Temporarily Halts s New RulesTwo companies
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Temporarily Halts s New Rules
Two companies challenged requirements that some businesses disclose more information about risks they face from . Rules require some publicly traded companies to disclose climate risks, how much emissions they produce have been challenged by industry as too restrictive, and by as not strong enough.

Can we just agree it's a And stop stonewalling

A problem that lies at the heart of all the far -right parties taking over europe :blobamused: We are doomed...

for our Summer Academy 2024 on " Dynamics in Turbulent Times: Addressing the Challenges of War, , and Technological Shifts". In cooperation with Akademie fr Politische Bildung & .
Deadline: April 8, 2024

just read in this article that protects forests from heat

only want to spread the word and fight against !

Oldman Reservoir near Pincher Creek in June 2020 (my photo) vs today (Kyle Brittan).

We're fucked, fam.

The planet is doomed

Saudi Aramco CEO says "abandon the fantasy of phasing out fossil fuels..."

Climate Change

The UN climate summit held in Baku this year must prioritise finance & unlock new sources of funding to tackle , leading veteran participants have said

Unprecedented Daily Ocean Heat Records Set for an Entire Year: Global Warmings Marine Impact

Unprecedented Daily Ocean Heat Records Set for an Entire...

Only 14pc of the Irish public believe climate change will impact them a great deal, while 59pc say it is a problem for future generations and 51pc say it is a problem for developing countries in the global south.

Some 43pc said climate change is the responsibility for other people in Ireland apart from themselves while 40pc said it was the governments responsibility. Less than 20pc said it was their personal responsibility.

When ENIAC first came online in 1945, it was rumored to take so much electricity that the lights in Philadelphia would dim when it was switched on. This is not true. It took so much electricity that they had to build a dedicated generator for it.

Today, people justifiably worry about the energy consumption of AI, but tons of people are working like mad on this. NVidea's new GPU, Blackwell, is 30x more powerful, using 25x less electricity.

The UK's electricity network needs almost a further 60bn of upgrades to hit government targets by 2035, according to a new plan.

About 4,000 miles of undersea cables and 1,000 miles of onshore lines are needed, said the National Grid's Electricity Systems Operator (ESO).

The investment would add between 20 to 30 a year to customer bills, it said.

Global average 2m air temperature briefly fell back into the pack, but we're back in record territory again.

alters the hidden microbial food web in peatlands

"Not only are abundantcollectively, they weigh twice as much as all the on the planetthey also play a role in the overall movement of between and the atmosphere. Some protists draw in from the air to fuel their growth. Other protists are predators, gobbling up nitrogen-fixing the rely on to stay healthy."

- Master Climate Change Management - Online information event - 19 March 2024, 7:00 pm CET - We will give you an insight into the English-language master's programme Climate Change Management - University of applied sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf

thank you for posting

A 3-year (and counting) drought is threatening Canadas farmers and oil producers

Updated Winter (December through February) change of the average temperature over the past 50 years in and around the Arctic, data from ERA5 courtesy of ECMWF/Copernicus. The huge increase in average temperature east & southeast of Svalbard is due to sea ice loss. The cooling over central and eastern Siberia isn't large but covers a significant area.

I listen to audiobooks in my truck on my way to and from work. It keeps me from rehashing unpleasant work stuff. Right now Im listening to Finding the Mother Tree by Suzanne Simard. Since I made the dumb decision NOT to pursue or or some field more suited to me than (yech!!) PEOPLE , I can at least live her career vicariously through her words. Its a well-written book with personal stories that should also appeal to others interested in and .

Every disaster movie starts with a politician ignoring a scientist.

We enjoyed the warm weekend by inspecting the tide pools in Moss Beach, CA, and discovered many, many purple sea urchins (and one red one). Only when we returned home did we learn about their devastating effect on the kelp forests:

As Bread points out, and said: "And then I need you to act."

Very true and wise words. Climate messaging needs more than doomerism. The dire situation needs to inspire actions we can encourage at the macro level, and take at the individual level.

Connect the dots. Because if you don't inspire action, you might get more likes and boosts, but less substantive action.

"I'm not a change guy," says a guy about to lose his home to

Agree. Bread has done a good job smacking us upside the head. And also agree that *every* post that contains doomist information should and inspire and segue to actions we can take. Empower, don't demoralize.

New research (referenced herein: ) suggests doomerism increases social media sharing, but decreases propensity to act. We need more action, not more sharing of doomerism.

Watching Scandinavian mystery shows has me missing Winter.

Weather whiplash/crack the whip continues with weather in the 70's then overnight a few days in the 20's. Friday I helped a friend in her apple orchard. Some trees had buds ready to open. Weather had cooled down to the 60's. Tuesday the daytime high will be in the 20's. I'm pretty sure I can kiss my Nanking cherry harvest goodbye. Their blossoms opened in the most recent March heatwave.
When the historical Midwest fruit belt can no longer produce fruit, its another brick removed that had allowed human life to exist.
Wendell Berry cited the policy decisions made to 'motivate' culture and financial institutions to make rural life less attractive on multiple levels. New sites to raise food around the world Are becoming fewer and sought after by outside countries. People who have unbroken knowledge of working WITH the land are becoming scarce vs people who mine the land and genetics. The response should not be fear anger paralysis or acceptance. It should be changing what we choose to buy and experience. Reduce our consumption and reuse/repair what we own. If we stopped there corporations might be so horrified as to make laws against that, but the planet might have a better chance. Recycle should be so clearly done as to have no doubt of its completeness. Or, it should not be considered recycled if less than 30% of its original matter isn't usable again. Hope and even faith can be an action.
, , , , , , , , , , ,

Look at this beautiful varied patch of forest in Mt Robertson Rd, Kinglake . In one evening, 13 gliders were detected. Numerous habitat trees with good hollows suggest that many more live here.

Forest Fire Management Dept of Energy Environment & CLIMATE ACTION (lol) has just announced they will burn this very patch of forest within the NEXT FEW DAYS - burn HR-MUR-TLG-0008

Why wont DEECA act on research that tells us that forests need to be protected from fire until they reach MATURITY when they are LEAST flammable estimated to be about 4 years from now in Kinglake.

Pls contact these people asap to say planned burn HR-MUR-TLG-0008 is a bad idea and ask for it to be cancelled.

The Hon. Steve Dimopoulos, Minister for Environment tel: 03 862 43101, email: reception.dimopoulosecodev.vic.gov.au
Chris Hardman Chief Fire Officer Lead Executive, Forest and Fire Operations Division, DEECA tel: 0419 563 413 chris.hardmandelwp.vic.gov.au
Tom Goldstraw, Senior Forest & Fire Management Officer Fuel Management Murrindindi District tel: 0439 130 146 thomas.goldstrawdelwp.vic.gov.au

"Alberta's going to give last year's worst wildfire season in recorded history a run for its money. The advice we've been given by our government so far was, and I quote, to 'pray for snow.' Which didn't work."


Global Leaders Agree to Solve Climate Change by 2050 or Whenever Mars Becomes Habitable, Whichever Comes First

The worlds peatlands have absorbed and stored vast amounts of carbon dioxide for thousands of years. But rising temperatures are drying peatlands out, turning them from carbon sinks into carbon sources. Read more at Phys.org.

So Rio de Janeiro just had heat indexes of 62.3 C -- that's 144.14 for us Estadounidenses.

What the fuck.

Just what the fuck.

Anybody know what the wet bulb temperature was down there today

giant sequoias under threat from : "...more frequent... extreme droughts & fires. ... > 10% of the remaining population of 80k wild trees... killed in a single fire in 2020...

...less well-known... half a million sequoias (wild and planted) live in ..."

Giant (Sequoiadendron giganteum) in the : storage potential & growth rates

He wants us to abandon the fantasy of statically not being one of the billions of people who will die miserably by fire, flood, or famine so he can keep sailing around in his yacht.

Banks driving increase in global meat and dairy production, report finds

Shell is planning to extract oil and gas for decades to come. A decision that spells disaster for the climate. A new study by Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands) and Oil Change International highlights the continuing importance of climate litigation against big polluters such as Shell.

We should abandon the fantasy of a peaceful and prosperous future

Australia's inaction on Climate Change over the last 25 years is down to LNP voters. Discuss.

Well well well. What could this be about

"Earliest ever ice out called at Lake Winnipesaukee"

And at the other end of the state the beach is washing out. What a coincidence.

I was waiting to see if the Ontario Liberals would show some backbone and leadership. I have my answer and I am disappointed.

"Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie says there will be no provincial carbon tax if she topples Premier Doug Ford's Progressive Conservatives in the 2026 election."

A Future Too Big to Fail: Ecological Ignorance and Economic Collapse

Written 2009 by Chip Ward.

We are ecologically illiterate

A capitalist economy based on constant, unlimited growth is a reckless fantasy because ecosystems are not limitless Growth as an end in itself is ultimately

A 365 day streak! Duo would be proud.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks