They make Hollywood disaster movies about
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They make Hollywood disaster movies about this type of scenario!

Were basically fucked.

! JEEEEZ! The twenty-four-zillionth urgent message about a twenty-four-zillionth tipping point we have reached. Well done folks! Still unwilling to change our ways! -.- -.- -.-
(And no, the cold will not "counterbalance the heat" *triplefacepalm*)

Ren M. van Westen et al. Sci. Adv.10,eadk1189(2024)

Physics-based early warning signal shows that AMOC is on tipping course

Using and past data, the researchers developed an early warning indicator for the breakdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (), a vast system of that is a key component in global .

Atlantic Ocean circulation nearing devastating tipping point, study finds

is a snake and only slightly preferable to . He says he believes in climate change while he lets US oil companies pump more oil than any administration in history. I guess climate activism will have to wait if it means gas prices go up and his popularity goes down. He pretends to care about the rights of minorities and women but keeps funding and in . Per standard US doctrine he supports Saudi Arabia which has policies against women and LGBTQ+ that would make Texas jealous if anyone in Texas were capable of reading about it. What is happening in Palestine is just one more Crusade

Here's the Guardian article on the same study.

The 30C downward plunge is mainly in Bergen and Reykjavik in February less so in other months, and much less so in other cities in other months.

Still, very troubling. Less highlighted is the year-round reduction in precipitation. I shudder to think about the impacts on food security, of the combined effects of cold and drought.

Atlantic Ocean circulation nearing devastating tipping point, study finds

Lots of fun happening today, where I was asked to shoot photos. The struggle to be at all the places! Should be a great day for all 3 events. Unfortunately, I can only pick one

for the for my friends at

for the parade. My company has a float in the parade

The biodiversity group is heading to Ocean City and Delaware beaches to wildlife

Green Our Planet

Atlantic Ocean circulation nearing devastating tipping point, study finds Oceans The Guardian
This is very worrying

The most important thing you can do to fight climate change: talk about it

Another reason to not like Threads: they consider climate to be political, and wont suggest content from any accounts talking about it.

You can opt in to political suggested content, but how many will do that

And the ecosysytems collapse is happening right now as well. . My blog describes how SAI can cool the earth in 2 years and keep temperature steady even if CO2 keeps rising.
Risks are many times smaller than impact and manageable

Please read the blog before you disagree
And sorry, its very long and thorough

And the ecosysytems collapse is happening right now as well. . My blog describes how SAI can cool the earth in 2 years and keep temperature steady even if CO2 keeps rising.
Risks are many times smaller than impact and manageable

Please read the blog before you disagree
And sorry, its very long and thorough

Atlantic Ocean is headed for a tipping point once melting glaciers shut down the Gulf Stream, we would see extreme climate change within decades, study shows

What's the betting that's an under estimate like lots of other related projections have proven (But probably not the day after tomorrow)


Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation (AMOC) or Great Ocean Conveyer is slowing & will abruptly collapse in just decades--high confidence study.

Atlantic Ocean circulation nears devastating tipping point

I hope this verdict sends a message that falsely attacking climate scientists is not protected speech, Mann said.

A rare win in the battle of truth vs bullshit

US climate scientist Michael Mann wins $1m in defamation lawsuit

Le low-tech expliqu en 4 niveaux de difficult Low-tech Lab Montral

Les low-techs : auto-dfense intellectuelle face aux mirages technologiques, prsentation par le Low-tech Lab Montral

This can't be good!
Currents in the Atlantic might be close to a tipping point. A reversal of the current would create climate chaos.

It's surprising if the Democrats don't have a plan B regarding

in a month already patterned by worsening news on , now research suggests that the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (Amoc), may be reaching its tipping point.

the potential result:
a rise in Atlantic sea levels
cooler air & less rain in .

More importantly such changes in Amoc would be relatively sudden (as we pass a tipping point) making social adjustment & responses difficult in the time required.

And still our leaders prevaricate...

...changes in Atlantic currents are a scary prospect... with no reduction in man-made atmospheric heating ... ...

Why this is one of the planetary shifts scientists are most worried about

although a majority may want action on , I don't believe that a majority want a degree of action which would materially change their own lives which is to say, a degree of action which would be effective.

Of course I could be unduly pessimistic on this as well.

What Australia's biggest car brands have to say about tough new emissions standards. Amazing that implementing standards that are in place in the US and Europe is supposed to be so hard that the foreign suppliers that service the US and European markets think 2030-2035 is the timeline for them. No mention of fossil fuels, climate change or social responsibility.

The circulation of the Atlantic Ocean is heading towards a tipping point that is bad news for the climate system and humanity, a study has found....

This is so short-sighted

Labours reduced home insulation plans simply not enough

Taxing great to finance the ecological and social transition.

The European Citizens' Initiative, is a powerful tool for EU citizens to propose policy changes. Securing 1 million signatures prompts the Commission to review proposals.

A notable initiative is a call for a pan-European on the ultra-wealthy. It would be used to combat and .

It's a bold proposal worthy of support. I have already signed.

Sounds freaking scary. Atlantic Ocean is headed for a tipping point once melting glaciers shut down the Gulf Stream, we would see extreme climate change within decades, study shows

Durch Trockenheit konomisch bedrohte Regionen. Der Mauszeiger zeigt auf die Skala zeigt den Wert an. 10th Decile, das ist die fast100%ige konomische Bedrohung durch . Die gibt es in der sdlichen Hlfte Spaniens, im Iran und groen Gebieten in Afrika.

Der politischen Katastrophe im Iran gesellt sich die kologische hinzu, die zur konomischen Katastrophe fhrt. Der Wandel zum Modernen msste sehr bald und schnell geschehen.

I was just rinsing out and peeling the labels off of a bunch of cans and jars for recycling, thinking about how many billionaires are currently in the air in their private jets, emitting more CO during one flight than I'll be responsible for in a year.

Scoping review on winter-human-nature interactions.

The Thwaites Glacier in is one of the places of most interest to climate scientists. Its retreat could spur even more disastrous sea level rises around the world. "The Quickening: Creation and Community at the Ends of the Earth" is Elizabeth Rush's account of her journey with 56 other scientists to gather data.

Extreme Climate Impacts From Collapse of a Key Atlantic Ocean Current Could be Worse Than Expected, a New Study Warns. More good news.

How Capitalism Is Causing A Sixth Mass Extinction SecondThought

Major Belief About Climate Change Denial Debunked By Surprising Study:

Worlds cartoonists on this weeks events #Climatechange #U.S.politics #Technology #Politics

New study suggests the Atlantic overturning circulation AMOC is on tipping course

If true, perhaps the single worst result of the climate crisis we've seen so far, with dire consequences for, northern hemisphere climate and weather, oceanic and terrestrial food chains, agriculture, etc.

It is said that the wheels of justice turn slowly...

And so if someone's goal is to delay action using misinformation, then the law will always be too slow to prevent that. But at least they might be fined 1 million USD a decade or so later

We are all so fucked.

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Global Warming sucks