Scotland to ditch key climate change
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Scotland to ditch key climate change target

This is how worthless promises and talking about something (without action) is.

#scotland #climatechange

Climate Change

Recently i've startest to think of as a time-spider: It First massively helped us to lure us into Feeling secure (avoided next glacial), and now it's fastening the Strings around us. We attempt to hunt it (climate-control), but flight is our natural Impulse.

Great news! The new paper Floral traits and their connection with pollinators and climate in by Shweta Basnett is now for a limited time. (1/8)

Went through old toys while helping cleaning my parents house, found a new slide for my environmental security seminar.

Plus de 45C, de nombreux morts: la vague de chaleur au Sahel lie au changement climatique "d'origine humaine", selon un rapport

Suivez lactualit sur

We are expanding our flagship partnership with Tsinghua University, focusing on , , and :


Queensland passes legislation to enshrine greenhouse emissions targets in law
By Kate McKenna and Alex Brewster

A target for Queensland to reach net zero by 2050 has passed with bipartisan support.

Dissalatori mobili, nuovi pozzi e autobotti: ecco il piano antisiccit della Regione siciliana - La Sicilia

Saving a Sea Monkey Sanctuary

As the Great Salt Lake in Utah shrinks, locals are working to preserve its critical brine shrimp fisheryalong with the other entities that flourish in the lakes strange, saline beauty.

everything is fine

it is an expensive toy with a large climate impact, that uses its electric-ness as a guise to make its buyers feel like they can ignore

Post On record rainfall in Dubai

Meet The Big Oil Alliance: Four Oil Execs and a Vampire Walk Into a Boardroom The Big Oil Alliance

"Five oil executives band together to save the climate AND their billion dollar industry. The Big Oil Alliance - what could possibly go wrong"

(by Artists for Real Climate Action)

What caused floods Experts cite climate change, not cloud seeding

The huge rainfall was instead likely due to a normal weather system that was exacerbated by , experts say.
A low pressure system in the upper , coupled with low pressure at the surface had acted like a pressure 'squeeze' on the air, according to Esraa Alnaqbi, a senior forecaster at the government's National Centre of .

to ditch key targetand all because they wont tackle meat, dairy & fish consumption, the low-cost, kind, quick, healthy & only way to constrain climate change to Paris 1.5.

- change: Deadly African heatwave 'impossible' without

Scotland to ditch key climate change target

The Scottish government is to ditch its flagship target of reducing greenhouse gas by 75% by 2030.

Ministers have missed eight of the last 12 annual targets and have been told that reaching the 75% milestone by the end of the decade is unachievable.

Bill McKibben -The Crucial Years: Is $38 trillion a lot

Because that's what we're throwing away

A new study released today in Nature examines data from 1,600 regions of the earth for the last forty years, and concludes that by 2050 change will be causing economic damage worth $38 trillion every single year.

If those numbers seem impossible to comprehend, then let Bloomberg break it down for you, planetary warming will result in an income reduction of 19% globally by mid-century, compared to a global economy without .

Could Albaneses bet on homegrown green industries be the boost our regions deserve

Regarding the recent article in the Telegraph, someone reminded me how connected they are to fossil industry sponsored groups. Other directiors include Lord David Frost, Terence Mordaunt and Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. Another of the the Tufton Street network.

Kevin busts a common myth here.

"What caused the storm that brought to a standstill"

The stories I read of those unable to get insurance and those with high insurance costs probably explain why they're making the best money for a long time in a impacted world

I have long maintained and argued in here in the past (with much push back from the orthodoxy) Insurance in the capitalist model is a ponzi scheme. They're already underwritten by the Federal Government in northern Ausralia where flood insurance was going to be impossible to get, so we'll see as the decades roll on. They need to make more profit again :) someone has to pay for that and more building on flood plains mean it will get worse going forward.

"Climate change is the result of the market failing to price in the cost of climate change. Arguing that the market will now solve it is ignorant in the extreme." Greg Jericho, Guardian, 180424.

University of Queensland researchers create power generator that consumes .

Queensland researchers create power generator that consumes .


Apparently will discuss EVs with Robert Llewelyn . Tonight !

Queensland researchers create power generator that consumes .

Sustainable Computing for a Sustainable Planet

The authors say there is an increase in energy consumption for training large language models but not on their deployment. At the same time, advances in accelerated computing have moderated the overall growth in energy consumption relative to computational performance. The adoption of AI is shown to bring energy efficiency benefits to the economy.

, ,

pops up again re far right Christianity, a partnership made in hell.

In order to understand why people who call themselves also oppose welfare, public schools, gun control & action on , I decided to follow the .
What I discovered was an unholy alliance between evangelical Christians affiliated with the New Apostolic Reformations Seven Mountains strategy and a league of ultra-wealthy libertarians who operate a complex, network of think-tanks many of which fall under the umbrella of a group known as the ATLAS NETWORK.

The Big Linked MPs Opposing the Ban, is, fundamentally, no different than the Big & linked MPs opposing the fossil fuel "ban" (phase out. Also known colloquially, or too vaguely, as "net zero")
Whilst we can't ban politicians from putting their own profits before the electorate, we can demand that people that run for, or are in office, reveal their investments & donors (transparency)

EU to Set up New Carbon Removal Certification Framework

Tell the Fed to Fight Climate Change

Speculation 'cloud seeding' caused Dubai record rainfall and floods shot down by experts

Speculation swirled on social media that the weather technology was to blame for the largest ever rainfall Dubai has seen. But experts say the record rains were on a totally different scale to what seeding would produce.

Dr Daniel Swain: wide-ranging conversation on --including its causes, where it's headed, and the inequities associated with its impacts--with Osi Atikpoh on his podcast "A Song Called Life."

The editors of Scientific American have written an opinion piece saying we need to move away from to because of local & carbon , road crash death & injury and how it restricts access to life for so many- the young, the elderly, the poor & disabled.

In the UK at least, there is a wide variety of non-meat & non-dairy choices. To my taste, oat milk for example, tastes far better than cow milk in coffee (preferences vary).For me, all the "fuss" about eating meat in the , is simply a load of people with harmful & unsustainable eating habits.

But, meatable is one of a growing number of startups that hope to satisfy the worlds appetite for without harming animals or damaging the planet

Climate change caused by human excesses is going to screw up life on the whole planet.

If you were to ask me to name one place on Earth leading the way with these excesses I would probably say Dubai.

Or Mar-A-Lago.

Mar-A-Lago next, please.

sA EWE: Climate change report envisions a northern with warm, rainy winters, more deer and less pickerel.

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