This year 'virtually certain' to be
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This year 'virtually certain' to be warmest in 125,000 years, EU scientists say

a broader web of that endangers progress. From official reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on , where the sway of companies has watered down language on , to universities and think tanks, and policymaking is awash in
our health depends on creating rules to ensure transparency and independence

Nations That Vowed to Halt Warming Are Expanding Fossil Fuels, Report Finds

The last sentence can also be applied to letting rage unchecked and taking no real action against

Insanity: petrostates planning huge expansion of fossil fuels, says UN report

UK forests face catastrophic ecosystem collapse within 50 years, study says via Guardian

Why is it that when winters hit us, we start thinking about Smog and all that. Why don't we have a proactive approach.

2023 on track to be the hottest year on record, say scientists #2023

everything is fine

"Kings Speech: UK Government to double down on oil and gas expansion"

The worlds fossil fuel producers are planning expansions that would blow the planets carbon budget twice over, a UN report has found. Experts called the plans insanity which throw humanitys future into question.

painfully is a petro/coal state expanding too. My local member Kristy McBain tells me that the Federal Government doesnt subsidise the fossil fuel industry. Thats not what the analysts say. Add the approval of new and expanded fossil fuel projects I really think that the current mob think that they can invest in renewables on one hand while burning the world on the other.

over the may explain the differences seen between the warming calculated by models and actual recordings

is not free markets:
It is a system of employers and employees:

What measures:

Mainstream is a religion:

Why capitalism and solving are at odds:


Climate Change

I like digging into , especially those related to and , e.g.

That stuff is apparently boring though, as the most widely shared posts of mine are either images or single-sentence opinions, like: or

I will continue talking about the unpopular stuff, because that's what is interesting to me. A list of topics I covered last year follows.


Aftonbladet: Pourmokhtari bromsar omstllningen till elbil

2023 on track to be the hottest year on record, say scientists Climate crisis The Guardian

UK forests face catastrophic ecosystem collapse within 50 years, study says Trees and forests The Guardian

Scientists analyzed eight ice shelves buttressing glaciers in northern Greenland, which together hold enough ice to raise sea levels by 2.1 meters nearly 7 feet should they break down and melt completely.

As the ocean warms, Greenlands last remaining ice shelves are rapidly weakening, destabilizing the nearby glaciers and threatening potentially dramatic consequences for sea level rise, according to the study published Tuesday in Nature Communications.

And the ecosysytems collapse is happening right now as well. . My blog describes how SAI can cool the earth in 2 years and keep temperature steady even if CO2 keeps rising.
Risks are many times smaller than impact and manageable

Please read the blog before you disagree
And sorry, its very long and thorough

When viewing such impacts of I am convinced we can't reduce CO2 fast enough. Therefore I wrote a blog on how we should start a path toward stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) yesterday.
SAI can cool the earth in 2 years and keep temperature steady even if CO2 keeps rising.

Please read the blog before you disagree
And sorry, its very long and thorough

"The fact that we're seeing this record hot year means record human suffering"

'Virtually certain' that 2023 will be warmest year after October record - BBC News

Top consultancy undermining climate change fight: whistleblowers

Dezeen : Dissolvable binder for EV batteries wins 2023 Earthshot Prize

Interview this morning on with Samatha Burgess - Deputy Director at Copernicus

2023 may be "warmer than anything that the planet has seen for 125,000 years

(I wish journalists would stop doing this. This doesnt mean that 125k-yrs ago, it was as hot. It is simply as far back as reliable data goes.)

From - 14:00
3:40 duration

Managing scarce batteries (an oldish piece but still relevant)

Traditional Owners

Plundering and polluting for regardless of the human, social and environmental consequences

1st seminar in Department of and Sciences

A good opportunity to exchange about climate change :ablobcatheadbang:

& activities : a race
against time

Slides available

declares a surprise for a national campaign to plant 15 billion .

"In the first 10 months of 2023, the U.S. has weathered droughts, floods, hurricanes, and wildfires at least 24 of which were severe enough to cause over $1 billion apiece in damages. Thats a new record, Bloomberg reported, based on data through Oct. 10, with more than two months to go."

- 'Virtually certain' that 2023 will be year after October record

A public holiday has been declared in on 13 November, for citizens to plant , a step toward raising awareness about the pressing issue of the .

By aiming to plant 15 billion trees by 2032, Kenya is taking measures to mitigate the effects of environmental degradation and , which have contributed to the challenges of and the recent .

Let's hope other countries will follow Kenya's lead.

Are Orcas climate activists heroes Or are they terrorists

I hope they start targeting soon the most expensive Yachts in the world.

Almost mid of November in Germany and a bee is trying to fly into my living room

Yesterday I saw an admiral butterfly flying around.

can't wait! I'm nosey also wondering. How Swiss Re will help and make possible the projects that you mentioned, all over the world! That's woww! Hope they really emerge it!

October 2023 was the warmest October on record globally, 0.85C above the already warmed 1991-2020 average for the month and 0.40C above the temperature of the previous warmest October, in 2019.

Thats the price of the net zero ambiguity. This ambiguous term was introduced as a cool term to set one of the most important targets of humanity but in practice many dont even know what that means or use its intrinsically built-in ambiguity to continue with fossil business as usual and kick the can.

UK forests face catastrophic ecosystem collapse within 50 years, study says Trees and forests The Guardian

"UK forests are heading for catastrophic ecosystem collapse within the next 50 years due to multiple threats including disease, extreme weather and wildfires, researchers have warned, with trees dying on a large scale."

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Global Warming sucks