"The new paper doesnt change the
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"The new paper doesnt change the best-case warming scenario from doubling CO2 about 2 degrees Celsius average temperature increase worldwide or the most likely estimate, which is about 3 degrees Celsius. But it reduces the worst-case scenario for doubling of CO2 by a full degree, from 5 degrees Celsius to 4 degrees Celsius."

Great to have such official accounts on the !

Main topics IMHO:
reinforced public health and concrete answers to the crisis
Better protection of workers and better wellfare against precariousness
To welcome migrants according to European values and its humanist principles
A more combative Europe against racisms, especially antisemitism and muslim-hatred politics
Protection of from 's agenda

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 1.03C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

The heavy rains that flooded Dubai this week halted air traffic, damaged buildings and streets and left many asking whether the city should be better prepared for extreme storms.

JDE Peet's has signed memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with Peru, Honduras, and Rwanda as part of its initiatives to address coffee-related deforestation.

Earth and Humanity: Myth and Reality (video)

Slightly late but I'm sure the billions of readers I have will forgive my tardiness.

for the week:



Green Our Planet

What generates more carbon pollution for a typical commute: a petrol car or an electric grid that powers an electric tram

This is where we are heading.

Governments, in aggregate, still plan to produce more than double the amount of fossil fuels in 2030 than would be consistent with limiting warming to 1.5C. The persistence of the global production gap puts a well-managed and equitable energy transition at risk.

The shown graph from the Production Gap Report shows the huge differences in planned production of fossil fuels and the quantities necessary to possibly limit global temperature rises of 1,5 or2 degrees.

We are talking about a factor 2 to 3,5 more production over the years 2020 to 2050

The En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator - a powerful, user-friendly and dynamic tool for exploring pathways to address

The default "status-quo" scenario is alarming, projecting a 3.3C rise by 2100 that could render regions uninhabitable.

After spending some time modifying several variables, I produced a very optimistic scenario for the year 2100. Still, 1.7C is a significant increase.

See image and find more on

Once a peat bog gets going, it could be decades before it dies out.

"Romantisches Inferno III", 90 x 120 cm, l auf Leinen.

Nach J. M. William Turner, "Quillebeuf, at the Mouth of Seine", 1833, Calouste Gulbenkian Museum.

One in ten residents of Chinas coastal cities could be living below sea level within a century, as a result of land and .

One in ten residents of Chinas coastal cities could be living below sea level within a century, as a result of land and .

We dont acknowledge nearly enough the role the industry plays in , but those foreign holidays you like to go on a few times a year have a large impact on the places youre visiting.

Thousands protest against Canary islands unsustainable tourism model

"berblicksartikel: Nhert sich die atlantische Umwlzstrmung einem Kipppunkt"

The Sahel and West Africa experienced at the end of March and beginning of April 2024, with the reaching over 45C and Burkina Faso recording minimum temperatures of 32C.

Scientists concluded that the extreme heat observed was made possible by human-induced .

If continues, similar could become 10 times more frequent and even 1C hotter in a world that is 2C warmer than pre-industrial times.

Great new article from indie climate journo Michael Thomas on his Distilled newsletter. (Highly recommend subscribing.)

America Isn't Running Out of Power: We have the solutions to meet growing demand from AI, electrification, and clean energy manufacturing

Emerging countries will pay a record $400 billion to service external debt this year

Study finds world economy already committed to income reduction of 19% due to climate change

Is air pollution sapping your childs concentration New study links NO2 exposure to attention span.

Exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) - a pollutant largely pumped out by road traffic - is linked to poorer attention span in children aged four to eight years old.

This is particularly pronounced in boys, according to the researchers in Spain.

Western Australias eucalypt forests fade to brown as century-old giant jarrahs die in heat and drought

They told us, again and again, that we had to do something about . And what did we do Nothing.

What did oil companies do They funded the and stink tanks. They lied.

"s climate is changing and scarcity will be an ongoing issue as a result of , which is primarily driven by the combustion of ."

A slow-moving storm system pummeled the United Arab Emirates and dropped more than a years worth of rain on some cities in April 2024.

A slow-moving storm system pummeled the United Arab Emirates and dropped more than a years worth of rain on some cities in April 2024.

beauty of the earth and the potential threat to its biodiversity

The Elephant in the Climate Room: Financing Sustainable Security and Supporting Future-Fit Systems

The authors outline the key challenges facing policymakers ahead of this year's "Spring Meetings" of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, particularly in the context of food security challenges, global instability, and gaps in climate finance.

, ,

Piedmont park is screening a documentary now on and .

Just Stop Oil just exposed the greenwashing at Earth Fest for all the world to see

These kinds of agreements are going to be increasingly necessary as and continues to get worse.

A parched place: the Alberta drought crisis is bigger than one summer

Republican from 25 states sued to block rules intended to reduce planet-warming from and light and encourage manufacturing, arguing the agency exceeded its legal authority.
The EPA rules aim to cut fleetwide emissions for cars and light trucks by nearly 50% over 2026 levels in 2032, and reduce emissions by 7.2 billion tons through 2055.

I have an allergy and I approve this study. It's getting worse and worse. Youre Not Imagining It. Your Allergies Are Getting Worse.

The wealth is all on paper.

controls the secret key.

What if the Gulf Stream really collapses Is this something scientists detect immediately, or does it take a few weeks

Are the people who detect it communicating this to the public right away

Northern permafrost region emits more greenhouse gases than it captures, study finds

New Yorkers, is this the coldest April EVER

El Nino looks like it is calming down, but sea surface temps are still stubbornly high, and the atmosphere continues to put up anomalies around +1C compared to the 1982-2011 mean

By Planet Over Profit:

We. Got. Adams. We disrupted his power breakfast so he couldn't ignore how furious regular New Yorkers are with his wretched policies.


Afterwards he had his friends arrest us in retaliation. We were held for TWENTY FIVE HOURS, illegally. NYPD explicitly told us they arrested us because he ordered them to.

Crooked cops, crooked mayor.
(More on this very soon.)

NYC Mayor Eric Adams is a corporate shill, a mayor for cops, landlords, and billionaires, and an enemy to the rest of us. He gutted the city's landmark climate law, Local Law 97, because the real estate lobby told him to. This law was meant to address the fact that A FULL 70% OF NYC'S EMISSIONS COME FROM ITS BUILDINGS!

You can't even go to a library in New York City on a Sunday anymore because Landlord Adams wanted to hire hundred more cops to hurt our communities.

And let's not forget that he is being investigated for using his powers to do favors for the Turkish government, that he is a staunch supporter of Israel, said that immigrants are "destroying New York," and says that building more skyscrapers will (somehow) help our communities.

Enough is enough. Let's get us a mayor that cares about working New Yorkers.

Let's get us a mayor who will put planet and people over profit.

Solidarity forever,

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks