Scorching sunshine and soaring temperatures have
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Scorching sunshine and soaring temperatures have added another element to the battle of survival for those displaced in Gaza.

Saw these 2 articles today about and thought about your recent posts Does any of this match your experience


'On 7 June, Egypt registered a national high of 50.9C at Aswan. Two days before that Chad tied its national record of 48C at Faya. On 1 May, Ghana hit a new peak of 44.6C at Navrong, while Laos entered new heat territory with 43.7C at Tha Ngon. Herrera said the tropics have set records every day for 15 months in a row.'

A record 15 national records have been broken since the start of this yea as extremes grow more frequent and breakdown intensifies.

An additional 130 monthly national have also been broken, along with tens of thousands of local highs registered at monitoring stations from the to the . The Guardian

Keeping up appearances and and the news - the August 12th 2024 edition of Interesting Things on the Internet

Headline today: "Unprecedented number of heat records broken around world this year"

People apparently don't care about heat records, but maybe they care about heat records records.

How Solar-Friendly Is Your State We Scored Them All.

CNET graded each US state on how solar-friendly its residential solar policies are. Most have a long way to go in making solar accessible and affordable.

Climate change intensified rain that caused deadly Indian landslides, study finds.

Human-caused climate change triggered landslides that killed 200 people in India's southern state of Kerala last month.

Climate Change

hat beim Thema ja recht grottig abgeschnitten:

Und auch wenn bei dem Thema mehr getan werden sollte, so finde ich die Hme teilweise unangebracht.

Zum einen wurde bereits mit der Begrnung von Pltzen begonnen.

Und teils ist das aus baulichen Grnden auch nicht immer trivial. Etwa wegen Tiefgaragen oder U-Bahnen unterm Platz.

Unprecedented number of heat records broken around world this year

Unprecedented number of heat records broken around world this year

Earth has just ended a 13-month streak of record heat heres what to expect next

Fossil carbon industries to do nothing

"The collective human imagination is the greatest untapped resource of our time."
Elizabeth Thompson explains how Visions 2030 is using creativity to inspire climate solutions.
Listen to this week's full Climate Confident episode now:
Or watch the video version on YouTube:

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 1.10C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

"Heat aggravated by carbon pollution killed 50,000 in Europe last year study"

Yesterday, I finished binge-watching The Expanse series. It's good. I liked all seasons. The attention to detail is amazing. For example, because it takes place a few hundred years in the future, Manhattan is protected from the sea level rise by seawalls.

Earth has just ended a 13-month streak of record heat heres what to expect next

Fossil fuel pollution deadlier than smoking, report finds, as doctors urge immediate action

> A Doctors for the Environment report has found fossil fuel pollution is killing more people globally than smoking, and is increasing rates of heart disease, cancer and poor pregnancy outcomes.

>The report also found fossil fuels were contaminating human bodies with plastics.

>Fossil fuels are a health hazard," said Kate Wylie, executive director of Doctors for the Environment Australia.

>"They are the primary drivers of climate change, which we know is the greatest health problem facing humanity."


I guess we need to ban e-scooters /s

"Two-thirds of respondents to a poll of first-time young American voters agreed the U.S. must plan to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and about four in five supported new generation nuclear energy to supplement renewable power sources."

The Adriatic is becoming tropical: Italian fishers struggle to adapt to warm sea

causes severe psychological . Our new scale shows how different domains of climate change contribute to distress in unique ways, deepening our understanding of its impacts on .

World leaders should focus on climate change, RAF veteran urges for V-J Day

On the anniversary of Victory over Japan Day, a 103-year-old former RAF squadron leader has sent a message to world leaders

Ecosocialist Bookshelf August

Commonwealth Bank to stop financing fossil fuel companies that dont comply with Paris climate goals

Shareholders and customers of ANZ, Westpac and NAB are bound to demand their banks do the same, expert says

Bid day at the Big Parlie.

About that Climate Trigger in the EPBC Act.

'They're failing my people': calls for climate trigger

By Kat Wong

Updated August 13 2024 - 9:31pm, first published 9:27pm

Indigenous groups propose that coal and gas projects undergo thorough climate impact assessments. Photo: Nikki Short/AAP PHOTOS

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people whose lands are under threat have called on the government to introduce a climate trigger and prevent corporations destroying Australia's natural assets.

Under the proposal, coal and gas projects would have to undergo a thorough assessment to examine their impacts on the climate.

And on Tuesday, a delegation of traditional custodians and those affected by climate disasters urged politicians to act.

via (, retooting to add CW)

2 billion tons: Canada wildfires emit a decades worth of CO2 in 1 season

The South African Weather Service (SAWS) reported that several weather stations in Cape Town and surrounding areas recorded rainfall amounts far exceeding their historical averages. Notably, the Cape Town City station in Oranjezicht registered 317.6 mm of rain, shattering the long-term average of 128.0 mm for July. This total is the highest monthly rainfall recorded for July since records began in 1960

Older trees can store more carbon dioxide the University of Birmingham has found.

Mature oak were exposed to elevated levels of carbon dioxide, and the trees produced 10% more wood, locking in the carbon dioxide. Helping to reduce global warming.

2 billion tons: Canada wildfires emit a decades worth of CO2 in 1 season

Watch this mind-blowing animation as fascinating patterns emerge! It shows 5 years of ocean currents, sea ice, and snow cover simulated with the model starting on January 2020. The model you'll see consists of atmosphere and ocean components, both running on a 5 km resolution grid.

Watch the animation here:

Fossil fuel pollution deadlier than smoking, report finds, as doctors urge immediate action
By Roxanne Fitzgerald

A Doctors for the Environment report has found fossil fuel pollution is killing more people globally than smoking, and is increasing rates of heart disease, cancer and poor pregnancy outcomes.

Actually in the story they talk about burning hydrogen and oxygen like it was done with coal. But still, the prediction is a astounding for that time.

"Yes, my friends, I believe that water will one day be employed as fuel, that hydrogen and oxygen which constitute it, used singly or together, will furnish an inexhaustible source of heat and light, of an intensity of which coal is not capable. Some day the coalrooms of steamers and the tenders of locomotives will, instead of coal, be stored with these two condensed gases, which will burn in the furnaces with enormous calorific power."

Of course today the technology is far more advanced. Hydrogen is used in fuel cells to produce electricity ... and in future maybe in fusion reactors, yes.

Sam speaks with Dana Fisher, director of the Center for Environment, Community, & Equity and professor in the School of International Service at American University, to discuss her recent book Saving Ourselves: From Climate Shocks to Climate Action

Should there be an international tax on stupid rich people for whom the money gives way too much power

14.08.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

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