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Texas experiences first hand. Weather forecast are inadequate for rapidly changing situations.

Corporation chasing overhyped tech in the quest for more profit instead of keeping environmental promises. News at 11.

damage from climate change six times worse than thought report
A 1C increase in global temperature leads to a 12% decline in world gross domestic product, researchers have found

Found this Climate Jam on Itch.io that's organized by IndieCade, Games for our Future, and EarthLab at University of Washington.
The jam will be hosted online, starting June 15th and continuing for five weeks.
The theme of the jam is "Change the story.

You can find more information on the jam page:

Whaddya mean one of your online gaming friends doesn't know who Greta Thunberg is!!

"DeSantis Signs Law Deleting Climate Change From Florida Policy"

Climate Deniers Break Out in a Sweat!

Widespread power outages from deadly Houston storm raise new risk: hot weather

Allergies Are Definitely Getting Worse, and Its Affecting Your Mental Health

So... 4 degrees 5

"Why do we have so many bullshit plans" -

have long been known to impact children's learning. But the intensity & duration with which they strike now are leading to much greater cumulative impacts

is directly causing educational gaps worth years across the world

For policy makers who care about GDP than , what happens to the economy when your workforce cant keep up

This is as true in the west as in the

Not "just your imagination "

Observed Changes in the Frequency, Intensity, and Spatial Patterns of Nine Natural Hazards in the US from 2000 to 2019

Multiple in are NOT the regular annual phenomenon media, and even local people now, would have you believe

Its been happening so frequently the past decade, and media have been repeating it so often, its taken as routine now


"WITH the mercury already touching the dreaded 45C mark in many parts of , the three heatwaves forecast .. over the next four weeks "

Conflict of Interest - the mother of all global sins

Publicly expressed climate scepticism is greatest in regions with high CO2 emissions

How good is doing in phasing out Russian fossil fuels

According to this article it might be worse than it shows in official data.

"Moscow bagged 3 billion through a sanctions loophole that allows Turkey to relabel Russian oil and ship it to the EU."

The only solution is phasing out ALL fossil fuels, not only the Russian.

the Dutch new administration denies exists So obviously these problemens are not caused by
They have just made diesel for farmers cheaper

Birds flying high, you know how I feel

Fish in the street, you know how I feel


On a related note: someone posted here today that there were tornado warning in Pennsylvania. In PA!

18.05.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Some future US administration is going to invade Canada and use its military to douse fires causing all the major American cities to be covered in soot and toxic skies.

The Keeling Curve witnessed an unprecedented 4.7 ppm jump in levels over the past year as of March 2024, underscoring the escalating due to human activities.


Il clima ci fa mettere mano al portafoglio

Il clima ci fa mettere mano al portafoglio

The speed that is happening with Florida will be under water in only a couple of yrs so this legislation has no meaning at all

Green Our Planet

It's time for some positive news amidst hopelessness that clouds us.

Scotland is generating energy from the power of the ocean. When the full project is finished it could provide electricity for over 175,000 homes.

Via TickAwarenessCanada

Anyone's who's read The Ministry For The Future is uncomfortably familiar with the term 'wet bulb globe temperature'. Forget heat index, WBGT is what you'll hear mentioned a lot more moving forward.

New report identifies fruits and vegetables laden with pesticides, drives experts to call for regulations: 'It is deeply worrying'

"No one gave their consent to be exposed to these harmful chemicals."

Drought fuels wildfire concerns as Canada braces for another intense summer.

The 2023 wildfire season was historic and deadly in Canada. This summer could be more of the same.

: Free for : Law Gives Rich Incentives

"President s subsidies are covering entire project costs and then some."

Decarbonization: Opportunities Exist to Improve the Department of Energys Management of Risks to Carbon Capture Projects

Congress appropriated about $12 billion for new carbon capture and direct air capture projects. This report (1) describes the funds obligated by the Department of Energy to support these projects from fiscal years 2018 through 2023 and (2) examines DOEs project selection and management.

, ,

When people said we wont accept climate refugees, pretty sure they didnt expect people from their own country


Perth on track to break May temperature record as record dry spell drags on
By Tabarak Al Jrood

Perth could see a May temperature record fall on Saturday, with the city tipped to hit a top of 29 degrees.

will be a lesser priority in and largely disappear from state statutes as signs legislation that also bans power-generating offshore or near the states lengthy coastline.

Online shopping is booming. However, it comes at a price

Companies like amazon, zalando, and hellofresh must clean up their supply chains.

Read more about this new report by Greenpeace: bit.ly/4bmgXx0

18.05.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

The statistics and data on human caused global warming are undeniable.

Yet, it is obvious that the people of this world have turned over the solution to global warming to the biblical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: war, pestilence, disease, and death.

Not being religious, a more scientific approach to what the world has decided is a human caused sixth extinction.

It is a variation of eating the young, long practiced.

In this case, the results will be horrific.

Snow deluge years on the decline across the US West, thanks to
While change is increasing ferocity and frequency of , same effects may not apply to massive dumps that occasionally pummel West.
Researchers found amount of snow during deluge years would drop 58% by late century under a moderate warming scenario. Total in an average year would decline even more by about 73% during the same period, per the study.

Fossil fuel firms forcing countries to compensate them, Mary Robinson says

A sure sign that contemporary 30-year climate normals are not keeping up with the rate of Arctic change: only one year (2021) since the early 1990s has less than half of land area in the Arctic (north of 60N) had annual average temperature above normal", and eight years more than 90 percent of Arctic Lands were warmer than normal". In an unchanging climate, this would bounce around 50% each year.

A bone-chilling reminder of for we Alaskans who remember Portage Glacier when it had this much ice! A CM from 1987-88. Fuji Xerox Xins network system.

Alt Text: A man in a business suit works on a computer. The camera pans out to where we see him sitting at a desk on the shore of Portage Glacier (south of Anchorage, Alaska), the lake is dotted with massive chunks of glacier ice and stunning snow-covered mountains in the background.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks