Statement zu unserer veganen Milch Flyer
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Statement zu unserer veganen Milch Flyer Aktion. Danke an MnsterTube lotharhill fr das Video.

First Light
22 x 28
Painting (fin)

Luminous cloud above a cold-gray mountain. A blue-violet stream breaks along an ochre beach.

Maes etal. Nature 629, 105113 2024.

Environmental drivers of increased ecosystem respiration in a warming tundra

"... a mean rise of 1.4C in air and 0.4C in soil temperature results in an increase in growing season ecosystem respiration by 30%..."

Podle oficilnch daj padlo v dubnu ve Vietnamu vce ne 100 teplotnch rekord, protoe jin a jihovchodn Asii suuje smrtc vlna veder.

Dal zprvy, lnky a odkazy na vzkum v oblasti klimatick zmny naleznete na tomto magaznu:

Impacts of are seen everywhere but especially within vulnerable populations.

Have they considered, well, you know *gestures vaguely all around*

*multiple wars*
*climate catastrophe*
*sea bleaching*

wildlife officials continue to search for what is causing fish to become distressed

you strive to understand the full picture

look at what goes right, also. that is the essence of .

let me give you an example in energy of what i mean by that:

a previously good thing - europe getting cheap gas from russia created a dependency which turned out to become a really bad thing which was called an energy crisis which then became a good thing in terms of energy awareness and cuts in consumption due to rising cost (which you vividly complained about so make it make sense...), but that's complexity for u.

How's Philippine weather April 28 felt the hottest for me. They said it will get hotter this May.

it always brings me back to a thing some of the systemsengineers have been saying:

things, fundamentally
go wrong
in the same ways they go right.

meaning: to prevent inadvertent outcomes you have to look at both.

RE: this superorganism-stuff: like yes we look at reality and we act an awful lot like that. so. you guys. you are looking LITERALLY at a swarm of starlings and their almost unreal maneuverable capabilities based on just 3 rules of individual behavior which are as simple as it gets and the lesson you get from that is: "damn these superorganims. so completely incapable of change." i can't help the feeling you have not thought this through.

Hitting 430 in 3... 2... 1...

Last CO2 Earth update: 2:35:02 AM on May. 3, 2024, Hawaii local time (UTC -10) Data source: NOAA GML (Mauna Loa Observatory)

May. 2, 2024 427.55 ppm
May. 1, 2023 424.45 ppm
1 Year Change 3.10 ppm (0.73%)

New lecture video from Paul Beckwith on:

"our rapid approach to an Antarctica Blue Ocean Event, and on the associated rapid decline in the ocean Thermo Haline Circulation (THC"

"Gobsmackingly Bizarre Behaviour in Antarctic and Arctic Sea Ice Changes"

that is what scientists are supposed to do. look at reality and THEN tell us how bad it is. NOT philosophizing about how bad it can possibly get and then search for the evidence thereof.

I really love the thought that went into this flag. This precision is a very good fit for the futurism of solarpunk <3

I really love the thought that went into this flag. This precision is a very good fit for the futurism of solarpunk <3

but nowadays everyone wants to be able to predict the future instead of exploring the dynamics. and they want to predict it so desperately because they cannot know it and they know that they cannot know it. and it drives people genuinely insane. the assumption that everything will always turn out in the worst ways possible - it's addictive bc it numbs the pain over the fact that things are actually BAD ENOUGH how they are in reality.

where is the humble, innocent - disinterested even - analysis of the scientists the stuff that forrester and the maedows did everyone knows the future well, sorry to break it to you guys, but "" wasn't about predicting the future. it was about systemic limits to the dynamics of growth. just as the title says. nothing more, nothing less.

at the end of the day it just a graving for control and certainty in a world where there is none. it is just coping. just in a different way.

what i would like to see is that all the guys, you know who i am talking about: knock it off with your "predictions". you are not helping, ok. not helping. i don't even know anymore just how often nate hagens has "predicted" WW3 being imminent just within the last 2 years - the planet would have been leveled 10 times over.


and what is happening now is exactly what predicated. people are reading this stuff who, and i cannot stress this enough, who have NO idea about the systems theory behind the degrowthers line of thinking and are ALSO NOT BEING TAUGHT IT by said degrowthers, and all they are reading into this is: "hey ecology dude says nothing can be done! well, he should know!"

no man. this ain't it.

For weekend readers, my post on the latest twist in the debate, this time focussing on cloud seeding/doubt seeding

Holding government to account for their own laws...

i am talking about stuff like systems being self-limiting, being self-organizing, about concepts like leverage points and attractors. you know. actual systems stuff. you cannot just go & say: "humans act like a superorganism". like no shit sherlock. but the analysis ends just there, right. "superorganism - too damn stupid - nothing can be done about that..."

where is the actual it is not happening.

and i am explicitly NOT refereeing to cornucopian bull like "technical innovation" and "human ingenuity", of which is perfectly clear that to the extent we have that today it is solely based on cheap energy and petrochemicals.

this madness that anyone thinks of himself as being able to predict the future course of a system as complex as the planet with the human enterprise on it beyond the crudest of systems dynamics, let alone being the ONLY ONE who understands it "correctly" and is able to explain it to people "correctly" is just genuinely demented and insane hubris and it actually comes from a place of deep despair and hopelessness.

and in a weird way i even have to be thankful to chris martenson, nate hagens, simon michaux, richard heinberg & Co. had they not gone full antivax-putin-AGI tinfoil hats i would have never realized that their bold ass prediction about how human future were just as frail and insignificant as anyone else's random ass opinion on that topic, or any other issue involving complexity.

have written an email. told him he was right on some things. i mean i still disagree with him on his unwarranted faith in human nature, BUT here's the thing: all the growth critical people i ever knew have either burned out and/or gone genuinely insane. all of them. no exception. and i can watch in real time how they are dragging others into it and down with them. which was EXACTLY what he predicted is going to happen.

will be as bad or even worse of a failure than . And, like COP28, it has failed before it even began.

The scene is being set by fossil fuel interests for more delay and distraction.

Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan Issue Joint Statement on Energy Cooperation

New Joint Bicameral Staff Report Reveals Big Oils Campaign of Climate Denial, Disinformation, and Doublespeak

Climate.Changes.Security. - Navigating Climate Change and Security Challenges in the OSCE Region


New research reveals a concerning trend: bumblebee babies are perishing in their nests due to rising global temperatures.

This phenomenon underscores the urgent need for climate action to protect these vital pollinators.

The judge agreed with ClientEarth & Friends of the Earth that the secretary of state was given incomplete information about the likelihood that proposed policies would achieve their intended emissions cuts, breaching section 13 of the Climate Change Act, which requires the secretary of state to adopt plans & proposals they consider will enable upcoming carbon budgets to be delivered.
needs a Climate Change Act so we can also hold ministers accountable in a court of law.

Flooding in Brazil kills 39 people with 68 still missing and 24,000 displaced

The storms also triggered landslides and the partial collapse of a dam structure at a small hydro-electric power plant.

Green Our Planet

Climate Resilience and Democratic Governance In Central Americas Northern Triangle

The authors explore the effects of extreme weather events in the three Central American countries of the Northern TriangleEl Salvador, Guatemala, and Hondurasand the efforts of local communities, despite all odds, to build resilience in the face of the increasingly brutal effects of climate change.

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Natural Gas and the Energy Transition: Security, Equity, and Achieving Net Zero

Put simply, even as policymakers move to aggressively deploy renewable and zero-carbon energy resources, natural gas remains a valuable tool in limited volumes to manage the context dependencies of a transitioning energy system in the short, medium, and long terms.

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Illegal leather How the car industry is threatening the rainforest DW Documentary

Can the World Bank Deliver on Climate Change Testing the Evolution Roadmap through Loss and Damage

The World Bank engaged in the Transitional Committee process as a potential host and trustee for the Loss and Damage Fund created at COP28. The implementation of the Fund and Funding Arrangements is the first big test of the World Banks commitment to evolving its policies, practices, and relationships.

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Have the worlds coral reefs already crossed a tipping point

A quarter of marine life depends on coral reefs. So do 1 billion people.

There are dead and missing

Unprecedented Flooding in Porto Alegre, : Streets Submerged as Guaba River Rages

video by Chico Santana

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks