There are scientists doing work, but
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There are scientists doing work, but we need live experiments and we need lots of money to do that. So when we need this handbrake we know how to use it as safely as possible.
And no, its not something I really want at all, I want that fairytail world too. But we need all the measures we can get to safe our world.
Watch this video on the and how it will impact . It is a nightmare and it is getting close.


Climate Change

The arrogance of western scientists to not make as safe as possible is a staggering mistake grounded in thinking of ten years ago. Science as constantly underestimated how fast goes worse. (2/4)

for people following this discussion, I am not pro geo-engineering, I am pro ., which is one specific technique where the sun is blocked by Aerosols.
is not without risk, but the impact when a responsable controlled implementation goes wrong is way less dangerous than the scenario we are in right now which will impact 8 billion people. (1/4)

With facing possibly five weeks in a state of water emergency, it baffles me how they're still pushing forward with while doesn't have ample water.

It's barbaric.

Vielleicht sollte der Titel eher heissen "Niemand mag Leute, die schon immer recht hatten".
Menschen lgen sich lieber selbst was vor, als dass sie etwas gegen ihren eigenen Untergang tun.

Missed my daily bike ride to work due to heavy climate change

myths and

It's the sun

One of the smoking guns that tells us the Sun is not causing global warming comes from looking at the amount of solar energy that hits the top of the atmosphere.


Websites I love: Electricity Maps

A project by a french-danish group using open data and maps to show the live situation of production in the world areas where data is available: Europe, most of North+South America, Russia, parts of the Middle East, Nigeria, South Africa, India, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, some parts of Australasia.

(they are hiring in Copenhagen if you're interested!)

The old intro has gotten out of date. This one will soon, but in the meantime:

I'm a queer trans witch and activist from Uruguay and Sweden, play a bit of music and do photography when I can.

Under the persona I run Toot Foundation.

If you post about these topics we might have something to talk about:

Six Killed, Five Missing After Landslide in Sikkim, 1,500 Tourists Left Stranded

After the damage from the landslide, the National Highway 10 is now blocked, thus completely isolating north Sikkim.

From the makers of Whales are carbon sinks and Bisons are carbon sinks , behold

Large birds help carbon sinks

It seems to me somebody is playing with excel tables to blow even more hot air in carbon offsets.

Coming up next Rats are carbon sinks

Here is an essay on the apocalypse.

I am in jail for breaking windows at JP Morgan, the biggest funder of fossil fuels. Here's why I did it

> I believe the civil disobedience of ordinary people can secure great change. I do what I can - and accept the consequences, says climate activist Amy Pritchard

>Every day I struggle to hold the insanity of our collective behaviour within me in my psyche, my heart and my body. The harm we are causing to ourselves, to our fellow humans and all other beings, and our incredible, beautiful home, is horrific

>I dont think these bankers are intending to kill people and crash the economy but its as if they are blinded by the acquisition of wealth, or captured by addiction, or in an altered state of consciousness, asleep, or compartmentalising to the extreme. I believe that almost all humans have caring and compassion within them, and this can be reached.


I don't agree but I hope I am wrong and Amy is right... Alas, time is not on our side. Collapse the Economy (DeGrowth) or collapse civilisation, those are the only choices left. I suspect through the wolf is through the door and in the house.

15.06.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

The Group of Seven rich democracies have failed to deliver significant new progress on climate during a summit in Italy, instead reiterating previous commitments, experts and activists have said.

Political manifestos map Britains renewable future

Somehow dont think the average Mastodon user will be voting reform

Why doesn't the media claim Peter is . He's a walking disaster:
Border security
Performing in
plan before budget
plan before election
Flights on Gina's jet.

One of the things I find so amazing about how Earth's lifeforms evolved is that plants take in CO2 and release O2 as by-product. Whereas animals need O2 and CO2 is what they exhale.

There are many other cycles to a healthy biosphere, but this really basic one in respiration is frankly deserving of the original meaning of "awesome".

Messing these beautiful systems up for a few uppity primates to accrue power, status & $ is dysorderly.

We need to get serious about

Another five spots on the water main feeder pipe discovered and another 3-5 weeks needed for repairs.

This is certainly a test for Calgarians. A little over 10 years after the city was hit with a major flood, here we are. Water management appears to be our Achilles heel.

A new version of the classic board game Catan released this week puts players squarely in the 21st century, where the goal is to avoid a climate catastrophe.

At Levels 3 and 4, the Weather Service says the heat will pose a threat to individuals without adequate cooling and hydration. The most vulnerable groups are typically outdoor workers, homeless people, older adults and anyone without access to air conditioning.

A very good argument against the use of glass curtain wall construction in hurricane prone areas, if not everywhere.

People still trying to ignore hitting the fan

I fully support spending whatever is necessary and prudent to provide Florida with the aid needed to recover from these massive rain storms just as long as the bill is called the Comrade Desantis' Big Government Socialist Welfare Handout for Lazy Red State Moochers Because Climate Change is Real and Happening Now Act

On today's ride, I saw a man in a uniform shirt (w/ name patch & everything) riding an electric scooter on campus. He then rode it to the parking lot where the company truck was waiting.

This was a contractor of some sort. I wish *all* UC Davis Facilities, Grounds, Design & Construction Management, Environmental Stewardship, etc. were operating this way!

So many big gas trucks moving around just a person, maybe a clipboard or one light tool... This stuff can be done by e-cycle.

deSatan is still pretending is a hoax. He's a moron.

Summer Snow Alert for British Columbia: Environment Canada

Worlds cartoonists on this weeks events #FrenchEUpresidency #Climatechange #WarinUkraine #EUelection #Politics #Finance

15.06.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Government approves smaller offshore wind zone off Illawarra
By Kelly Fuller and Tim Fernandez

The federal government has given the green light to a fourth offshore wind zone, located off the Illawarra coast, with a reduced size, following community concerns.

Bonn climate talks: Key outcomes from the June 2024 UN climate conference

"..many delegates in Bonn were frustrated that negotiations were still not reckoning with the need to ramp up global climate ambition"

What is required is that we all show up, grow up and lift up.

Lets treat the land we live on well: it was not given to us by our fathers, but it was lent to us by our children.

Masai proverb

Be it crack on mark or one rabbit hole too far I will leave up to you to judge, but my belief is that all this talk of transition to renewable energies to meet so-called net zero targets is a distraction, a confusion, a con.

Our political leaders think this is about meeting conceptual targets when in reality it is about responding to existential threat.

The con: that we will transition to an alternate energy form that will support a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Sooner or later. We will put the planet back the way it was. The act of transition itself will generate wealth and prosperity for all built on new technologies and businesses.
Keep on doing what you are doing and we will take care of things.

The truth is just so unpalatable that few dare to taste it.
Not politicians, not the rich, and certainly not the poor.

Things are not going to be OK. They are going to be very NOT OK.
And we must prepare as the (probationary) custodians of this planet to do the absolute best we can with what is unfolding.

This will require individual introspection (this is an existential threat after all) and collective radical, compassionate, global, action.

In short, it will require a deep un-selfing. First, we reinhabit ourselves, then we reinhabit the planet.

Over at there is an article that I believe sums up the current situation with more than a little sobering precision.

Lets face it: this unsustainable civilization is beyond repair. It needs hospice before its put to rest, not another day on life support powered by green magic and fairy tales of an energy transition which never was.

Its time for us to grow up and let go of our childish dreams of technology and progress saving our sorry societies. We need a psychological transition into adulthood, not a material one into oblivion.

Instead of investing in futile attempts at replacing the irreplaceable, or trying to put the genie back in the bottle, we should be building out an alternative, resilient, local, low-tech, low-energy society restoring ecosystems and figuring out a new living arrangement with the natural world as we go.

If that resonates.Read the entire article here:

#climateChange #environment #health

'Meet the Labour Candidates Lobbying for Oil, Gas and Arms Companies
We counted 31 with links to corporate lobbying.'

Remember they said Miami would be under water A preview of the future

"A Miami underwater is becoming a reality we'll have to accept."

What the politicians ALL fail to acknowledge is this is not about conceptual targets.

This is about existential threat.


Problem: coastal erosion in due to


Analogy: Deckchairs. Titanic.


Canberra is known for its bitterly cold winters here's why

Canberra is Australia's coldest capital city on average, with temperatures regularly dropping below zero during the winter months because of its higher than average elevation and it's bowl-like landscape in which colder air settles.

smoke reached 99% of US lakes in 20192021: introduces 'lake-smoke day' metric

Foes of New York Packaging Bill Used Threats of Empty Grocery Shelves to Defeat Plastics Bill.

The Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act sought to remake waste management and recycling in New York. Advocates vow to keep trying.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks