Solar geoengineering: the risks and distractions
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Solar geoengineering: the risks and distractions of trying to reflect sunlight to cool the Earth podcast

Climate Change


No rain for two years': Northern Greece faces significant water crisis as drought persists

Hot, hotter, hottest: How much will climate change affect your location

"The health effects of climate change include respiratory and heart diseases, pest-related diseases like Lyme disease and West Nile Virus, water- and food-related illnesses, and injuries and deaths. Climate change has also been linked to increases in violent crime and overall poor mental health."


Glad it's not all in my head

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 1.09C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

In this blog post, Simon Clark writes about how climate change is erasing cultural heritage at an unprecedented rate. From ancient sites to traditional knowledge, these losses undermine our identity and resilience.

Read more:

"Could climate change cause more lightning and spark more wildfires"

YES! this should be everywhere!

Burlington, Ont., considers making transit free for all, after reducing fares for youth, seniors

A study looking at the benefits and risks of implementing free transit will be sent to council late this year

How Exxon chases billions in US subsidies for a climate solution that helps it drill more oil

Climate experts raise red flags as oil giant spends millions lobbying while touting underperforming carbon capture.

CCS is a scam, we need to stop all extraction of fossil carbon NOW!

Capture is not safe! Surprised Read this!

Will you be in the carbon capture kill zone

"As countries like Canada plot a dramatic expansion of CO2 pipelines to help deal with rising emissions from the O&G sector, - now account for the largest source of emissions in the country, managing safety risks will become increasingly important, because when carbon dioxide pipelines fail, they can fail catastrophically."

It's not a major issue in the upcoming existential November but it bloody well should be.


"But the warming we've seen in recent decades is too rapid to be linked to changes in Earth's orbit and too large to be caused by solar activity.

One of the smoking guns that tells us the Sun is not causing global warming comes from looking at the amount of solar energy that hits the *top of the atmosphere."

Rules discourage Canadians from generating more solar power than they use

Many Canadians want to install rooftop solar panels to help. But while that can lower their electricity bills, they can't actually get paid for it because many jurisdictions limit the power generation of a rooftop solar system to the amount you consume, and customers can only be compensated in bill credits, not cash."

The way we eat is changing. Here's what you need to know about the future of food

"The problem of feeding the growing global population is exacerbated by the intensifying effects of climate change. "A third of the world's greenhouse gases come from agriculture and food. And the other side of the coin, food is super-vulnerable to the changes of climate,"

"Girouxs report found that the average cost of owning a ZEV for eight years would add up to $62,920 assuming you purchased it in 2022, a gas powered vehicle is likely to cost $71,680. The PBO factored in the cost of buying the vehicle, along with the ongoing operating costs and current tax rebates."

However, the does not expect we will hit the federal target of EVs being 20% of new car sales in 2026 and 60% in 2030.

"A single coral in Fiji that is more than 600 years old has recorded how Pacific Ocean temperatures have varied during its long life.
We find that the Pacific-wide warming over the past century, largely attributed to human-caused , marks a significant departure from the natural variability recorded in earlier centuries."

Plenty of stuff in the garden that should have flowered three months ago but are just starting to bud

New publication: as an alternative to for inferring population ranges.

Economists saying tax on REALLY rich ppl would be

"more likely accepted if proceeds went to solve than global ."

don't say it's 2 sides of same coin

Want to reduce your carbon footprint

Surging seas are coming for us all, warns UN chief

World hunger and climate crisis

So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth. Revelation 6.8

Little Congwong Beach, Kamay Botany Bay National Park this morning at 8:30am. It was already 27

One day you are going to smell something burning and you are going to ask what it is .Then your kid is going to say ' the earth' .
It will be the funniest joke you hear that day but also the saddest thing you will remember at the end of it because it will be true.

This Eastern Water Dragon came running up to me to drink from my water flask as soon as I opened it. She mustve been so hot. 30 at Little Congwong Beach today.

Climate change has deep historical roots Amitav Ghosh explores how capitalism and colonialism fit in

Exxon redirected the climate policy response away from solutions such as wind and solar and towards unproven technologies like carbon capture.

Two-thirds to three-quarters of the carbon currently captured in the US is used to extract hard-to-reach reserves, a practice known as enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

Hope you don't mind but I think your comments are very valid and need to go under (assuming it's still up and running).


Its August and there was snow or frost on the field during tonights Seattle Sounders match. Tell me is a made up myth!

China responds furiously after Pacific leaders reject bid to cut ties with Taiwan
By Stephen Dziedzic

China's ambassador to the Pacific has responded furiously after the region's leaders rejected a push from Solomon Islands to stop Taiwan participating in its top diplomatic gathering.

Der konservative und wirtschaftsliberale Kampf gegen die Energie- und Mobilittswende geht weiter.

Tisdagsmagasinet: Flygskatt och Harris opinionssiffror Dagens Arena

Western Queensland, Yirandali Country. Endless savannah Plains, big sky, and dinosaur fossils.
Heat bomb 37 C day after day.
This country never ceases to surprise.

30.08.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

3 min

Japans most prized food suffers in heat.

The Proper Gardener has informed me that the lack of this year is symptomatic of affecting things that should have happened in Spring.

South Korea's top court said on Thursday that the country's climate change law does not protect basic human rights and lacks targets to shield future generations.

As wildfires become a growing problem throughout the world, many are turning to the traditional practice of a controlled burn, which takes quite a few people to do and runs the risk of starting a bigger fire. Enter the robot.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks