The ceaseless rain in the second
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The ceaseless rain in the second half of last year "was made 10 times more likely and 20% wetter by human-caused global heating, a study has found"

Research shows the Caatinga is Brazils most efficient carbon capture biome

Given that the serious impacts of climate change are rapidly escalating, some scientists, backed up increasingly by governments, are looking into extreme measures such as geoengineering to slow the rate of change.

A new report examines 61 climate mitigation ideas for the Arctic, including geoengineering.


How many

artist songs or "pop" can you think of that raise awareness about the ecologically degrading effects of the pop & music industry

industry adverts inform the public that less, not more, cars is the road to sustainability

rich politicians protest about the injustice against the vulnerability of being homeless

citizens protest against crime that haven't personally experienced it

And so it will be with

EU election results threaten Green Deal, sustainability experts say

The UK and Ireland face a wetter, damper and mouldier future due to Until the world reduces emissions to net zero, the climate will continue to warm, and rainfall in the UK and Ireland will continue to get heavier.

This is the message we need to get out to combat the populist nonsense like "well if climate change is real at least we'll have nice hot summers"

The incident highlights the potential dangers of turbulence, especially as scientists warn its occurrence will worsen with .

OSS for Climate

Hosts Richard and Tobias talk about this new podcast, why open source technology is important for climate change, and what they hope to talk about with future guests!

Climate Change

Protections that could cool workers on a warming planet

"If we're going to fight climate change, we obviously need to address the impact of climate change on the most vulnerable populations. And that is service workers and outdoor workers and immigrant workers: they're going to be the first to be impacted,

Kalifornien, ein Bundestaat der USA, mit grerer Flche als Deutschland hat nun fr 45 Tage am Stck seinen kompletten Energiebedarf aus erneuerbaren Energien gedeckt.
Viele Leute glauben immer noch die Mr, dass Deutschland Speerspitze in Sachen niedriger CO2-Aussto ist, dabei sind wir mittlerweile nur noch unteres Mittelfeld. Wollen wir wirklich da sein


Global Tribunal Issues Historic Ruling for Oceans and Small Island Nations

An international tribunal on Tuesday delivered a decision that green groups and leaders of small island nations celebrated as a groundbreaking victory for ocean and climate protection."

Climate change responsible for wet winter


Climate Change Made Recent UK and Ireland Storms Much Worse

The climate crisis and its broader implications:

Understanding the Crisis

  1. Climate Change Impacts:
    • Primary Effects: The direct environmental impacts such as floods, storms, and droughts.
    • Secondary Effects: These encompass the broader societal impacts like social breakdown, mass migration, fiscal crises, and conflicts or wars.

Soft Problem: Infrastructure Response

To address the primary effects of climate change, we need to:

  1. Invest in Resilient Infrastructure:
    • Develop, diversify and upgrade infrastructure to withstand extreme weather events.
    • Implement sustainable urban planning and disaster preparedness programs.
  2. Promote Environmental Stewardship:
    • Encourage policies that protect natural ecosystems and biodiversity.
    • Support renewable down scaling with energy sources and end reliance on fossil fuels.

Hard Problem: State Stability and Security

Addressing the secondary effects involves:

  1. Economic and Social Policies:
    • Develop political and economic policies that buffer against fiscal crises caused by climate change.
    • Strengthen social safety nets to support communities impacted by environmental changes.
  2. Global Cooperation:
    • Foster international collaboration to facilitate the mass migration and sharing of resources.
    • Support global peacekeeping efforts to hold justice in place and prevent conflicts exacerbated by climate stressors.

Accountability and Legal Action

Prosecuting individuals or groups for their direct roles in the climate crisis involves several considerations:

  1. Legal Frameworks:
    • Establish clear legal standards for environmental crimes and corporate responsibility.
    • Develop international agreements to hold entities accountable for environmental damage.
  2. Ethical Considerations:
    • Ensure that legal actions are grounded in social justice and fairness.
    • Avoid simple scapegoating and ensure that those prosecuted are responsible for significant harm.
  3. Focus on Prevention:
    • Prioritize measures that prevent future harm along side punitive actions for though who are found responsible.
    • Promote corporate and governmental accountability through regulations and incentives for sustainable practices and well as impotently building real alternatives.

Moving Forward

To effectively address the and its security implications, a multifaceted approach is needed:

  1. Promote Public Awareness and Engagement:
    • Educate the public on the causes and effects of .
    • Encourage community involvement in real sustainability initiatives.
  2. Policy and Governance:
    • Advocate for robust climate policies at national and international levels.
    • Ensure that climate action is integrated into broader progressive security and economic strategies.
  3. Innovation and Adaptation:
    • Invest in research and development of soft and hard technologies for climate mitigation and adaptation.
    • Encourage the needed adaptive practices in agriculture, industry, and urban development.
  4. Ethical Leadership:
    • Foster community leadership outside the current agendas, that prioritize long-term sustainability and ethical governance.
    • Promote #4opens transparency and accountability in society and climate-related decision-making.

Addressing the requires a radical and balanced approach that combines radical immediate action with long-term fundamental planning, prominent legal accountability with widened ethical governance, and national efforts with wider global cooperation. By focusing on these areas, we can try to work towards a sustainable and secure future.

On this subject: The Eurocracy are hopelessly incompetent on progressive social and tech issues its our job to help them be less incompetent as best we can. The other path is more dangerous to get rid of them, but the dangers with this is the right-wing will take their place. This applies to most institutions and people.

#4opens #climatechange #climatecrisis #EU #mainstreaming

I've been thinking about trying to put together a website that makes it easy to see key council votes on issues like climate action, bike lanes, LGBTQ+ support. I want people to be able to easily see which issues came up on these areas, and how elected members voted.

Kind of like "They vote for you" but more bare bones!

Has anyone done something like that before in your area Have you done it

Update North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomaly 20. May 2024


Threats to , such as , require proper management of ecosystems.

On the International Day of Biological Diversity, we wish to highlight the role that the plays in combating biodiversity loss.

Learn more here

Mother Earth has a fever. She is getting rid of humanity. Let's dance to

"Earth Mother is screaming, we can't live without her
No time left for dreaming here, she knows
Have we forgot our future
Earth Mother, life giver, we can't live without her
So foolish, men who say they don't care
They'll be gone anyway

Think of our little ones,
For whom the world has just begun"

We are excited to announce the launch of a new podcast series showcasing the transformative power of " S " and the people and stories behind it. As host of the Podcast, is the ideal voice to bridge the gap between what sustains the open source ecosystem and how open source can sustain the natural shared ecosystem on which we all depend.

En Mditerrane, lamlioration du traitement des eaux uses semble profiter aux posidonies

Charge du suivi annuel des herbiers de posidonies en Mditerrane franaise, Andromde Ocanologie a constat des reprises de croissance dans certaines zones dOccitanie, probablement en lien avec les progrs dans le traitement des eaux uses en France. Une bonne nouvelle pour cet cosystme soumis de nombreuses pressions.

It's International Biodiversity Day and Greenpeace has launched a cinematic fill as part of its ongoing campaign to urge governments to stop the funding of nature destruction.

Titled MoneyTrees, takes the form of a music video. It features a set of bankers in a frenzy as they cut down trees, while a selection of government officials and finance execs look the other way.

An Opinion piece aptly summarising Climate Anomalies in Asia and East Africa last month.

22.05.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

is a human rightsissue

and : Unravelling the Impact on

And if you think that we, humans, are having a bad time, check this note: are dying as a consequence of the .

If you were wondering if hell exists, well, down here we're in hell right now.

I want Napitahtaa (the Oldman River) to be revived. should be treating runoff meticulously before it (re)enters the river. We could use artificial wetlands & systems. We could include tilapia & water lilies for purification. We can ensure safe, clean water, backed by legally protected for Napitahtaa & aquatic life. We can design for the future, ecologically braiding technology with nature!

Indie journo Michael Thomas' latest newsletter (which you should totally subscribe to and support if possible -- I myself am a subscriber).

Biden Keeps Passing Smart Climate Policies:
This year, the Biden administration has passed multiple policies that will cut billions of tons of carbon emissions

FERC passed big transmission reforms now the hard part begins

On the relative comfort of traditional vs modern homes in western sub-saharan Africa:

"A study on this subject was published in 2021 by Barabara Widera, an instructor of architecture from the Wrocaw University of Science and Technology in Poland. The study found that during the hot season, 60-70% of the inhabitants of traditional dwellings found their homes to be thermally comfortable. However, in modern houses, only 20% of inhabitants reported such comfort. During the cold seasons, comfort was reported by 90% of the inhabitants in traditional houses and only 50% of those who lived in modern housing."

damage and loss are unfairly distributed. And so are the solutions.

In the fight for a , we desperately need a of and for all, argues Marja Spierenburg. That will also generate broad-based support for .

Green Hydrogen Proposals Across California

The authors found that the existing plans for deploying green hydrogen in California often lack detail, but when these details are provided the plans rarely align. Indeed, misalignment exists across all aspects of Californias proposed green hydrogen systemfrom where and how hydrogen will be produced, to how it will be transported and used.

, ,

Fatalities and serious injuries from turbulence are rare, but climate change is making it worse.

Last year, a study by meteorologists at the University of Reading in the UK found that skies are up to 55% bumpier than four decades ago due to climate change.

Addendum: When I drove by today I noticed some rope peaking out from under the billboard. So I investigated.

Chances my sign was removed by an unhappy member of the public: +89%

.... Mad enough to physically destroy a obviously new tarp and leave behind new rope and shackles.

(time needed for me to untie: about 30sec)

Oh well

'Scientists have warned of increased turbulence, particularly clear air turbulence which is harder to detect or forecast, as global heating warms air at higher altitudes and makes weather more unpredictable.'

Rail Carriers Contemplate Life After Diesel: Whats Next

Rail Carriers Contemplate Life After Diesel: Whats Next

Guardian:Monkeys falling out of trees like apples in Mexico amid brutal heatwave

High temperatures in Mexico have been linked to dozens and perhaps hundreds of deaths of howler monkeys

At least 83 of the midsize primates, who are known for their roaring vocal calls, were found dead in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco. Others were rescued by residents, including five that were rushed to a local veterinarian who battled to save them.

Insights from EPRIs Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) Failure Incident Database

The authors address the failure mode analysis gap by developing a classification system that is practical for both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Once categorized in a standardized manner, the aggregated failure data was analyzed to better understand trends in how why,
and how infrequently BESS fails.

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Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks