This week, for , I have
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This week, for , I have a picture of the Carrick Roads - a busy sea inlet, which also serves as the estuary for the River Fal.
Carrick Roads is actually a large valley, which was flooded by sea level rise at the end of the last Ice Age. In fact, it's a 'ria' - remember those from school Geography lessons
It made me think of all the losses yet to come from .

Climate is always changing. Why is climate change of concern now

The current " speed of warming is more than TEN TIMES that at the end of an ice age, the fastest known natural sustained change on a global scale."


is on a mission to instigate research in the field of natural hazards - to provide a platform for sharing articles exploring various aspects of management, from and financial mechanisms to risk assessment and preparedness strategies.

Contact us today to find out how you can be a part of this global community:

Plant trees and save the planet.

Australia just committed $207 million to a major satellite program. What is it, and why do we need it

#Agriculture #Australia #Business #ClimateChange #Earth #EarthObservation #Fisheries #Infrastructure #Landsat #NASA #Satellites #Sensors #Technology #UnitedStates #UrbanPlanning #EarthObservation #IndustryReportsPapersAndEBooks #News #PolicyLawAndRegulation #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy

AC Dismantling prt industrialiser le recyclage de jets privs

La start-up noaquitaine AC Dismantling, cheval entre la Gironde et la Charente, dmantle de vieux jets privs

Moi je dis que s'il faisaient un financement participatif pour du lobbying anti jets privs ils auraient du succs !

Infuriated at how those in our financial system insist on stubbornly investing in the exact opposite of what everyone on Earthincluding themneeds to ensure stable planetary systems
What economists dont know about Prof Steve Keen

Action on climate change starts by being social. Go out and find friends and join with them. Do things you enjoy!

" meadows face uncertain future, scientists say

James Cook University scientists who analyzed around the world say the crucial habitats are under increasing threat and need to incorporate new management strategies if they are to survive . The study is published in Global Change Biology."

DOI: 10.1111/gcb.17113

I have written up a blog post about how I think you can deal with the dread of climate change. I believe that you can find hope by finding a community that shares your interests and passions, and by joining together, action can be taken.

As the climate crisis gets ever more severe, the fossil fuel industry is struggling to recruit new talent. And now a number of existing employees are deciding to leave their jobs, some quietly, some very publicly, because of concerns over climate change.

Many referred to having a sense of cognitive dissonance the idea that your behaviour doesnt match your belief system. And they couldnt live it with any longer.

"The state of the climate in 2023 gave ominous new significance to the phrase off the charts."

For those of you still wondering how the will change businesses, this short video will explain the how virtual reality will the brave new world for movies, medicine, gaming and our response to climate change.

RT by : The s Policy helps preserve the region as an area of peaceful cooperation and mitigate the effects of

The recently launched is a tool which supports the implementation of this policy

2024-03-25 12:10 UTC

World leaders and decision makers know we live in a finite planet, right


Wetlands, swamplands, etc. arent barren places which need to be replaced with places barren of life.

a practical plan that spells out how, using proven technologies that are available today, we can cut climate pollution by 75% this decade.

Australias carbon credits system a failure on global scale, study finds
Researchers find carbon offsets approach, which is supposed to regenerate scrubby outback forests, was not reducing emissions as promised.

When will we have some dry This is our ninth year here and by far the wettest. Is it The table is so high theres nowhere for rain to drain. The grass is a quagmire. The number of visitors, desperate for grows each day.

"Australias main carbon offsets method is a failure on a global scale and doing little if anything to help address the climate crisis, according to a major new study." Adam Morton, Guardian, 270324.

""The global community has experienced a series of crises, with COVID-19, supply-chain issues, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine all sending shockwaves throughout the world," the report's introduction states. "The situation will probably deteriorate further in the next five years, as the early effects of and a global recession add their weight to the ongoing ."

'Secret' RCMP report paints dark picture of 's future CTV News

What kills me about deniers is their fear that if we move away from fossil fuels, that will make the world worse somehow. Like, it's on its face ridiculous.

Even if the future of humanity wasn't at stake, look who a transition to renewables would hurt. Shell. Exxon. The Russian kleptocrats. OPEC. Like, these are objectively TERRIBLE people. Taking away their power should be a BONUS, and not something to fret about.

Like, "Oh no you're making the world better, how dare you."

There's a harsh truth we need to face: ableism is rampant in the queer community, homophobia and transphobia are too common among disability advocates, and too many climate activists carry both biases. Yet, we talk about unity across movements. It's time for a real change.

How much difference can one degree of warming make

is a very socialist state, as odd as that sounds. Although for a bad reason.

The State sells homeowners insurance for well under the free market price.

This is to encourage loads of people to buy and build houses in very dangerous locations. To keep up the high population growth in the State.

Fun at home! Turning Carbon Dioxide in the air into oxygen using algae!

"Unfortunately, the most vocal opponents of carbon pricing are not offering alternative policies to reduce emissions and meet our climate goals. And they certainly aren't offering any alternatives that would reduce emissions at the same low cost as carbon pricing"

So the is importing from , and the mining of that coal is fucking over the people.

The windmills were bolted down too tight.

Fracking site shut down after earthquake shakes Fox Creek, Alta. CBC Edmonton

Amid the reshaping I imposed on near-future in my , the remained. I could hardly picture the city without it.The videos of its collapse today gave me chills.

I used to drive over it late at night on my way home from band gigs. River air ripping through the car windows would clear my lungs of bar fumes, while the tires thumped like ghostly echoes of the drum kick. Watching that familiar bridge crumble in a blink seemed surreal.

Perverse good luck that the incident didn't occur during rush hour or after a ballgame, but that's small consolation for the victims and their families. What a strange tragedy. My thoughts are with the shaken folks in my old home state tonight.

This is great! will allow us to see exactly how deeply we are screwed faster than ever before!

Floridas See No Evil, Dont Say Climate Policy

I mean, I've seen blame for when in fact even if all athmatics were to constantly blow their inhalers 24/7 they'd not even come close to the amounts of still emitted even by local laws! illegally in ...

Seriously, even enforces the and literally 13.000t got released since 2006...

Australia just committed $207 million to a major satellite program. What is it, and why do we need it

These extraordinary Australian islands are teeming with life and we must protect them before its too late

How much difference can one degree of warming make

> A vicious cycle of warming temperatures and reduced snowpack in northern forests is more severe than climate models have shown and could lead to increased fire risk and permanent damage to ecosystems.

>This means that the boreal forest, which stretches across the northern half of three continents and is home to many critical ecosystems, is changing even faster than scientists realized.


>"I see no way out of revolutionary changes to how we live today .... it is too late for non-radical futures" - Professor Kevin Anderson

He thinks thisnot his assisting in Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian populationwill be his legacy.*

Although, a lazy, feckless, biased media may let him get away with it.

* There's nothing wrong with the carbon tax other than the PM's using it to distract and shelter from his Gaza complicity.

they could just use the excuse that their wife is making beef stew.

(When you don't want to do something, any excuse will do.)

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks