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tem o tb (que o meu principal motivo pra ser vegano)

La Base : 2019. 1973

Will CO2 emissions peak in 2024 Idk, we'll see....

The rise of solar power and China's staggering EV growth may have pushed global emissions into decline - ABC News

"United Nations wants to treat AI with same urgency as climate change"

So, with a bunch of press releases, several non-binding agreements that everyone will end up ignoring, and ultimately doing jack all about it

Climate Change

I'll recommend a Fairphone. It is built to last, modular construction for repair/upgrade - screwdriver in the box, apart from all the other social and physical benefits. And you can but one with privacy focused /e/os on it.

Here you go. Science.

200 thousand UK homes under water in 25 years.

Yet the British voter still needs to be convinced that they'll have more beer money if they stop complaining about small amounts of land *they don't even own* being used for some measures to try and slow the progress of rising sea levels.

New Yorks governor is close to signing a law that will end the free ride for corporate polluters making big oil pay for decades of planet-wrecking pollution.
The next few days are critical. The more people who sign, the more likely Governor Hochul signs the Climate Superfund bill.

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It's tragic that we need to find ways of persuading the public that the *essential and urgent* electrification of everything and switch to renewable sources has to be motivated by putting more money in peoples' pockets.

Because the threat of vast swathes of UK being under water due to , in the very best case, in two generations' time simply isn't understood by the average Briton.

Sometimes people ask questions and they don't like the answers. This is a classic one.

On the flooding of parts of Europe last weekend:

"Then, on Tuesday, after frenzied pumping had brought water levels down, further rains filled retention basins in a matter of minutes, said Stadler, a member of the centre-left Social Democrats (SP). Emotionally, that was hard I thought to myself: what have we done to deserve this"

Where would you like me to start with that answer What has the developing world done to deserve the climate catastrophe that they've been attempting to survive for the past few decades

Floods force Niger to delay new school year

Interesting read but while it takes and its physical consequences seriously I think its too optimistic about humans Like all humanity would put away its differences and unite against common enemy Climate change is not The Aliens

Why would China and Russia even *let* us focus on climate change Next few decades are an enormous opportunity to change their global standing. While all ofc loose you can try to make others loose more

The Blue carbon mapping project - salt marsh and seabed carbon storage UK

"Are we at the beginning of the end of fossil fuels Thats the theory advanced by an international coalition of politicians who aim to get us to net zero carbon emissions by the year 2050. Just one problem: Research from the experts in their own governments suggests its a nearly impossible task."

21.09.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

If the number one priorities are the environment and , then why does Adam Bandt want the massive increase in construction required to keep up with levels, which damages both the environment and the climate

Sells of SUVs is up 30%, sells of electro cars is down -69%. Looks like is really a serious concern for Germans who always claim to be the vehicle of "pure reason" when they compare themselves to other cultures.

Climate change means we may have to learn to live with invasive species

In Norway almost all new cars sold are electric.

WA Botanic Gardens springs stunning surprises for gardeners seeking homegrown glory
By Emma Wynne and Natalie Jones

Perth's public botanic gardens are a riot of colourful, climate-tolerant flora, the product of a year's planning and detailed scientific work to source plants from across the state.

The U.S. government is giving away up to $8,000 for this amazing HVAC tech: 'There are millions of people who would benefit'

The findings were overwhelmingly positive and supported widespread installation.

Im beginning to believe that the season is going to become s main relief. At least we know how to deal with massive and ice, versus fire and flooding.

From April, 2024:

: and are dying in parched


" has just had its driest six months on record, while Western Australia sweltered through its on record. Those records are remarkable in their own right. But these records are having real consequences.

"Unlike us, trees and shrubs cant escape the heat and aridity. While we turn up the air conditioning, they bear the full brunt of the changing climate. Our previous research has shown plants are more vulnerable to than we had thought.

"Beginning in February 2024, large areas of vegetation started to turn brown and die off. With no real relief in sight, we unfortunately expect this mass plant death event to intensify and expand.

"Just like a coral bleaching event, WAs plants are responding to the cumulative stress of the unusually long, hot and dry summer. And just like bleaching, global heating is likely to cause more regular mass plant deaths. The last time this happened in 2010-11, almost 20% of trees and shrubs in affected areas died.

"This is in line with models, which pinpoint south-western Australia as a warming and drying hotspot."

Read more:

And it's only just spring in . YIKES!

Hot, dry conditions kill masses of native vegetation in WA's Wheatbelt

"It was like, 'Oh my God, there's not a butterfly or a little bug or anything'."

By Chloe Henville
September 20, 2024
In short:

- Vast patches of scrub have died due to drought damage in Western Australia's Wheatbelt, raising concerns for native .

- Local insects and birds are already suffering from the habitat and food loss.

Read more:

Better Buildings. Leading the Way: Partnerships and Solutions. Progress Report 2024

, ,

With a prolonged drought affecting the supply of hydroelectricity all over southern Africa, a growing number of people are turning to solar to fill the energy gap. Spotlight on Africa focuses this week on progress made in Zambia. 

The Feeding Resilience Plan: Safeguarding US National Security at the Crossroads of Food and Climate Change



The Mui gas contract locked the govt into 30 years of buying gas it didnt need, but like the dinosaur he is, Shane Jones sees it as a model to incentivise risky NEW offshore drilling for more oil and gas that we dont need.

Inside Serbias Lithium Battle.

The mining giant Rio Tinto is moving ahead with a novel form of lithium extraction in Serbias Jadar Valley. Powerful governments want to see it succeed. But critics say it could contaminate drinking water for a third of the country's population.

21.09.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

"... the inescapable truth: every year from hereon in will be one of the hottest years on record, and 2023 will end up being one of the coldest years this century." Joelle Gergis (2024), Quarterly Essay. Issue 94, p.17. .

Oregons Largest Natural Gas Company Said It Was Going Green. It Sells as Much Fossil Fuel as Before.

Seven years in, the company has not come close to meeting its climate goals with the alternative fuel.

Americans vs. Climate Change

After experiencing climate impacts, more believe in climate change and the need to respond

Fossil fuel development is primarily supported by older Republicans

Most Americans support and in their communities

are not very willing to pay for policy

Americans dont want , even if theyre cheaper

California vs. Climate Change

is the largest economy in the U.S. but is not on track to meet its climate target despite aggressive efforts.

"If you're a homeowner in California and you want to move to a heat pump and get rid of your gas, you're going to be thinking twice if the price of electricity is going to continue to go up," Perry said.

Americans vs. Climate Change

After experiencing climate impacts, more believe in climate change and the need to respond

Fossil fuel development is primarily supported by older Republicans

Most Americans support and in their communities

are not very willing to pay for policy

Americans dont want , even if theyre cheaper

California vs. Climate Change

is the largest economy in the U.S. but is not on track to meet its climate target despite aggressive efforts.

"If you're a homeowner in California and you want to move to a heat pump and get rid of your gas, you're going to be thinking twice if the price of electricity is going to continue to go up," Perry said.

Air pollution and rising temperatures linked to increase in number of strokes globally

'spiralling out of control'

UK high court blocks first new coal mine in 30 years. Is it the end of the climate-damaging plan

The developers claim that it would be a net zero mine is legally flawed, according to the ruling.

Study charts how Earths global temperature has drastically changed over the past 485 million years, driven by CO

"The speed of warming puts species and ecosystems around the world at risk and is causing a rapid rise in sea level."

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks