Strange.These graphs make it look like
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These graphs make it look like there is hardly anything to be concerned about.

I'm guessing that per capita emmissions mean there is less CO2 equivalents driving .

This is a good thing.

Our world is burning, but sure let's take our time exploring the impacts of some windmills.

"Trees including oaks, birches and beeches that have been part of the British landscape for centuries are starting to suffer in southern England, so are being considered for RHS Bridgewaters new arboretum, a botanical garden aiming to preserve a wide range of species."

this week in stupid: September 28 edition

So, all these hurricanes are a result of a left-wing conspiracy. Not , which the Right says doesn't exist. Dear Goddess, these are stupid.

There's still time to sell real estate to .

Double standards

NBC News: Helene live updates: Storm kills at least 64 as North Carolina reels from devastating floods

NC is my home state. I have family and friends there.


Russia's winter crop sowing is in a very difficult situation due to severe drought, which is expected to seriously affect next year's harvest, analysts and farming company executives said on Friday.

Our world isnt the same as before. The stable climate we knew is gone and weve entered new and uncharted territory, which gets more dangerous, unstable & treacherous as we move forward with our so-called progress powered by burning fossil fuels.

Some now call wide for adaptation & resilience as a priority. But lets not forget what the IPCC has to say. Adaptation will get harder with increasing global warming. Thus rash mitigation is necessary with priority.

Climate Change

Nel periodo 2013-2019, sono stati spesi circa 20 miliardi di euro per la gestione delle emergenze e solo 2 miliardi per la prevenzione del dissesto idrogeologico.
Il Piano nazionale "ProteggItalia" del 2019 ha previsto risorse pari a 14,3 miliardi di euro per il periodo 2019-2030, di cui circa 6 miliardi destinati alla prevenzione.

Non soltanto ora siamo governati da NEGAZIONISTI ma siamo nelle mani di persone che NON HANNO MAI FATTO NULLA E CONTINUANO A NON FARE NULLA.

Just published:
"Impacts of climate change on diarrhoeal disease hospitalisations: How does the global warming targets of 1.52C affect , "

Hurricanes in the Caribbean, typhoons in Asia, drought and flooding in Africa, and torrential rain in Europe have left a trail of death and destruction.
The planet is no longer waiting to make the next generation pay the price and is fed up with climate deals that are not fulfilled.

I'm afraid that many people do not see the connection between the exploitation of coal, oil and gas on the one side and extreme weather events on the other, such as

29.09.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Don't Look Up. Shifting Climate Beliefs.

This study was designed to estimate the impact of Dont Look Up (DLU) and a video from the films marketing campaign, intended to amplify the climate message, on a series of key climate mental states.


Every time I see the devastation from floods, fires, storms Im reminded of how fragile we are. Today's life often gives the illusion of control and stability. No wonder people say "Ive never seen anything like this before" as if nature hasnt always been this powerful. We just forgot, climate change is forcing us to remember


If another nation did as much damage as , the US government would declare war. We did after 9/11. The and are failing us. broke .

We all need to do whatever we can.

When are we going to address this truth

As more and more physical environments destabilise. We urgently need robust early warning systems for everyone

Here are the four essential pillars of end to end, people-centred Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems

Pillar 1: Disaster risk knowledge
Pillar 2: Detection, observation, monitoring, analysis, and forecasting
Pillar 3: Warning dissemination and communication
Pillar 4: Preparedness and response capabilities


Collective blindness will be our undoing.

c: choralenawa on IG

Ive written a lot about prepping on here and most now is just repeating myself. But these basics cant be stressed enough:
When the local government, weather networks or other authority tell you to evacuate, DO. Dont be that person that didnt get out when they could have because they thought the government was trying to do something shifty and underhanded. You will end up being the one that has to depend on emergency services which are usually ... run by the government. The time to fight with the government is not DURING a disaster.

Be self reliant: have your vehicle full of gas at all times, or have transportation arranged ahead of time.
Have food and a way to make clean water for at least a month, but really much longer for sheltering in place. Have first aid supplies, check them often for expiry dates, etc. Dont do anything dangerous because getting hurt in a disaster is the worst time to have to depend on services that you probably wont have access to.
When communication is down, almost always ham radio is up. Radio communication is vital when cell service is down.

Preach preparedness to your family and friends. It really does sink in after a while. And remember- if you arent a good example, then inevitably you will be a horrible warning. Do the work and help others as well.

California insurer to drop all flood policies as it pulls back from state.

California insurer to drop all flood policies as it pulls back from state.

Fees, charges and insurance costs, along with tourism downturn, the 'straw that breaks camel's back' for business owners
By Sophie Jaggers

Since 2016, Liz and Rob Virtue have operated the colonial-era Glen Derwent as a tourism and hospitality business, but say Tasmanian government fees and charges along with mounting insurance premiums have forced them to close with the state's tourism peak body saying stories of local enterprises struggling are commonplace.

Extreme weather and sea level rise caused by fossil fuel emissions

protesters jailed for two years for damage to a frame.

In a second action, two paintings targeted on Friday had been removed for examination and were found to be undamaged.

As was the case in the first action.

I wonder how many years these people will be sentenced

Rapists hardly get convicted let alone sentenced appropriately

October is the fastest warming month over much of the Arctic due to the loss of autumn sea ice, and that's driving changes in precipitation and snow. I take a look at these changes in the latest edition of the Alaska and Arctic Climate Newsletter.

Feel free to subscribe if you like. It's free and always will be.

<Rant>With the flooding so horrible in TN, GA and NC, and destruction in FLs Big Bend area, how can any functioning human STILL believe is a hoax

The storms are bigger, far deadlier and more frequent, but sadly, as I am surrounded each time I drive by Big-Ass monster 4x4 diesel trucks and giant SUVs, I am realizing we might have passed the point on this planet to do anything substantial about it.

Too many people, too many big vehicles, too much waste, too much excess. </Rant>

Indigenous-led organization breaks ground with revolutionary energy transition initiative: 'It's not a one size fits all'

At least 1,700 Indigenous-led micro and small clean energy projects have been installed throughout the country.

plays devil advocate in this episode of Frankly,
pretending climate change is a hoax. We're still in a shit ton of trouble.
"every living thing on earth is now outweighed by the inanimate infrastructure of the human system. Part of that infrastructure is plastics and plastics themselves now outweigh all living animals." " of 1% of human brain tissue is made up of microplastics." "It's not just humans, it's animals"

Z At the top of the hour it's Radio Ecoshock (repeat) Presented by Alex Smith. A weekly program about the Latest , authors, issues - from , oceans, forests, , solar storms, the , and .

Argentinian lake the size of New York City disappeared

29.09.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Wonder if we will get the same freak weather down under

It will make for an interesting Christmas

The politicians and fossil fuel company bosses
should be made to pay for all the damage
from their own pockets

"At a big bank like ours, what do people think the average loan length is" he asked. "It is six years. What happens to the planet in year seven is actually irrelevant to our loan book. For , what happens in year seven is actually irrelevant."

Who cares if is six metres under water in 100 years

Seeing post about Hurricane and deaths and damage in the US South East. Especially Tennessee and Western North Carolina.

Not seem any that have commentary or hashtags.

Global warming doesn't work anymore, because it's actually cooling Donald J Trump

Sea level rise inevitable for Pacific Islands despite future greenhouse gas emissions reduction, NASA finds - ABC News (AU)

New research from NASA has found sea level rise is inevitable for Pacific Island countries even if greenhouse gas emissions are reduced in the short term.

The analysis projects a significant increase in flooding in low-lying nations like Tuvalu and Kiribati by the 2050s.

VIDEO: How much will climate policies affect your vote in the Queensland October poll

Environment groups fear climate change and renewables policy have dropped off the Queensland political agenda during the cost of living crisis

How this concerned dad shifted his company away from fossil fuels for his daughters future.

Jordi Zonneveld didn't want his three daughters to live in a world reliant on burning oil, gas and coal, warming the planet.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks