The New Yorker article by Jonathan
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The New Yorker article by Jonathan Franzen on community cats contains distortions and factual errors. Here are a few of the worst:
"Recently I found a squirrel with its limbs torn off and guts hanging out in my back yard."
This must have been an extremely small squirrel and/or an extremely large cat. I've seen many squirrels in areas where community cats are cared for. ...

1. They say 97% of climate scientists believe in anthropogenic .

2. So most people in Western countries believe in catastrophic .

3. Still, in those countries 97% of people are not yet.

How is that possible

(1) or (2) are false or humanity is at the peak of hypocrisy.

Dr Hansen and colleagues on the reticence to challenge authority among scientists.

=> Global warming in the pipeline

"A rising carbon price is not a panacea many other actions are needed but it is the sine qua non. Without it, fossil fuels will continue to be used extensively."

Plant trees and save the planet.

Dear Mrs. Hossenfelder, maybe in ten years from now your "data" will also tell you being is the most effective thing everyone can do and promoting it is the best things youtubers can do.

DYK there is a connection between and

It is vital to address the climate and crises simultaneously.

Read the IPBES Assessment Report on Land Degradation and Restoration:

Yet another . Riding on artificial snow, 15 C in Central (Catalan Pyrenees). To many European traditions, this week is regarded as the coldest week of the year.

If scientists were serious about catastrophic the vast majority of them would be and promoting as much as possible.

Why Because the evidence it's the best thing you can do is many orders of magnitude bigger than the ones of .


despite the Australian public voting for Labors pledge to aggressively reduce emissions, on the day after he was sworn in as Australias 31st Prime Minister, Albanese was at Kantei in Tokyo making a contrary pledge of better energy security for Japan.

What come to appreciate from necessity: that curative therapy comes with no guarantees, with risks and side effects - some common others rare but serious.

Seems as if we may be at or approaching a similar decision point for : to treat aggressively now or monitor, dabble, delay, and deny the need to treat robustly.

=>Global warming in the pipeline
James E. Hansen

"Lok Sabha MP from Guntur Jayadev Galla is likely to quit active politics ... The reason, according to sources, is that he wants to avoid unnecessary political interference in his business affairs."

"Jayadevs company Amara Raja Batteries has been entwined in a legal battle after the AP Pollution Control Board (APPCB) issued closure notices for two of its plants, ... alleging violation of environmental norms."

Watched last night, as re-broadcast from some years ago. Interesting, because Yellowstone Park, is such a unique, relatively untouched/protected environment and the program is essentially focussed on how temperatures are rising and what the effect is on wildlife and the region.

It was also very noticable, that they never used the term *climate change*. Not once. It was made in 2016.

May not be accessible outside UK

Is it ok to eat meat as long as its local Is that better than eating avocados shipped from across the globe

In short: no. The transportation of beef is just 1% of its greenhouse gases. Its much better for the environment to eat plants. Local plants is better still, but the difference is staggering - look at this chart!

better than nothing, any way badly

Article accepted this morning ! It was inspired by a challenging question : why is it so difficult to prove the existence of alternate stable states in ecological systems An important question because the theory has been invoked so widely as a red flag within analyses of impacts and for environmental activism.

Climate change has caused Greenland's ice sheet to lose 20 percent more ice than previously thought, according to research that used satellite imagery to track the retreat of glaciers over the past four decades...

Starting the week with some veggie inspiration

Latest satellite data analysis shows Greenland has lost significantly more ice than previously estimated.

global current conveyor belt.

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is even impacting the sunken shipwrecks of the Franklin expedition in the .

I find joy in a lot of the world. E.g. Sunsets are beautiful, and pollution enhances the beauty. I would rather not have , but it is true that sunsets are better. So I enjoy them, while I work for a better world (with worse sunsets).

My new book- childrens
Skies Are Not All The Same

This book is created with the intention of instilling empathy in children and educating kids about and

On form

4 of the 5 major projects blocked by Morrison & Albanese govts since 2019 as clearly unacceptable under the countrys decades-old environmental laws have been renewable projects, including Asian Renewable Energy Hub Revised Proposal & the Lotus Creek Wind Farm
None have been fossil fuel projects

"At the end of the day, all of the best available research shows that having robust ecosystems, like healthy forests & grasslands are our best reservoirs for water, right They've long adapted with it, having a healthy forest that's not logged or clear cut logged."


We are a maddeningly stupid species if we choose to concoct conspiracy theories rather than band together to save ourselves against the threat of climate catastrophe.

, , ,

"Although opponents of offshore wind projects blame them for a spate of whale deaths over the past 13 months on the East Coast, the agencies said is the biggest threat to the right whales. They and other scientific agencies say there is no evidence that offshore wind preparation work is harming or killing whales. Many of them have been struck by ships or become entangled in fishing gear."

- Climate crisis: proven
- Climate change: evident
- Heating wave: obvious
- Ways to improve the situation and feel less the impact of temperature, etc: accesible

- Praying to a to bring the rain as if we lived back in time 4000 years ago: ridiculous

The Biden administration is pausing the approval process for new exports of liquefied natural gas or >

"Climate change looks different on paper than it does when it is right in front of you: You think its far away, but soon its in your front yard." Poetically written about the effects of

Woah, that oil and gas propaganda ad was absolutely horrible. We really do have an uphill battle to survive.

Left critics denounce COP28, but offer no alternative

I disagree with Allan Thornett's assessment of the potential impact of COP28, his downplaying of the significant lack of enforcement mechanisms, and his failure to put climate reparations front and center. I also feel that he constructs a straw-man by asserting that the left eschews making demands of the COPs. I think his emphasis on demand-side policies to cut emissions and his full-throated support for Hansen's support for individual and individualistic carbon dividends are misplaced. However, I do feel that he is on solid ground in insisting that the left must be involved in the struggle for reforms by the climate movement, while promoting a social justice perspective, as the only path to an ecosocialist future. I also feel that he is correct in saying that total disengagement from the COPs is a no-win strategy, in the same way that total disengagement from other bourgeois institutions, including the state, is a no-win.

Carbon capture from the beneficial for reducing ocean acidification and addressing

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Global Warming sucks