The King of Fruit rules over
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The King of Fruit rules over coffee. Its not a poison like coffee & its also my favourite fruit. I was lucky to visit & live in South East Asia in the past, before I pledged to go for reasons, & enjoyed lots of feasts in & . Its good for you & only has a bad smell in some caucasian minds. Im drooling at the thought of sitting eating durians outside a stall in Geylang.

Links for 9/15/24

Degrowth Can Support Business Sustainability 

Murder Offsets

How sets travel across the ocean - & orbits and other stuff

Climate change is really messing with the beaches chemistry. Alarming bacteria growth is happening.

Noxious Disinformation. Climate: The Movie

Jennifer Wilkins explains what the degrowth movement is about, and how degrowther

Almost 200 people killed last year trying to defend the , report finds
", , and were the most deadly countries for people trying to protect their lands and ecosystems, making up more than 70% of all recorded killings globally.
...Of those killed in 2023, 43% were from communities. Nearly 90% of those killed were men. Numbers from last year bring the total recorded killings to 2,106 since 2012, when Global Witness first started reporting on the data.
...Along with murders, the report said that disappearances and abductions of environmental defenders were common, as well as the wider of around the world."

Just discovered a new comic on postcolonial critique: "Episodes From a Colonial Present"

"This collective comic project illuminates the coloniality of everyday life as well as the decolonising potential of everyday struggles in the spaces, discourses and practices of so-called global development."

"Leak at First CO2 Injection Site in US Exposes Dangerous Folly of Carbon Capture

"This incident puts an exclamation point on concerns communities across the country have been raising for years about the dangers the CCS industry poses to public safety and drinking water," said one climate group." -

New and study: Prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures is linked to cognitive decline, kidney disease, skin cancer and the spread of infectious diseases.

Wow. Wir haben unsere Erde so richtig aus dem Gleichgewicht gebracht.

Ein riesiger Erdrutsch auf Grnland hat eine 200m hohe Tsunamiwelle ausgelst, die dann 9 Tage lang um die Erde lief.

Der Erdrutsch ist das Resultat jahrzehntelanger Erwrmung. Auftauender Permafrost und zurckweichende Gletscher konnten die Erdmassen nicht mehr halten.

Wir sind in einem neuen Zeitalter der Erwrmung angekommen und solche Ereignisse werden jetzt fter vorkommen.

Aus einem Paper im Science Journal.

Wir sollten wirklich langsam anfangen die Klimakatastrophe ernst zu nehmen.

: The disruptions in global supply caused by could force Italians to pay up to 2 per shot of their daily fix: still charmingly cheap for or New Yorkers but a shock for Romans, chart FT

In September 2023, a huge landslide in Greenlands Dickson Fjord unleashed a 200-meter-high mega-tsunami, generating a unique seismic signal that lasted 9 days whose vibrations were detected globally.

As permafrost on steep slopes continues to warm and glaciers continue to thin due to climate chnage we can expect these events to happen more often and on an even bigger scale across the world's polar and mountainous regions.

NZ's plan since John Key's National govt is to meet our carbon commitments by buying overseas carbon credits. Doing it by reducing our emissions would be "over-achieving".

And somehow this is our fair share

"To avoid purchasing any carbon credits from overseas, the government would need to over-achieve on New Zealand's own, domestic emissions budgets by cutting an extra 100 million tonnes from the country's emissions in the next five years."

"We fly lots, and we say that we shouldn't, says Jonas De Vos, a transport geographer at University College London (UCL) and the first author of the latest study. We are hypocrites.

The standard wisdom is that academic careers, especially early, are harmed when academics don't jet around the world for in-person meetings. This article suggests that the importance of this travel is overstated, while the carbon cost is clear.

Massive Flooding in Multiple European Countries due to climate change.


Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Austria under threat of massive flooding

Heavy rains left several Central European countries bracing for major flooding.

In Czech Republic, thousands of homes are without electricity

According to meteorologists, heavy rainfall will cover large areas of the central and eastern parts of the Czech Republic and Austria. The water level in rivers is rising in the Czech Republic

I feel like I knew this year that there were a lot of fires in Brazil burning, but I did not really have a clear grasp on the SCALE of how many more 'lot of fires' was.

Via News 11:34am, Sept 14, 2024

It started with a melting that set off a huge landslide, which triggered a 650-foot high mega-tsunami in last September. Then came something inexplicable: a mysterious vibration that shook the planet for nine days.

Over the past year, dozens of scientists across the world have been trying to figure out what this signal was

Green Our Planet

is close by

Wow. A new paper in Science
explains how an unexplained seismic signal in September 2023 was detected all around the world and lasted 9 days.

Here, 3 of the 69 collaborating authors of the paper explain what happened:

Great !
Paper title "A rockslide-generated tsunami in a Greenland fjord rang Earth for 9 days" by Kristian Svennevig et al 2024.
and URL without paywall as taken from the YT description

So triggers a landslide in a fiord in a -dug ravine. When the debris splashes into the water, it creates a 200m tsunami. This wave then sloshes back and forth across the fiord for 9 days. And is picked up as seismic signal all around the world!
As it happens, 1 month later, another landslide at the same fiord occurs. This lasts for 7 days.
The paper's supplement lists another 4 such events since 2004, with tsunamis lasting hours to 3 days.
PubSci article:

is a rationale decision

l have come to many of the right environmental & ethical based conclusions. l have researched, planned & succeeded in my goal of only eating a plant & fungi based diet. l exclusively purchase products that don't contain animal parts.

The crazy thing is, that some people don't accept that l should feel good about my personal cultural success story. Even though, my consumer choices are, in part, what's needed to mitigate animal suffering

Could you guys help this UN radical reform petition to get more widely seen here

It is a little longer than the average petition, sorry for that, but it tackles some really important global issues of the 21st century, including:

If you do decide to help, thank you!

Federal judge temporarily blocks Biden administration rule to limit flaring of gas at oil wells

arguing that it would hinder oil and gas production and that the Interior Departments Bureau of Land Management is overstepping its regulatory authority on non-federal minerals and air pollution

Z At the top of the hour it's Radio Ecoshock (repeat) Presented by Alex Smith. A weekly program about the Latest , authors, issues - from , oceans, forests, , solar storms, the , and .

15.09.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

I am at the climate summit in St. Petersburg, FL, U.S.A., with another 10-15 thousand people this evening. My children are up in front of the stage because Dr. Goodall likes to speak directly to them. I hope they recognize the gravity of being able to hear her speak live, even if they don't yet understand the gravity of the situation they face in their future.

The Hague to ban fossil fuel ads

The law bans advertisements for fossil fuels, petrol cars long-distance air travel.

As warms, this program is training a network of Indigenous farmers : NPR

May See the First Permanent Due to WIRED

Lake Karibas drying waters: People in Zimbabwe affected by severe drought

Droughts caused by climate change have resulted in a significant drop in water levels on Lake Kariba to the point where there is not longer enough water for hydropower generation. Al Jazeeras Haru Mutasa report

I blame Slartibartfast.

Cloud Cover Reduced By Large-Scale Deforestation

The researchers analysed idealised deforestation simulations using climate models and reanalyses, and on this basis provided insights into local decreases in global low-level clouds and tropical high-level clouds as a result of large-scale deforestation

I've fixed that for you...

Latest modelling tips fourth La Nia for Australia in five years before the end of 2024

Another La Nia this year would be the fourth in just five years well above the average of one every four years, and a frequency only previously seen twice since 1900

U.S. Rural Co-ops Gain $7.3 Billion in Historic Clean Energy Funding

Funding will go to 16 recipients over 23 states.

The disturbing start to the insect year in England has given way to something much more normal.

Today I have seen hundreds of buff-tailed bumblebees and probably around thirty large white butterflies.

'Miscellaneous' flies were abundant enough today to be a mild nuisance. Half of the insects on the ivy flowers are common wasps.

Long-term trends are still very worrying and the picture is very mixed. I have still only seen one burnet moth all year.

The immediate panic has subsided, yet it has been a stark reminder of the nightmare of losing our insects.

Earthquake scientists detected an unusual signal on monitoring stations used to detect seismic activity during September 2023. We saw it on sensors everywhere, from the Arctic to Antarctica.

We were baffledthe signal was unlike any previously recorded. Instead of the frequency-rich rumble typical of earthquakes, this was a monotonous hum, containing only a single vibration frequency. Even more puzzling was that the signal kept going for nine days.

Big Oil Oil Pumped $61 Million Into Failed Attempt To Overturn Setbacks Regulations

One of the biggest victories by a coalition of environmental, climate justice, indigenous and community groups against Big Oil in California took place this June when the oil industry withdrew their deceptive referendum to overturn health and safety protections around oil and gas wells

Speed of Greenland's ice melt confirmed to be rapidly increasing

Drone footage of homes destroyed in Boyles Fire, Clearlake, CA.

TikTokers death after running scorching Disneyland half marathon comes as heat-related fatalities soar in US

Italy says Europes 2035 gas-engine ban is absurd

Italian officials request an earlier review of the 2035 ban on combustion cars. Northern European markets are already advancing in EV adoption, unlike others.

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