The 2024 state of the climate
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The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth, BioScience, 2024, biae087, William J Ripple, Christopher Wolf, Jillian W Gregg, Johan Rockstrm, Michael E Mann, Naomi Oreskes, Timothy M Lenton, Stefan Rahmstorf, Thomas M Newsome, Chi Xu, Jens-Christian Svenning, Cssio Cardoso Pereira, Beverly E Law, Thomas W Crowther

Our aim in the present article is to communicate directly to researchers, policymakers, and the public. As scientists and academics, we feel it is our moral duty and that of our institutions to alert humanity to the growing threats that we face as clearly as possible and to show leadership in addressing them. In this report, we analyze the latest trends in a wide array of planetary vital signs. We also review notable recent climate-related disasters, spotlight important climate-related topics, and discuss needed policy interventions. This report is part of our series of concise annual updates on the state of the climate.

Yes, your and your are at risk from . I think we've established this by now.
Downscaling and transitioning to agroforestry (where we do not grow one thin in a field but integrate trees with crops) are some ways that may help in the transition to . However, I don't think this would solve the fundamental reduction in availability.

An outstanding about economies and their effect on - (positively encyclopedic in its outlook) World Without End by JMJancovici and Christophe Blain is published by ParticularBooks - chart guardian

As a note, I cannot reach my parents already for more than 36 hours, who live in the affected region, in a neighboring city of So Paulo.

Both mobiles are unreachable and a neighbor landline I have the number doesn't work. I could know they are well after calling the mobile of another neighbor that was, at the moment of my call, not near them.

The landlines are down also because of the exposed cables hit by trees.

Climate Change

After this powerful storm, the metropolitan area of So Paulo, circa 23.4 million people, has more people with their energy knocked out, 1.6 million, then people in the state of Florida, 1.4 million (source Metsul), which has a similar population of 22 million people, after the hurricane Milton.

That gives us an idea how the global south will be more impacted by a climate collapse.

Azerbaijan wants the COP29 to be "a COP of Peace", and demonstrates it's intentions by bullying the human rights organisations and blaming everyone about hijacking the agenda from "only climate issues".

I think human rights are climate issue front and center..

Very concerning: BP dilutes net zero targets as global retreat from green standards gathers pace - as things get worse, the ghouls want to make it even worse

'Reckless Conduct' of Caused And Now They Should Pay
"The failure by our political class to deal with this completely solvable issue is staggering and shameful," wrote one journalist.

Traditional owners stand ready for 'David and Goliath' fight against Santos, rally hears
By Giselle Wakatama

This weekend a convoy travelled from Narrabri, via the Upper Hunter to a rally in Newcastle, opposing Santos' $3.6 billion gas developments in the Pilliga in northern New South Wales.

If you care for climate crisis, can you remain apolitical

Having (or not having) kids in a world plagued with growing crisis

Choosing to be child-free in an apocalyptic South Asia

One for the cultists, delighted that the govt is throwing 22b down the drain of

How the process was hijacked by fossil economics to bet the house on a fantasy future, based on techno-unicorns and hide the uncomfortable truth: we dont have a liveable planet while we maintain the economic status quo and continue to burn

I know it's tough to believe, but I've seen these machines with my own eyes!They're called "cars".At this point, you're probably rolling your eyes "That's no conspiracy, that's climate change."Well, the truth is more outrageous than any space laser conspiracy.

13.10.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Ladies and gentlemen, I can now confirm the existence of machines that make severe hurricanes more frequent and likely in Florida!

I know it's tough to believe, but bear with me!

Even more shocking, the US government has known about these machines and their impact on hurricanes for decades!

Yet both Republicans and Democrats have spent billions of taxpayer dollars to encourage their use, following intense lobbying from vested interests.

Turns out it's not as simple as directly changing the weather.

But by emitting an invisible toxic gas (called "carbon dioxide") into the atmosphere, the use of these machines has raised atmospheric temperatures globally.

This not only leads to more frequent and severe hurricanes, but also affects bushfires, floods, droughts, and cyclones.

I know it's tough to believe, but I've seen these machines with my own eyes.

They're called "cars".

And "coal power plants".

At this point, you're probably rolling your eyes

"But AJ, that's not a conspiracy, that's climate change."

Well, it turns out the truth is far more outrageous than any space laser conspiracy.

Swedens heavy goods trucks are going electric is real

Hey there, Ron DeLulu DeSantos!

Broom for a mop exchange

Despite attempts to stifle aid given to hurricane victims...

They are relics of the Gondwana age but five years after Australias black summer these trees are dying a long, slow death is real

MAGA creates such monstrous fools...

Ah yes -- the debate about 'whether the weather' amongst the MAGA folks.

Thinking about the changing nature of system resiliency in the world we live in now.

How many systems have adjusted to the reality of:
- increased levels of sick leave
- lower (and dropping) employee and customer competence
- extreme weather and weather disaster disruptions

That's just off the top of my head.

Are you part of any systems that are making changes to increase resiliency to new challenges of our era What kind of changes are you seeing

Tim Winton's new novel urges world to listen to young people at 'precarious moment' in history
By Emma Wynne and Joanna Trilling

Author Tim Winton says societies will have to choose "life over money" to win the fight against the impacts of climate change, which he explores in his dystopian novel Juice.

The Windmills in Donald Trump's Mind Office for Science and Society - McGill University

I'll be live on Sunday morning, October 13, at 10am Pacific Time to discuss extreme and on Climate Chat with Dan Miller! See you then.

The 2016 Paris Agreement +1.5C has been killedNow, rather than address the frightening reality spawned by delusion and incompetence, we're heading even faster towards +2C that being the new acceptable target.

Risk maps worth looking at.

As a heads up I want to recommend people to watch this the regions of the US that will be subject to over three months of hundred degree weather or at least one day reaching 125 are disturbing because its most of the midwest.

These are forecasts for expected temperatures in 2030 or 2050

It seems you can indeed build homes along Floridas west coast that can withstand Category 5 hurricanes. But its not cheap.


Nice promo. A world of plutocracy intent on global genocide is not working for most of us for obvious reasons.

With extreme weather, the stability of global supply chains and national supply chains are all subject to break down. I believe that its necessary for every community to become reasonably self-sufficient in the basics: food, water, energy building materials, and the ability to manufacture tools locally.

Z At the top of the hour it's Radio Ecoshock (repeat) Presented by Alex Smith. A weekly program about the Latest , authors, issues - from , oceans, forests, , solar storms, the , and .

13.10.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

What Companies Can Learn from a Carbon Accounting Pilot in Afghanistan

Check it out!

Emails Reveal BP Gave $550,000 to Group Fighting Climate Lawsuits.

The Manufacturers Accountability Project is ubiquitous fighting cities and states suits against oil companies. Now its clear its being funded directly by at least one of those companies.

Why Hurricanes Are Becoming More Dangerous

Climate change: Care for humans, other species and the natural environment is the key to a just transition

Of course, Big Oil knew monster storms were coming.

Internal documents over the last 45 years reveal the fossil fuel industry has long known their products would supercharge extreme weather.

Of course, Big Oil knew monster storms were coming.

Internal documents over the last 45 years reveal the fossil fuel industry has long known their products would supercharge extreme weather.

The storm obliterated vast parts of Florida, including the surrounding areas of Hunters Point like Anna Maria Island and Bradenton. The storm dumped more than 18 inches of rain on St. Petersburg, which represents a more than 1-in-1000-year rainfall event for the area.

Milton knocked out power for more than 2.5 million customers across the state, including in Manatee County, where Hunters Point homes are located.

But for Fulford and his neighbors, the lights stayed on.

Everybody around us was completely dark at like five in the morning, and you see the lights on in our houses,

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks