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The following hashtags are trending across South African Mastodon instances:

Based on recent posts made by non-automated accounts. Posts with more boosts, favourites, and replies are weighted higher.

At this week's G7 talks in Italy, leaders will discuss a range of issues such as migration, AI and climate but one is set to top the agenda: using frozen Russian assets to help Ukraine.

'Record air traffic levels show industry cannot be trusted'

Sunstroke kills 50 Sudanese nationals in Aswan as temperatures soar

The complexities of this legal challenge are indeed striking. Balancing the interests of climate action and the legal implications for states pursuing claims will be a tightrope walk for SCOTUS. It's a pivotal moment that could define environmental and legal precedents for years to come. What outcomes do you think are most likely, and what impacts could they have

Tell the DOI to protect public lands from greedy fossil fuel companies!

SIGN NOW: Tell the EPA to end its support of toxic factory farm gas!

Tell Congress to oppose any anti-environment provisions in spending bills!

Tell the U.S. Treasury and IRS to OPPOSE support for dirty gas!

Dengue surges in Europe thanks to climate change #Infectiousdiseases #EnergyandClimate #Climatechange #Healthsystems #animalhealth #Globalhealth #Publichealth #HealthCare

Samstag haben wir am Hafen 200 Flyer gegen Milchkonsum und fr die vegane Lebensweise verteilt.

Fast alle haben den Flyer angenommen, wenn nicht waren sie meist schon vegan. Wir konnten viele Menschen erreichen und Gesprche ber die Milchwirtschaft fhren, die viele zum Veganismus angeregt haben.

Ein paar Fakten zur Milch:
- Khe mssen ein Kalb gebren um Milch zu geben (wie jedes Sugetier) und werden deswegen jedes Jahr wieder zwangsweise befruchtet
- Milchkhe werden nach etwa fnf bis sechs Jahren geschlachtet, obwohl sie natrlicherweise bis zu zwanzig Jahre alt werden knnten
-in der Regel werden die Klber nach nur wenigen Tagen von den Mttern entfernt. Das sorgt bei den Tieren fr erheblichen Stress

Deswegen sagen wir ganz klar nein zu Milch und Kse! Denn Kuhmilch und Kse sind untrennbar mit Leid und Gewalt verbunden und noch dazu umweltschdlicher als Alternativen.

Die informativen Flyer stammen von tierbefreierinnen.

Wow! Another effect of , maybe

Climate Change

Fully agree with - the fact that the clear warnings of science are being ignored is a disaster.


Yeah! Let's adapt to not having food, that'll be easy peasy.

It's fascinating to see the complexities SCOTUS has to navigate. Balancing state rights with national environmental policies is no easy feat. What are your thoughts on how they can best strike this balance

Climate change is deadly. Exactly how deadly

"But deaths that are indirectly tied to extreme weather aren't counted as reliably. For example, many people die because of power outages during or after intense hurricanes, wildfires and heat waves. 'If there is a disaster and there is no electricity and people who need dialysis can no longer get dialysis, so they go into kidney failure, that's an indirect death,' Lichtveld says."

24 x 14"

Alt text: geometric, blue-pink ornamental trees emerge from an orange-red ground.

Dutton wont announce medium term emissions targets before election Albanese says thats walking out of Paris

According to a report, five of the world's largest are accused of " " their involvement in the destruction of the . The report highlights that their environmental and social guidelines do not cover more than 70% of the . These banks are alleged to have financed and companies with billions of dollars, supporting projects that harm the Amazon, destabilise the climate, and threaten the land and livelihoods of Indigenous peoples.

A study reveals that while most people trust climate scientists, a skeptical minority can impede climate action.

Researchers stress that even minority distrust can have significant political consequences, emphasizing the need for scientists to maintain credibility and transparency to bolster public trust and drive climate action.

via Harvard

cause MOST of their deaths by heart attacks/strokes/kidney disease, than actual /over heating

But medics arent trained to recognise this, or register this on a death certificate. Result When a heatwave strikes a country of 220 million people, you end up with maybe 20 "extra deaths", and despite having plenty of extra heart-attacks or kidney failures, they're "seasonal deaths".

its not just the US, its worldwide.

I first noticed the issue in Covid when people would die of "pneumonia" or "sepsis", but never have Covid mentioned on their death certificates. Fair enough, there was a deluge of hospital admissions and not even testing kits to waste on patients you cant help anymore.

But then, ...


11.06.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Updated information on

The price of has doubled over the past 2y as hot and have baked groves around the - chart WSJecon

Updated information on

There are many different responses to collapse. A comment from Reddit.

Philippines, New Zealand Bolster Defense Ties with New Logistics Agreement

- CO2 levels and in the - Its not in your head, seasonal are getting worse, chart business

Ancora allagamenti e nubifragi eppure sabato e domenica mezza Europa ha scelto i negazionisti climatici, sicuramente ora il complotto finir e il meteo torner come una volta !

It is not about Xi.

It is about the

Is this a or is this not a crisis

Why are American companies demanding tariffs on the only cheap EVs

Capitalism trumps mass migrations and death in some people's playbook. I have been blocked by a partisan. I kindly blocked back.

It's not about Xi.

Is this a crisis or is this not a crisis

Western EV manufacturers cater to the wealthy. Then the upper-middle class. Then nobody. There are no cheap EVs made here.

I have finally sat down and learned how to make videos! This is my first one, a presentation entitled "The Global Archive of Paleo Sea Level Indicators (GAPSLIP) and application to assess past ice sheets". This is based on a presentation I gave at the Japan Geoscience Union conference last month. Here, I discuss the GAPSLIP database, and how I used it to assess my reconstruction of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

Increasing use of renewable energy in US yields billions of dollars of climate and health benefits

"From 2019 through 2022, and generation increased by about 55%... By increasing its use of , the US has not only slashed its planet-warming but also improved its , yielding hundreds of billions of dollars of benefits."

Think the USA is going green with electric vehicles & solar panels Maybe not... Huge new oil refinery is being built in Brownsville

Peter Duttons latest salvo on Australias emission goals suggest our climate wars are far from over

Dutton says Coalition will not set 2030 climate target before next election
By Tom Crowley

Peter Dutton says the Coalition will wait until it has returned to power and looked at "the prevailing economic conditions" before it sets a 2030 climate target.

How von der Leyen could win the election and still lose her job #AgricultureandFood #EuropeanGreenDeal #EnergyandClimate #Sustainability #Climatechange #Agriculture #Parliament #Elections #Pollution #Industry #Mobility #Policy #Cars #MEPs

Just 4% of plastic in the U.S. is recycled.

It wasnt always this way. But over the past 70 years, plastic has become embedded in nearly every aspect of human life. The world produces around 230 times more plastic now than it did in 1950, according to Our World in Data.

New post: This week's "hair on fire" summary has it all - bad faith actors, climate villains, and a sneaky substitution.

*now corrected, because "size matters."

Powering Canada: A blueprint for success

To achieve Canadas goals, the provinces and territories the ultimate authorities over its electricity systems will need to tackle a dual challenge: completing the decarbonization of existing electricity systems, while also rapidly growing capacity to meet new needs in everything from transport to buildings to industry.

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Global Warming sucks