There is a lot of arguing
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There is a lot of arguing and elsewhere about whether renewable energy is clean energy.

To understand every aspect of clean energy's footprint on our environment is not as important as realizing that all of our sources of energy have a tremendous footprint, at least initially.

So, what is "clean" about energy The only truly clean aspect of energy right now is reducing our consumption of it. Period.

We have not been able to quench our thirst for energy through either fossil fuels or renewables. It is ever-growing. It is important to keep this image in mind when looking at plots that show relative percentages of energy use - those plots can lull you into thinking our energy consumption totals are statute. They are NOT!


Climate denial ad pulled from The Australian after being labelled deceptive. Advertisement from IPA-linked Climate Study Group (funded by the ) claimed fossil fuel use would not damage the environment

Plant trees and save the planet.

The EU project LIFE PASTORALP has come to an end after nearly six years. The objective was to help mountain grazing systems adapt to climate change by developing concrete solutions and recommendations. It produced an online mapping tool for monitoring shifts in mountain pastures, along with a series of management and public policy recommendations that can help ensure the future of pastoral farming in these regions.

Support a Clean Energy Future

New information from :

I've just read "What we owe the future", William MacAskill's treatise on . I find there's a lot to agree with. For instance (p232):

Emphasising personal consumption decisions over more systemic changes is often a convenient move ... Shell's chief executive ... instructed people to eat seasonally and recycle more, lambasting people who eat strawberries in winter. In reality, in order to solve , what we actually need is for companies like to go out of business.

Stupidity beyond compare.

Even if were to agree on a measly tax, the real cancer would continue to grow. Forcing the rich to open their dam minimally is like trying to heal a broken leg with a plaster. Tinkering with the symptoms is pure symbolic politics - uselessly wasted energy.

We need to prevent the flow of from accumulating in the first place. Just as a disrupted water cycle causes enormous damage, dead capital destroys the global balance. The consequences are obvious worldwide. to name the worst.

The fact that so few people hoard almost all the money is absolutely superfluous. This makes itself worthless. It is grotesque that this does not have a noticeable impact on the owners. This system is completely absurd.

New NIOO publication: Mix-method toolbox for monitoring production and responses to amendments.

15 minutes from Daylesford Victoria
In the state that lies oops claims it has ended native forest logging
Hang on, is that community forestry
Oops no, maybe fire management.
No no, the latest is, its actually
timber debris extraction operations

Please contact your MP to complain

Tell Congress it is time to do its fair share of climate action! - Action Network

- Deadly made worse by change

Sketchy as fuck
Shameful as heck.

wow. a landslide has obliterated part of an important highway that connects China and India

Seasonal variability of wake impacts on US mid-Atlantic offshore wind plant power production

Wind turbines and wind plants create wakes, or regions of reduced wind speed, that may negatively affect downwind turbines and plants. We evaluate wake variability and annual energy production with the first yearlong modeling assessment

, ,

US announces sweeping cuts to power sector emissions

"'s government on Thursday finalized sweeping plans to curb planet-warming ... Hailed as among the most significant tools ever developed for reducing from the power sector, the rules will require existing -fired plants and new high capacity gas-fired plants to reduce their output by 90%"

122 million tonnes = the projected annual amount of plastic that wont be recycled or disposed of responsibly by 2050 under business-as-usual scenarios. Getting close to the zero waste goal requires a mix of strong measures, including both downstream efforts such as increasing recycling, and upstream ones such as capping virgin-plastic production.

Plastic production generated the equivalent of 2.24 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide in 2019, mainly from the energy-intensive process of extracting and refining the fossil fuels used to generate the petrochemicals that make up most virgin plastic. A cap on plastic production is one of the most powerful levers for cutting pollution.

The mistakes we have been making in agriculture EXACTLY mirror the mistakes we've been making in society.

This may sound trite, but it's a VERY simple and blunt truth: the more diversity, the better. Whether we're talking about plants in the ground or people in your community. Without diversity, we will die.

The harder we try to exert control, the worse the consequences come back around to bite us in the ass. Whether this is about forcing crops to grow in straight lines and killing everything that isn't the desired product, or forcing people to behave in a certain manner-- it works the same way.

Hubris leads to unforseen consequences-- and keeps us repeating the same mistakes over and over and over again long past the time we should've learned better. The arrogance of insisting we know better than nature, the obsession with manipulation, keeps us from admitting conventional wisdom is flawed. Even when it is killing us.

We can do better.

The results sound too good to be true, and yet... The measurements are right there. Better than most of us would have ever imagined. Even with the proof RIGHT THERE on the farm next door, neighbors will still insist on sticking to the doomed methods we be been taught are the "best" way (indeed, entrenched obsolete agricultural policies will actually penalize doing anything differently).

This farmer got a kick start, when 4 years of total disasters kept him from harvesting anything from his ranch-- inadvertently resting and replenishing the depleted soil. He took a big risk, switching to no-till he actually sold his tilling equipment in order to afford the no-till drill seeder.

His land is now 5x as fertile as that of his neighbors, and sits pretty while they flood in the rain.

No pesticides. No herbicides. No synthetic fertilizer. No ploughing.

Throughout this video, he keeps emphasizing how crucial it is to incorporate carbon into the soil-- for production, for profit. He's not even talking about atmospheric CO2-- it just so happens that sequestering carbon in living ecosystems is the best way to produce food.

Even though he's still probably a pretty conservative guy, still treating animals like walking coin purses, even he has been learning how to work WITH the land.

Why isn't this sort of thing all over the news Why isn't it taught in every ag school This video and others like it have been increasingly making the rounds, but...

When it DOES show up in the news, what do we see

...Frightened, struggling, impoverished farmers protesting in horror because the government is restricting their fertilizer use.

Remember that poem about washing the dishes And how if you drop one on the floor, maybe they won't tell you to wash the dishes anymore...

When environmental policies are enacted, it works in much the same way as many policies for social justice-- if it's implemented in the worst ways, guaranteed to piss people off, it compromises the results. Then people can claim "See We tried! And it doesn't work!"

Command farmers to use less fertilizer without explaining WHY, without massive educational campaigns showing how regenerating the soil actually works, leading with punishment instead of excitement-- and the environmental effort is shot in the foot. Stirring up resentment against the whole idea. Protecting the companies that profit off the doomed status quo.

Same thing when drugs are decriminalized in some half-assed way WITHOUT implementing sufficient treatment programs. Same thing with some Affirmative Action over here but not touching the mass incarceration or poverty or other systemic drivers over there.

We can't halfass things anymore. We can't settle for the performative and poisoned false "reforms" that won't actually get the job done.

Real solutions take big changes. It takes thinking profoundly differently. Tear apart every unexamined assumption.

"The last decade is the coolest we will experience ... until we reach net zero

Climate Change and Military Power: Hunting for Submarines in the Warming Ocean

"Climate change will have significant effects on military power, capabilities, effectiveness, and employment. Yet, scholars have paid little attention to this topic. We address this gap by investigating the effects of changing ocean conditions on anti-submarine warfare."


#148 - More people need to know what's happening to our world. These documentaries are a good start.

Um, welcome to and . And remember -- it's not just HUMANS who are affected! From ...

Panel 1:
WINTER WEATHER Protect your plants: s Nighttime to chill Northeast into Friday
25 minutes ago

Panel 2:
SEVERE WEATHER This map may save lives when there's a threat
1 day ago

Panel 3:
to surge over much A of Northeast 1st 90s F in 5 some areas
23 minutes ago

Britains natural landscape is in ruins thanks to the . Heres how will restore it

FYI, the state of the environment after years of Tory mismanagement derserves a paraphrased Tory (misleading) reply. "We are committed to protecting the environment! (Even though our policy changes, generally, show that we are more committed to locking up environmental protesters)

Zero-emission Zones Are Helping Some Cities Fight Pollution

"only about a dozen cities around the world have officially implemented or announced formal proposals to pilot ZEZs"

And in today's episode of No Shit Sherlock:

Scientists say voluntary corporate emissions targets not enough to create real climate action

3 min

serious shit

The record-breaking rain that recently fell over the United Arab Emirates and Dubai was driven partly by climate change, a team of 21 scientists and researchers found. The extreme weather was 10-40% more intense than what locals would normally see in a typical El Nio year and resulted in around two dozen deaths. CNN tells us more:

dwindling water supplies are raising tensions in mexico

AI Policy Cant Ignore Climate Change: We Need Net Zero AI Emissions

"AI needs to 'pay for itself' regarding the climate by having net zero emissions and, preferably, even net negative emissions."

Flying foxes are coming to a town near you, and experts say we need to learn to live with them
By Rhiannon Stevens and Jeremy Lee

Grey-headed flying foxes move into new locations in search of food and habitat, and their defenders say residents need to learn to live with the sometimes noisy and smelly creatures.

Z At the top of the hour it's Radio Ecoshock Presented by Alex Smith. A weekly program about the Latest , authors, issues - from , oceans, forests, , solar storms, the , and .

these sharp weather events are the way climate change is probably going to play out. Not a slow heating and gradual change but sharp swings.

AlJazeera: Gaza Civil Defence issues warning to displaced Palestinians

As temperatures soar in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Civil Defence has warned that conditions are ripe for the expansion of the spread of epidemics & diseases among displaced Palestinians, especially among children & pregnant women.

Drink plenty of water, try to ventilate the place, keep children away from the suns rays, especially at peak heat times, & be sure to wipe their bodies with cold water constantly, spokesperson Basal said in a statement on Telegram, speaking to the thousands of displaced Palestinians currently sheltering in tents.

meets and

In the end, petrostates suffering the worst from climate change may be the only way things change.

People who live on coastlines should take note, particularly folks in Florida and Southern California. Plans to move this village started in 2006, and it is finally happening, but at great expense to property and the village economy.

New rule: US coal-fired power plants to capture emissions or shut down.

New EPA directive will cut pollution equivalent to the emissions of 328 million cars.

Open Access paper. "Record-breaking fire weather in North America in 2021 was initiated by the Pacific northwest heat dome"

It's time to get to work on system change.

'Engineers at Georgia Tech have designed a process that converts carbon dioxide removed from the air into useful raw material that could be used for new plastics, chemicals, or fuels.

Their approach dramatically reduces the cost and energy required for these direct air capture (DAC) systems, helping improve the economics of a process the researchers said will be critical to addressing climate change.'

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks