That was... Hard to watch.
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That was... Hard to watch.

did manage to get in one zinger about the failure of the Biden administration to forgive student loans per their campaign promises. I feel that personally.

But fighting to clarify that she supports both fracking and private health insurance were disgusting, bragging about increasing domestic gas production in the same sentence as her climate change initiatives was dissonant, and focusing more on 815 civilians killed than the estimated 27,000-36,000 civilians killed in retaliation was sickening.

Is a much better candidate than Absolutely. Should she be getting the kind of hype and blind support she does for meeting the baseline of competency Not at all. Should she still have to earn our vote and feel the pressure of the electorate to correct her stances on the and Absolutely.

Don't forget about the multiple and destruction of the that the administration she is a part of is actively supporting just because she's younger than 60, black, and a woman. I get the hype Harris got when she first announced her running, but now that her platform has been published, it's time to hold her just as accountable as we hold President Biden.


Two incredible extreme events: on cusp of record winter low for second year running
Last year Antarticas was 1.6m sq km below average the size of Britain, France, Germany and Spain combined. This week it had even less than that

Australia experiences second-hottest August winter on record

"Extinction" - View from River Road
17 x 24" revised

Open letter to the The Nobel Foundation

Is there a more noble or more urgent need than to reward the very best plain language communications

Please consider establishing this competition - to give incentive to our best writers to win this award. What has moved me to make this request is the following extraordinary discussion.

Talking About Climate with Dr. Katharine Hayhoe

UK farming's 'net zero' climate target in doubt

the previous government had not put enough investment into climate-friendly measures NFU

Under the new Internal Audit Code of Practice, auditors are being 'urged' for the 1st time to explicitly review risks inc a firm's culture, , AI, cybersecurity, fraud & economic crime, the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) says

Methane emissions rising faster than ever

"The report concludes that agriculture contributes 40 per cent of anthropogenic global methane emissions. The fossil fuel sector produces 34 per cent, solid waste and wastewater 19 per cent, and biomass and biofuel burning 7 per cent."

New on our blog!

Bilateral Investment Treaties as a Tool for Global Climate Governance

11.09.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Good news.

According to The New York Times, in the U.S., wind turbines produced more energy in March and April than coal plants. It was the first time wind power surpassed coal power for two consecutive months, the Times noted, citing the Energy Information Administration.

UK farming's 'net zero' target in doubt

Ambitious plans to make net zero by 2040 - 10 years ahead of the UKs legally-binding national target may not be achieved, the National Farmers' Union (NFU) has told the BBC.

Reaching means no longer adding to the total amount of already in the atmosphere. The NFU said a lack of investment in climate-friendly farming measures by the previous government had made doing that by 2040 tricky but insisted that the deadline would not be dropped.

Meanwhile, the Soil Association warned that UK would not be able to reach net zero greenhouse gas without radical changes".

'What the hell is happening' So Paulo river turns emerald green amid fires and drought

The state's environmental authority attributes the Pinheiros River's new green hue to an algae bloom, the result of severe drought that has significantly lowered water levels.

Green Our Planet

Bleeding billions: The is losing control of the market

Stephen Bartholomeusz - Senior business columnist
September 11, 2024 11.58am

Last week, OPEC+ decided to defer planned oil production increases in the hope of putting a floor under an oil price that was tumbling towards $US70 a barrel. It hasnt worked.

Despite postponing what was supposed to be the October start of the return of 2.2 million barrels a day of voluntary cuts over the next 12 months, oil has traded around $US69 a barrel this week, breaching that level at one point on Tuesday.

under Crown Prince has embarked on an expensive project to radically transform its .

The cartel has now deferred the start of the supply increases, which were supposed to begin with an extra 180,000 barrels brought back to the market next month, until December. That, too, looks overly optimistic, as do expectations for the rest of this year and 2025.

The groups monthly oil market report, published on Tuesday, foresees demand growth of 2.03 million barrels a day this year, a modest reduction from its previous forecast of 2.11 million barrels a day, and a further 1.74 million barrels a day next year (1.78 million barrels a day previously).

Thats more than twice the growth predicted by the International Energy Agency, which has forecast growth of 970,000 barrels a day this year and less than a million barrels a day in 2025.

Theres also no certainty that, even if demand is stronger than the IEA anticipates, that it will be met by + supply.

The growth of production from the and has been a major factor in the weakness of the oil price and in OPEC+s decision to prolong the series of production cuts it started implementing in 2021. These cuts took about 6 million barrels (about 6 per cent) of potential supply out of the market.

Since 2021, US oil output has soared from 11.3 million barrels a day to about 13 million barrels a day, confirming its relatively recently gained status as the worlds largest oil producer.

On the demand side, has become a major challenge for OPEC+ this year and perhaps well into the future.

Chinas faltering economy and the pace at which it is electrifying its sector with and LNG-fuelled trucks has caught the cartel by surprise. Chinas oil demand growth, until recently 500,000 to 600,000 barrels a day, has slowed to roughly 200,000 barrels a day.

For the first seven months of this year Chinas oil imports have been about 320,000 barrels a day lower than for the same period last year.

No one expects Chinas economy to suddenly boom, given the depth of its economic issues. Most forecasters think it will struggle to achieve its targeted growth of about five per cent this year and are pencilling in something even lower for 2025.

The rate at which China is electrifying its transport fleet appears, if anything, to be accelerating. That would represent a structural change in its demand for oil and in the global markets dynamics.

While elsewhere, the rate of growth in penetration seems to have slowed, the uptake of EVs is still strong and will add to the longer-term reduction in demand for oil.

Jacob Soboroff having to do his undecided interview inside because its 95F at 9pm is a clear sign that climate change deserved more than a couple minutes in the & someone should point out that we have lots of desert available for solar panels to help reverse

Trump Flat-Out Ignores Question About Fighting Climate Change

The former president offered no climate plan during his debate with Kamala Harris, claiming instead that China paid Biden millions of dollars

Kamala Harris started swinging. And she didn't stop.

The Dem presidential nominee hit Donald Trump on abortion, taxes, the economy & even the GOP nominee's crowd sizes

It would be nice if the good people who want to make the world better or save it would understand what the bad people have known for decades, which is how you frame the subject helps determine how it is received/perceived.

Trump did not articulating a vision for combating . Instead he spoke about being crooked & various other . He repeatedly dismissed the peril of the .

used some of his final minutes to attack , who hes no longer running against, going after his son, Hunter an obsession of his instead of his actual opponent .

More than 127 dead in Vietnam super typhoon is real

Trump addresses climate change by returning to tariffs

The Secretary of Education mandated online classes for the most affected areas. Not a full shutdown but close.

The red sun is beautiful and yet fucking depressing because it needs massive smoke clouds.

Each day was supposed to be sunny with a few clouds, instead we got The 2nd Renaissance skies.

Most of southamerica got covered by this moving tragedy. It makes you feel desperate while walking outside, claustrophobic vibes.

Seems about right

I will. But that doesn't mean I don't want it to be better for you and for generations to come.

Did know that last question was about or is he getting that confused with conspiracy theories

on report: 'I don't believe it'

US President Donald Trump has cast doubt on a report by his own government warning of devastating effects from climate change.

26 November 2018

"the young people..."

Plenty of us old people care about this deeply as well!!!

One fucking minute

Its a big deal if Australia and the Pacific are chosen to host UN climate talks. Heres why

Why are even activists so afraid to be honest about what's actually needed to deal with the climate crisis

Are people listening
Not all activists!

re issues

Just for the record. I support climate action and I dont support new nuclear.

Anyone equaling climate action to nuclear energy must clarify how nukes can be deployed fast, how will they avoid burdening future generations with nuclear waste, and how will they avoid nuclear proliferation.

Original: clear and compelling summary of arguments to end logging Aust-wide now

Michigan's Clean Energy Economic Comeback: How Local Economies in Michigan Are Benefitting from State and Federal Climate Policies

Overall, the authors found that the combined effects of federal and state climate policies in Michigan are projected to reduce energy costs across the whole economy.

, ,

Conservatives and liberals may be at odds on environmental issues, but a new study shows that framing the need to address climate change as patriotic and necessary to preserve the American way of life can increase belief in climate change and support for environmental policies among both groups.

there is very little difference between non-vegan environmentalists and climate deniers. the end result is the same: denying reality that must be addressed, and now! so we dont have to confront our role in the ongoing collapse of the planets life support systems.

oil and gas is only one piece of the fucked up puzzle. theres no cheese on a dead planet.

11.09.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

John Rustad Is an Old-School Climate Change Denier

Most US voters say plastics industry should be held responsible for recycling claims report

Recent polling indicates strong bipartisan support for legal action against the fossil fuel and plastics sectors, with 70% of voters in favor.

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