The government in St Kitts and
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The government in St Kitts and has moved a step ahead for environmental as the agreement has been passed for the Community Centre (CCCCC). The announcement was made public on 2nd August 2024 by the federal parliament of the nation.

FYI via Peter Carter

IEA, Global Methane Tracker 2024

"Concentration of methane in the atmosphere is now over two-and-a-half times greater than pre-industrial. The increase has accelerated in recent years
Agriculture top human source.
75% cut in methane emissions from fossil fuels by 2030 is imperative"

I guess eels are about to have a bad time.

I wonder what happens to the Sargasso Sea when the amoc collapses. I bet it is just destroyed.

You dont what to hear this perhaps but my blog describes how SAI can cool the earth in 2 years and keep temperature steady even if CO2 keeps rising. We still need to slash CO2, but slower and avoiding collapse
Risks are many times smaller than impact and more manageable than rampant
Its last resort time

Please read before you disagree
And sorry, its very long and thorough

: "In recent years, a new approach to addressing the climate crisis has been gaining traction. A group of academics and activists are questioning the possibility of endless economic growth on a finite planet. They instead advocate for a bold solution: degrowth.

The movement argues for radically scaling back our global consumption of resources, the democratisation of the economy, and collectively managing key resources.

Critics of degrowth argue that economic growth has lifted many people out of poverty over the years, and that the movement underestimates both the power of innovation and the need for investment in new sustainable technology.

But what is degrowth and what does it look like in practice"


... said, despite increasing concerns that the do relatively little to support native species and can suck up scarce water..."

"...some experts say the destruction could lead to a major overhaul of how manages its forests, changes they say will help ensure these landscapes can better cope with , support , and protect water quality."


Climate Change

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 1.25C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

I went looking at the modern coral reef in Kikaijima and found some porites microatolls. The corals will grow upwards until the low tide mark, because they have to always be submerged. After reaching that, they can only grow laterally. The rims on the corals indicates that they have started grow upwards again, due to roughly 10 cm of recent sea level rise.

I guess there are lots of parallels with and the tension between doing what is right for the long-term view vs doing business as usual. Its just really sad especially when for Covid the solution is simple, even just wearing masks might fix it.


Heat around the world is killing crops.

The Mykolaiv hydrometeorological center warns of a harvest yield decrease

Excessive heat and drought accelerated the ripening of agricultural crops in Ukraine, but negatively affected their condition and development, which will lead to lower yields.

The reserves of moisture in sunflower and corn crops are exhausted, and the period of drought continues.

What If we could reimagine our future as thriving, fairer, more resilient and more connected How could that vision help us to move forward and take practical action towards a better future

Transition Together have just brought out a free step-by-step guide to building a community vision, a great tool for making local change. The guide is designed to help groups and communities open up their imagination and start exploring what a better future could look like in their context. It helps to build a shared vision of whats possible, a vital starting point to exploring how we can work together to make it a reality.

The guide is for any group that wants to expand their vision of whats possible in the future and explore how they want to work towards it. It is designed for starting conversations within a local community and to create a space to hear different perspectives and needs. The exercise can also be used to investigate a single theme or issue, like food or transport, or by a group which isnt place-based but wants to reimagine the future of their area of interest like the arts or youth provision.

If you are from a community group that wants to invite the wider community into this process you might like to do this exercise within your organisation first. This lets you become really familiar with it before running it with a bigger audience, but also allows your members to fully contribute and explore your priorities and focus in a deeper, richer way.

The guide is based on the experience of the , a network of community groups in 50 countries people working together locally to address the big, complex problems of our time. They do this by reimagining our local communities, and then taking practical action to help them become thriving, inclusive, more resilient places for everyone. Transition simply means change and how we get from one thing to another from a damaging, polluting, unequal present to a fairer, more resilient, regenerative future for all.

There are some 300 local Transition groups in communities across the UK. They are supported by Transition Together in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and by Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (SCCAN) in Scotland. This approach to visioning was developed during the global coronavirus pandemic and is inspired by Rob Hopkins work around What if, and the 3 horizons framework (). This framework was developed to help navigate situations where there is a high level of uncertainty and also a high level of potential for change. Its an approach that has been tried and tested by many local Transition groups working to take action from the ground up, and helped them go on to make changes in their community.

Find out more:

You can down the guide

#Resilience #TransitionNetwork #climateChange #OWGF #StrongTowns #sustainability #Urbanism

Since the 1990s, something 'magical' has been happening. Countries have been successfully decoupling human prosperity from environmental impacts.

WePlaneteer Rob De Schutter discusses what has led to the phenomenon of decoupling and what it means for our future.

Where have all the wasps gone

Despite their bad reputation and tendency to disrupt picnics, wasps are an important part of our .

During this time of year, it can seem like most outdoor activities are plagued by the flying insects... but they appear to have lacked their usual numbers in 2024.

Colder and wetter weather and climate change have had a global impact on the invertebrates.

Without wasps, the world could be overrun with spiders and , according to the Natural History Museum. Each summer, in the UK capture about 14 million kilogrammes of insects such as caterpillars and greenfly, making them important friends to gardeners.


Don't give up

I received a message yesterday from someone asking why I seem to have stopped posting about climate change recently. Please indulge me as I wax aproxi-poetic.


Where we at. Just so you knows.

suchness of darker things that I have chewed on for a while now too unpalatable, too big, too doom and gloom to be served in social conversation.

And I could be totally wrong about all of it. Im not that smart. I am wrong about a lot of things.
So I now keep these things to myself. Mostly.


The future of humankind is bleak. It is not just climate change. We have breached most of our planetary guardrails and severed our precious ecological life support systems. 

The resulting effects on our planet will lead to a unprecedented collapse of society as we currently define and experience it. Just when this will happen or how bad it will be remains fuzzy. But it will be soon and it will be bad.

There is mass. There is momentum. There is direction.
For the sake of emphasis lets say a prognosis of 50 years. Probably way less. 

We have not been mature enough or insightful enough as a species to prevent this from occurring. We remain blissfully distracted by our superficial curated bullshit. We are in denial. We are kept in denial. 

Moreover, it is apparent that we do not have the collective wherewithal to disengage from those very political, economic and emotional drivers plunging us deeper into the badness end of the pool. Even as it all unravels. 

Energy -based technology is not going to save us from the collapse because it is too deeply entangled in capitalist principles of extraction, consumption, profit and personal power.

Our political leaders will not save us because they are worshippers of economic growth.

The problem cannot be the solution.


So. To the future.

We will bake. We will burn. We will starve. We will squander. We will fight. We will flee. 
Not all of us. But all of us.


There are nothing but beginnings. Even in death.
.and this is the crux of the matter
this is not the end. We will all ride the collapse in our own way. It will bring out the very worst and the very best in us.

Meanwhile, the cosmic stretch of time will heal to the superficial, insignificant, catastrophic injury inflicted on this earth. Life will move on.


The universe is vast. There are myriad other worlds with their own ecosystems and civilisations. The we is bigger than we can imagine. The magnificence is perpetual.


I shall not speak of this again.

#climateChange #climateEmergency #OnlyWords

With current policies the Earth is on track to a warming of around 3 C above preindustrial temperatures, a level of heat our planet has not seen for millions of years. Ecosystems, human society and infrastructure are not adapted to these temperatures. Due to non-linear effects, the impacts will be much more severe than just three times as bad as after 1 C of warming.

Free download at:

04.08.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Hello Fediverse!

I'm happy to be here. What's been on my mind The intersection of the race to AGI, climate tipping points, and a fundamentally unsustainable economic system.

I'm here for

Are there any on here

China is installing the wind and solar equivalent of  large nuclear power stations per week. A report by Sydney-based think tank Climate Energy Finance said China was installing renewables so rapidly it would meet its end-of-2030 target by the end of this month or 6.5 years early.

Notable Numbers

#General #Micronauta #CambioClimtico #ChangementClimatique #China #Chine #ClimateChange

Poverty hurts. It causes so many problems. Coupled with made more likely by and things get even worse. Throupled with an expensive and overwhelmed health care system and it gets even uglier. Storm blew off front of poorly built home front. Items destroyed. I volunteered to make an emergency . Two videos. 6 hours apart.

Antarctica heat wave sends temperatures 50 degrees above normal CNN

Id say it was a good run while it lasted but humanity has been pretty fucking awful.

From Brazil to the WA outback, how two remote communities found strength after natural disasters
By Esse Deves

Two different communities living 15,000 kilometres apart have found a way to heal together after experiencing severe natural disasters.

Climate change: is capitalism the problem

No longer matters as it did before ...

I don't mean to cause any trouble this late in pollution's solutionary evolution but, you're slowly feeling comfortable--albeit a tad bit sleepy--with , now.

We're under a warning, again. In .

This is not normal, at all. Well it didn't use to be, more accurately.

Sorry to be alarmist, but it's probably time to bust out your skin protector and Ressikan flute.

How to Blunt the New Climate Denial with Better Language

Well this is an interesting schism developing among conservatives: The Growing Conservative Backlash Against Carbon Capture and Storage

Carbon assured

Carbon assurances within the corporate environment is likely to become mandatory in future, and companies that already have systems in place to track and account for carbon emissions could reap the benefits.

Carbon assured

Carbon assurances within the corporate environment is likely to become mandatory in future, and companies that already have systems in place to track and account for carbon emissions could reap the benefits.

Dear fellow humans,

I believe you will likely be interested in a petition for radical reform of the ( included), whose efforts when faced with , , , and other challenges of this century have, unfortunately, been ineffective.

If indeed you are, see:

Kind regards

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks