"Technology is not going to save
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"Technology is not going to save us... We have to change our behavior. If we change our behavior, we have sufficient technology to save ourselves."

By 2050, an additional 40 million will suffer from s most severe impacts, including stunting and wasting, due to , & Foundation."

What If We Get It Right: Visions of Climate Futures by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, 2024

With a thoughtfully curated series of essays, poetry, and conversations, the brilliant scientist and climate expert Ayana Elizabeth Johnson has assembled a group of dynamic people who are willing to imagine what seems impossible, and articulate those visions with enthusiastic clarity.Roxane Gay

'The European Tour group is launching a new tool that will allow its players to calculate and offset their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions when travelling to and from tournaments a first for professional golf.'

Plant trees and save the planet.

Given the days of torrential rain here this week, this book is timely (review copy, no payment). It's all about how to garden in the face of extreme weather.

'The Climate Change Resilient Vegetable Garden' by Kim Stoddart outlines how we can protect our veg plots, the planet and our own wellbeing by adapting how we grow.

You can read my full review on my blog:

De verzekeringsapocalyps staat voor de deur

Terwijl intensiveert en de claims zich opstapelen, verhogen hun tarieven en beperken hun dekking. Hierdoor blijven degenen die zich het minst een verzekering kunnen veroorloven, onbeschermd omdat steeds vaker voorkomen en ernstiger worden.

's stats in summary:

Energy consumption

  • 8.6 kWh / working day

(See post for details)

Miles driven (2024)

  • 500 miles (as of September)

Trains journeys (2024)

As of September:

  • 7 return journeys
  • approximately 800 train miles

Cycle trips (2024)

As of September:

  • 7 trips
  • approximately 100 bicycle miles

Flights taken (2024)

  • 0

Taxis used (2024)

  • 0

New blogpost from : Some stats on decoded.legal's environmental impact

decoded.legal has published an environmental policy for quite some time now.

Ive spent time recently updating it, and, for the first time, including rough figures to show our (rough) actual position.

(See following toot)

As always, friendly and constructive input is welcome.

Arctic sea will be ice free in summer within a decade

World Weather Attribution

and high exposure increased costs and disruption to lives and livelihoods from associated with exceptionally heavy rainfall in Central

"As the event is by far the heaviest ever recorded, the exact return time is difficult to estimate based on only about 100 years of observed data. We use a 100 year return-time for the rest of the analysis..."

Climate change and high exposure increased costs and disruption to lives and livelihoods from flooding associated with exceptionally heavy rainfall in Central Europe

Peter Dutton's nuclear "plan" is just a hoax

Cmo el hielo, los anillos de los rboles, el coral, los plenes, y los sedimentos nos ayudan a reconstruir 2,6 millones de aos de historia climtica: introduccin a la paleoclimatologa

"When looking at the regional-scale described above, heavy four-day rainfall events have become about twice as likely and 20% more intense since the pre-industrial era."

9 out of 12 of those records are in the last 30 years. 6 in the last 20 years. Out of nearly 90 years of record keeping.

" Europe is the fastest-warming continent. The last five years were on average around 2.3C warmer than the second half of the 19th Century, according to the Copernicus climate service. "

New Study

Hardest Hit by Heat: Study Exposes Racial Disparities in U.S. Mortality Rates

A recent study by Risto Conte Keivabu, Ugofilippo Basellini, and examines how extreme temperatures in the U.S. affect among different racial groups and found that both cold and hot days increase mortality rates disproportionately affecting underrepresented populations.

Read all:

Yep, I think it already is.

Europes deadly floods are glimpse of future climate

Central Europe's devastating were made much worse by change and offer a stark glimpse of the future for the world's fastest-warming continent, scientists say.

Storm Boris has ravaged countries including Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Austria and Italy, leading to at least 24 deaths and billions of pounds of damage.

The World Attribution (WWA) group said one recent four-day period was the rainiest ever recorded in central Europe - an intensity made twice as likely by .

25.09.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

.NATOCCASCOE in Canada is helping & Allies understand, adapt to, and transform in response to the impact of by connecting military & civilian experts to build climate security knowledge & capabilities:

Original tweet:

- Europes deadly are glimpse of future
Storm Boris has ravaged countries including Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Austria and Italy, leading to at least 24 deaths and billions of pounds of damage.
one recent four-day period was the rainiest ever recorded in central Europe - an intensity made twice as likely by

I don't usually ask for money, but
I've been involved with MasPblico, LaMarea and Climtica since their birth(s). They are necessary projects, always barely surviving, sustained by our collective support.

We all know that "the media" are part of the problem, as are "the social networks". But we know that alternatives exist, and we believe in them. This is why we are here. So, there, if you can, please help


Areas impacted by significant rainfall, flooding, landslides and related issues, with and without deaths, in the last 7 days:
- Poland
- Hungary
- Austria
- Germany
- Italy
- France
- England
- Wales
- Japan
- Nigeria

Have I missed any

This is not normal.

vergrootte de kans op de enorme regenval in Centraal-Europa tijdens storm . Ook werd de neerslag daardoor intenser. Dat blijkt woensdag uit internationaal klimaatonderzoek. Wetenschappers waarschuwen voor meer van dit soort rampen als de aarde verder opwarmt.

Cannes hit by flash floods after torrential rain #2024

Rising Tide Newcastle have stopped a coal train in response to Tanya Plibersek's approval of 3 thermal coal projects that will turbocharge the climate crisis with 1.5 BILLION.TONNES of emissions.

Introduction to the 2024 Climate Literacy Guide


The whole area is a flood zone and at this point if you want to build and live there with no insurance then go right ahead.

Extreme Weather Has Had a Surprising Impact on Voters Attitudes About Climate Change.

Disasters dont shove people toward concern and alarm in the way many researchers expected.

A styrene gas leak from a rail tanker near Cincinnati prompted fears of an explosion and evacuation orders for people within at least a half-mile radius of the incident.

2024 Arctic sea ice minimum extent (right) compared to the typical extent 1979 to 1989 (left), the first 11 years of the satellite era. The dramatic change is obvious. Data from NSIDC.

Nature Funds Soar While Climate Investments Struggle to Recover

Funds tracking companies with purportedly strong biodiversity credentials are outpacing other climate-related investments this year, adding to expectations that such products are poised for major inflows

An interesting perspective on climate change and security and how the military continues to evolve on these issues.

From UK to Norway, Drillers Legally Dump Tonnes of Toxic, Radioactive Waste Into the North Sea.

The oil and gas industry has been using the basin as a free disposal site for decades.

Al Gore: Fossil fuel industry is "better at capturing politicians than capturing emissions"

U.S. Geological Survey Climate Science Plan Future Research Directions


22 states want to employ 1 million people in climate apprenticeships by 2035

Hi! Remember this newsletter you subscribed to The one you havent seen since back on April 22, 2024

Welllllll its been a wild ride and an unplanned hiatus.

But my goal now is to get back into this a bit more, and so I want to fire off this short note to just give a personal update.

Next time, Ill be climbing up into that proverbial crows nest and looking out at the horizon ahead of us. For this newsletter Im going to look back instead at where the ship has sailed over the past few months.

If you visit aggregation site, youd see that I have published some work articles but nothing personal since the last issue (035) of this newsletter back on April 22, 2024. No blog posts. No podcast episodes. No newsletters. No livestreaming to Twitch. No nothing. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Nichts.

So heres the story

Type your email


The fun began back in early May when the 2017 iMac Id been using to produce my podcasts, do all my livestreaming, and write many of my posts started acting really funky. It was acting very slow.. and freezing completely. Many reboots and upgrade attempts later, I was finally able to identify that it was having S.M.A.R.T. disk errors. Which wasnt good.

Its dead, Jim would be the Star Trek (Original Series) way to say it.

Given that its from 2017, I cant upgrade it to the latest MacOS X. And heck, its so old Apple wont even give me anything for a trade-in. (But theyll help recycle it for me if I want. ) Giving other things going on (see below!) fixing it has been super LOW priority which has meant that my normal platform for content creation and production has been offline. So no podcast episodes or livestreaming.

As that was all happening, a more massive disruption was entering our life we adopted an 8-week-old puppy!

Named Barkley, hes a very lovable and adorable mix of a pug and a miniature schnauzer (apparently called a Schnug) who keeps growing and growing and now at 6 months old is larger than our 17-year-old miniature poodle.

But.. my wife and I had never had a puppy before! Weve had a couple of dogs (and cats) but theyve all been a few years old when we adopted them. Anyone who has had a puppy probably understands what these last months have been like! Constantly watching where he is puppy-proofing the entire house constantly watching where he is stopping him from eating everything trying to train him a bit constantly watching where he is trying to prevent him from always attacking our 17yo dog stopping him from eating whatever oh, and constantly watching what hes doing. Its been exhausting!

Basically like having a newborn child again only one that can run fast all over and has sharp teeth!

But in the end hes a wonderful addition and weve come to love him dearly. Hes curled up against my foot as I write this and tomorrow night youll find me in a class with him.

While all of this was going on, I was also enrolled as a in a very intense 12-week program of 10-15 hours of sessions each week all related to improving my understanding of the current state of information and science around climate change. As shown in the image below, it covered a very wide range of topics:

Participating in this fellowship was part of my professional development at my employer, the Internet Society. In the last issue, I pointed to my article about and that continues to be an area of great interest and exploration for me. Ill undoubtedly write some future newsletters specifically around this whole area.

My interest was mostly to refresh my understanding of current climate thinking. Ive been involved in environmental issues since the 1980s, and was very active in the broader movement in the early 1990s, serving in different volunteer leadership roles for different organizations. But then life took me away from that heavy involvement and my knowledge has aged. I heard phrases like regenerative agriculture but didnt know what they meant. (Now I do!)

It was a good program and I met some great people and enjoyed participating in the community (which I am still doing).

As we came into summer here in Vermont, the Climatebase Fellowship wrapped up, but the intensity of the puppy and work and family and everything else continued.

And then a very cool opportunity was presented to me at the Internet Society we had . Back in July she approached me about taking on a new role that we eventually called CEO communications where Im helping with developing and executing plans across both the Internet Society and Internet Society Foundation for consistent communication from the CEOs office internally, externally, and with our community and partners.

I formally took on this role on September 1 (and later) but began some aspects of it back in August. Ive known Sally for the 13 years that Ive been at the Internet Society (shes been there 15 years) and have deep and great respect for her. So Ive been excited about the new role, grateful for this opportunity to stretch my own skills in new and different ways and just busy!

And now on this 24th day of September its time to get back in the flow again and start creating some content again. There are so many stories to tell so many changes happening so much ahead on the horizon both icebergs to avoid and opportunities to explore!

Time to climb up into that crows nest, whip out the spyglass, and get back to looking out ahead at the horizon and sharing what I see!

See you soon!

The End

Recent Posts and Podcasts

Here is some of the content Ive published and produced recently on my personal sites:

  • <nothing!>

I do still contribute reports to the monthly episodes of t.

I did publish some new posts for the Internet Society (who has no connection to this newsletter):

More on why so many of them are law-related in a future newsletter!

Thanks for reading to the end. I welcome any comments and feedback you may have.

Please drop me a note in email if you are a subscriber, you should just be able to reply back. And if you arent a subscriber, just hit this button and youll get future messages.

Type your email


This IS also a WordPress hosted blog, so and add a comment to this post, like we used to do back in glory days of blogging.

Or if you dont want to do email, send me a message on one of the various social media services where Ive posted this. (My preference continues to be Mastodon, but I do go on others from time to time.)

Until the next time,


The best place to connect with me these days is:

  • Mastodon:

You can also find all the content Im creating at:

If you use Mastodon or another Fediverse system, you should be able to follow this newsletter by searching for

You can also connect with me at these services, although I do not interact there quite as much (listed in decreasing order of usage):

  • LinkedIn:
  • Soundcloud (podcast):
  • Instagram:
  • Twitch:
  • TikTok:
  • Threads: danyork
  • BlueSky:


Disclaimer: This newsletter is a personal project Ive been doing since 2007, several years before I joined the Internet Society in 2011. While I may at times mention information or activities from the Internet Society, all viewpoints are my personal opinion and do not represent any formal positions or views of the Internet Society. This is just me, saying some of the things on my mind.

#climate #climateChange #earthDay #Hope #internet #kiwix #lora #meshtastic #offline #wikipedia

The absolute urgency of voting with the climate in mind

The upcoming election may be the most important one of your lifetime. It is no less than a referendum on our climate and our future. It is that serious and urgent.

Stop Climate Change
Sponsored by Online Wills
Global Warming sucks