon Pote" (), "Good Buddy" I guess

The website has now an english version :

What we don't know can still hurt us very much indeed. 2023's climate is a testament to that fact...

RT by : Workshop: Urban greenness, health and climate concerns (online)
26 Jan 10:00-11:30 CET
We will address concerns of urban greenness in perspective of with latest research findings &amp mitigation strategies



2024-01-15 07:53 UTC

RT by :

s Working Group I Technical Support Unit (based in the Paris area), which focuses on the physical science of , is looking for a Data Scientist to develop the long-term curation of open-source software for use in WGI AR7.


2024-01-15 07:55 UTC

Is it ethical to exploit our psychology to benefit an economic system destroying the planet asks Barnard.

"In a best-case scenario, the present-day prospect of living with fire is an opportunity for everyone at risk from the effects of climate change which is to say, everyone to shift our thinking about the elements of the natural world, moving from fear and exploitation toward respect and responsibility."

neuropsychology, social signalling & norms (are) exploited to drive human behaviours which grow the economy, from consuming goods to having large familiesAncient drives to belong in a tribe or signal ones status or attract a mate have been co-opted by marketing strategists to create behaviours incompatible with a sustainable world


Yes, governments are failing us, but we are all complicit. The facts are quite literally a tap of a keyboard away from our discovery.


We are stuck between past mistakes and future horrors and we pretend it all away.

We pretend it away because we are too busy, or because we feel we have no power, or because our puny imaginations can't truly grasp the meaning of the threat, or because it is just too painful to face.

Today's Climate Education Resource.

What's in a number The 1.5-C climate threshold explained.

The US is already the biggest gas exporter on Earth, but if the industry gets what it wants, the LNG it exports each year will be enough to power half a billion homes.

Bloomberg this week called it the worlds final wave of fossil-fuel megaprojects. Its the ultimate lock-in to dirty energy.

Post On the extreme cold in Canada

Pattern found in worlds rainforests where 2% of species make up 50% of trees

... "Our findings have profound implications for understanding tropical forests. If we focus on understanding the commonest tree species, we can probably predict how the whole forest will respond to todays rapid environmental changes..."

Wind power, in other words, not only produces far less planet-heating carbon dioxide and methane than do fossil fuels. It appears to be significantly less damaging to wildlife, too.

PR giant Edelman worked with Koch network, despite climate pledges

... "The PR giant has made numerous climate declarations over the past decade, including making a pledge to eschew projects promoting climate denial. Partnering with a part of the Koch network, which has long worked to sow climate doubt, calls those pledges into question..."

a passionate drinker was interested in applying in the context of one of his favorite beverages.
Thus, the journey from drinking to unraveling its aromatic secrets becomes a natural fusion of sensory delight and cutting-edge
"importantly, is altering the local environments that influence bean flavor and aroma

Climate change and energy transition: the 2023 scorecard

Bill McKibben quotes World Economic Forum:
"In the long term defined as 10 years extreme weather was described as the No. 1 threat, followed by four other environmental-related risks: critical change to Earth systems biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse and natural resource shortages."
(Note, by the way, that long term is defined as the next decade, which should tell you something about how we got into this trouble in the first place).

Breaking news: California oil company plans to combat global warming by turning oil fields into cat nap zones. They'll be pumping CO2 deep underground... talk about a purrfect underground lair!

50C outside my window so much for climate change

The dirty dozen of Davos #Greenhousegasemissions #Greenenergytransition #Aidanddevelopment #Climatechange #Privateequity #Centralbanks #Intelligence #SouthAmerica #Coronavirus #Environment #Fossilfuels #Humanrights #SocialMedia #Investment #MiddleEast #Education #Elections #Emissions #Espionage #Platforms #Terrorism #Americas

The bitter Trail

So, it seems the survived the recent storms without incident, but if there was a problem, there is NO WAY nearby residents would have been able to evacuate. I came across this letter to the from the group expressing their concerns about and in 2012!

Concerns regarding the

No More Fukushimas letter to the NRC.

The Honorable Allison M. Macfarlane, Chair
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852

November 8, 2012

Dear Chairwoman Macfarlane:

We appreciated receiving a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) response to the August 28, 2012, letter that we sent to the NRC concerning Seabrook Station relicensing. The NRC's response (October 17, 2012) came from Dennis Morey, Chief, Project Manager 1, Projects Branch Division of License Renewal, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (Docket No. 50-443).

In our letter, we highlighted a concern openly discussed NRC meeting April 26, 2012, on Seabrook relicensing held in Hampton, New Hampshire. Data indicates that due to climate change there could be an increase in and storm surges that would affect the Seabrook plant. Obviously, the flooding of the Seabrook plant campus should be a cause for concern, especially since it the flooding is projected to occur within the timeframe of the relicensing period, 2030-2050.

In his response to our letter, Mr. Morey categorically rejected the idea that this rising sea level information was of any relevance to the relicensing of the Seabrook plant:

"Regarding your concerns about the current design-basis flood level calculations.... please note that these issues are not part of the NRC's review of a license renewal application. A license renewal review is not a re-review of the facility licensing basis rather, it is focused on managing
the age-related degradation of passive systems, structures, and components to ensure they will fulfill their safety-related functions, as specified in the current licensing basis.

"The NRC has multiple processes to evaluate the adequacy of current plant operations and licensing bases. Should the NRC become aware at any time of information calling into question the continued safe operation of any nuclear power plant, including Seabrook Station, the NRC will take the appropriate actions as part of the agency's ongoing safety oversight, regardless of
whether those plants have sought or are seeking a renewed license."

In the twists and turns of bureaucratic thinking, Mr. Morey may be technically correct that climate-
change-related flooding is not an "age-related" deterioration artifact. But, Mr. Morey seems to brush off the fact that new global climate conditions could completely reconfigure the safety profile of the plant. We believe that whether or not climate-change-related flooding falls within "design-basis flood calculations" is a hairsplitting issue for bureaucrats. However, for those of who live near the plant it's a major safety issue. Therefore, if necessary, we respectfully recommend that NRC modify its relicensing concerns to include global climate change/rising sea levels in its license renewal framework.

Furthermore, Mr. Morey must know that the NRC has identified "alkali-silica reaction (ASR)" as a potential long-term threat to the reliability of the Seabrook plant and that structural degradation due to
is currently under the NRC's relicensing review. The flooding water will obviously raise levels of saltwater saturation, which will accelerate concrete degradation so, on that basis alone, the flooding should be within the Seabrook relicensing purview.

Finally, since Mr. Morey did not identify the steps the NRC plans to take to address flooding at the Seabrook plant, we surmise that the NRC does not consider flooding due to sea-level rise to be a problem. Our concern has escalated since researchers at the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center at Stanford University in an October 31, 2012, piece in the Washington Post reported that they had conducted a study that assessed the vulnerability of flooding around the world.

The Stanford researchers collected information on plant height, height and the location of emergency power generators for 89 nuclear plants that lie next to water. They compared this to
historical information on high waves triggered by various sources, such as , and . The study found that the U.S. plants most vulnerable to inundation are the Salem and plants on the New Jersey / border the plant in Connecticut and the Seabrook plant in New Hampshire (italics added). We strongly urge you to contact the researchers and obtain this invaluable information from them directly.

That said, we ask the NRC-as we did in our August letter-to review the risk that rising sea levels, or increased groundwater saturation of concrete poses to residents who live in the vicinity of the Seabrook nuclear power plant. As we have stated, we believe it is entirely appropriate to do so within the purview of the license renewal process. But, in the spirit of public safety, which we believe should be paramount-we urge the NRC to use whatever regulatory tools are needed to investigate this critical issue.

Sincerely yours,
Bruce Skud and Joanna Hammond
Co-founders, No More Fukushimas!

Previously: The funding of denial by .

Flows in Colorado will shrink by up to 30 percent because of >

Global warming pushes ocean temperatures off the charts: study

Meanwhile in

Gas giant Santos has been granted permission to start laying an underwater pipeline for its $5.7 billion Barossa gas project in the Timor Sea, north of Darwin, after winning a legal battle against a group of Tiwi Islands elders.

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