Storm Babet caused dangerous floods as
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Storm Babet caused dangerous floods as the dry side of Scotland isnt used to such torrential rain Storm Babet has caused havoc across the UK, with strong winds and rough seas along the east coast, record breaking rainfall and river levels in Scotland, overtopped flood defences, closed roads and railways and sadly at least two deaths. The impacts are not over as further rain is expected.

Will Scot Gov now take seriously and cancel the big road projects

Climate 'Loss And Damage' Talks End In Failure IBTimes

Climate Change

Kid: Mmm quorn nuggies!

Friend: You're not veggie or vegan though

Kid: No, my family just have a lot of vegan stuff. We're try to cut down on dairy because cows are horrible for the environment. Their farts are really bad for the planet.

Yep, we're doing OK with that one.

"Albania, Colombia, Moldova: Which countries are doing the most for air pollution and climate"

Getting the train to Poland. It's free with monthly Germany-wide travel ticket (49), so why not :)

Ex-officials say the leadership censored & undermined them when they highlighted as a key greenhouse gas, linking to (& other issues). Until 2006 the sector managed to dodge the spotlight (1/2)

Tipping Point (revised)
18 x 24

When viewing such impacts of I am convinced we can't reduce CO2 fast enough. Therefore I wrote a blog on how we should start a path toward stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) yesterday.
SAI can cool the earth in 2 years and keep temperature steady even if CO2 keeps rising.

Please read the blog before you disagree
And sorry, its very long and thorough.

US, EU blamed as climate fund talks break down over World Bank push #EnergyandClimateUK #Aidanddevelopment #Climatediplomacy #EnergyandClimate #Sustainability #Climatechange #Lossanddamage #COP28

When viewing such impacts of I am convinced we can't reduce co2 fast enough.
Therefore I wrote a blog on how we should start a path toward stratospheric aerosol injection yesterday
Please read the blog before you disagree

EU: Proposed crop regulation is more -based than past rules & more in line with elsewhere, but scientific advice on implementation is needed to help with , & protection:

Tutto oggi passa attraverso i , anche la nostra . Ne parliamo con Virginia Taddei qui

It does sometimes seem as though all we, collectively, think about is which flood-plain we can build on next, doesn't it

Talking of storms: I found the pictures from yesterday rather interesting. (-:

The Climate Cafe is back in today: 21st October , midday to 3pm

Billions of snow crabs in Alaska likely vanished due to warm ocean, study says

The crabs starved to death en masse because the change in water temperature increased their caloric needs, according to the NOAA
The years 2018 and 2019 saw record-breaking ocean temperatures, which at first led to a boom in the snow crab population before it quickly plummeted. Then 2022 saw a sharp decline of 10 million crabs.

The crisis poses an existential risk to the health and wellbeing of all children and action to tackle it is needed immediately, Britains most senior paediatrician has said.

I updated my post from yesterday on with a very brief overview of some of the damage caused by the and how to think about these extreme weather events in the future.

Also, following a question I've added a bit of background as to why we would expect to see more hundred year floods, even if an individual flood is not "caused by" (though it may well be somehow supercharged by it).

Amid flooding in & wild fires elsewhere it seems pretty clear that the is here.

And those that are most severely effected are the young, the very people who (unlike our aging politicians in denial about needing to deal with ) are going to be living with the consequences of our failure to act for decades...

A generation betraying its successors...

Vers une politique publique low-tech l'chelle urbaine Avise

ESS et low-tech : des objectifs partags Avise

Aftertalk Low Tech - Un retour aux bases pour un futur plus durable - Universit Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier

Emeritus Professor Jem Bendell with the University of Cumbria in the UK:
Its time that more scholars back the activists who are being proven right on the climate. Its ridiculous that bravely accurate activists like XR's Gail, Roger and Clare now face prison, while their loudly inaccurate critics in the climatology profession face just another payday.

2/2 This - trying to make the experiences of people from across the world come real and immediate for those elsewhere - was one of my motivations for .

Also for this Research Lead position/project at Goldsmiths i wrote and posted here a while back. We did not get it, due to pretty shitty high-up decision making. But I will just try to do my own Human Stories in Complex Systems project - maybe involving , somehow!

is dead:

"Many observers acknowledged, even near the beginning of this trend, that coal was a dead industry. Any subsequent attempts to expand it have been unserious political stunts that were doomed to fail from the start everyone (with a brain) knows the industry is dead."

But here in .... keeps giving coal CPR...

It is wholly unjust that these vulnerable children should bear the greatest burden in terms of climate change, especially in the context of a government that is rolling back on its net zero policies.


Why Ten Billion Snow Crabs Disappeared Off the Coast of Alaska

The unprecedented die-off represents roughly 90 percent of the eastern Bering Sea population

Real or imagined
Interesting methane effect from Storm Babet.
Methane Forecast North West Europe

Climate Crisis Deepens

The climate crisis poses an existential risk to the health and wellbeing of all children and action to tackle it is needed immediately, Britains most senior paediatrician has said.

Children at existential risk from climate crisis, UKs top paediatrician says

> Physical and mental impact on young people needs immediate action, Dr Camilla Kingdon says

An open letter from 70 scholars from 16 countries has been released that supports climate activists and explains how unhelpful it has been for climate scientists to have undermined them in recent years.

20 min video

so Spain is one of Europes bread baskets.

As I've been shouting into the void for years, not addressing costs way more than addressing it.

Is It Time to Imagine a World Without Roads

Be it highway or dirt track, our infrastructure has become an ecological disaster. Ben Goldfarbs Crossings catalogs the devastation.

"Flooding brought on by Ian caused millions of gallons of water to run into the ocean, carrying nutrients with it. The storm also stirred up sediment and warm water off the coast of . The runoff, sediment, and high sea-surface temperatures triggered an explosion of Vibrio vulnificus and other types of Vibrio in the waters off the Florida coast."

I don't normally watch forecasts for the sake of my mental health but this is getting out of hand. 10 years ago on this exact date I was stuck in a snowstorm (it was 10C cooler than usual). Today we're expecting 32C (June-August temperatures, at least 20C warmer than usual) with temps above 25 in the following week. At this point I feel like the world is F'd beyond repair all because of greed. It's going to be a fun 13h shift at work today...

Drought Fuels Wildfires in the Amazon

Paul Beckwith: Why Earth will keep on Sizzling even if El Nio ends up Fizzling
James Hansen updated his website about a week ago with another article, this one titled: El Nio fizzles. Planet Earth sizzles. Why

Billions of snow crabs in Alaska likely vanished due to warm ocean, study says

The crabs starved to death en masse because the change in water temperature increased their caloric needs, according to the NOAA

New Orleans narrowly spared from a major drinking water crisis.

This is what looks like. It is not necessarily storms, floods, droughts, or generally freaky . In reality, it is the slow failure of infrastructure that was built for the average weather conditions we call "." These creeping problems will cost billions, over time, and their costs will be born disproportionately by the lower income people who did the least to create the problem.

The saltwater wedge may spare New Orleans, but its still a crisis "Earlier this month, the city received some welcome news: The wedge of saltwater that had been steadily advancing from the Gulf of Mexico up the Mississippi River had stalled, staving off a drinking water crisis in the city until late November, at least. A few days later, the wedge had retreated by more than five miles, giving the entire region even more breathing room."

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks