'Scientists at Oxford University Physics Department
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'Scientists at Oxford University Physics Department have developed a revolutionary approach which could generate increasing amounts of solar electricity without the need for silicon-based solar panels. Instead, their innovation works by coating a new power-generating material onto the surfaces of everyday objects such as rucksacks, cars, and mobile phones.'

'At just over one micron thick, it is almost 150 times thinner than a silicon wafer.'


Plant trees and save the planet.

What on Earth can you do about:

Earth's soils degrading

Ocean acidification

Over fishing

Plastic pollution

High species extinction rates

If you're not willing to be (ish), if you're not aiming to phase out your own fossil fuel or wood fuel use, by for example, advocating for political societal change that will help you do just that, well then, you're the living example of the problem.

If you can choose the solutions, but don't

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 1.11C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

XR blocked a lock in IJmuiden, causing a cruise ship to be stuck.

They're making the point that cruise ships are floating environmental disasters, which exist purely for entertainment.

Over 2000 passengers left the ship, which is stuck at a dock in IJmuiden because of the delay, although XR only blocked the lock from 03:00 to 07:00 (talk about waking up on time for the climate!)

They made headlines in NL, though. Great success.

"Repeating climate denial claims makes them seem more credible, Australian-led study finds"

adjunct music instructor playing cello to protest at global headquarters of socially reprehensible fossilfuel funding Citibank in arrested for criminal contempt on August 8, 2024.

De hele wereld kent inmiddels de oorzaken en ernstige gevolgen van . Bart van den Hurk, de eerste Nederlandse expert in lange tijd bij het , ziet het daarom als schone taak dat het VN-klimaatorgaan uitzoekt waarom echte actie uitblijft. Iedereen ziet de urgentie, zegt hij. Maar het omzetten in actie blijft lastig.

numerous lakes in permafrost regions are draining,

For those with power and rich donors the AC is always on, even if its melting outside George Monbiot

This is one of the most heartbreaking pieces I've read this week, featuring 2 images that capture the threat of a warming planet.

A couples holiday photos taken 15 years apart at the same Swiss glacier, now a lake due to rapid melting.

Diese Sendung fhlte sich irgendwie schrg an.
Vor allem die quasi "neurologischen Erklrungen", die durchaus richtig sind, aber auch nur die halbe Wahrheit erzhlen.

Denn wenn eine Notlage von Autoritten ausgerufen wrde, gbe es ganz sicher auch einen Haufen von Menschen die ohne zu zgern der Autoritt folgen wrde.

Also irgendwie schleicht sich bei mir der Verdacht ein, da wird, vielleicht auch unbewusst, nach einer Ausrede gesucht.

Green parties need to decide who and what they are for Electoral success across Europe is exposing contradictions and hypocrisy

I will believe that politicians are serious about change when they start building homes or growing food on the runways of newly closed airports.

water problemen komen direct mee met . Maar over exploitatie is een apart probleem van korte termijn denken. In India is dat beest ook actief de water voorraad aan het opgebruiken en ook Californi heeft dat probleem

Hey, , I was told to invite you over to this episode of . It's just for you

It's totally not about . Or maybe it is.

10.08.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Insurers and investors are using private modeling tools to make climate risk assessments but they have major inconsistencies.

I can think of a bunch of people who would thank you for using the word "geoengineering". (-:

Life with is challenging enough and the added strain of amplifies the dangers and complicates access to essential care.

Dadelpalmen verschrompelen in de Tunesische hitte en ook de bevolking verdwijnt de

Ook hier blijkt dat dus dat naast klimaatverandering, meer van de grond vragen dan het kan bieden desastreuze effecten heeft...

I photographed these icebergs near Ilulissat, Greenland, 23 minutes before midnight, awhile before sunset. I went to bed at 9 p.m. but randomly woke up at 11:20 p.m. or so, peeked out the window, and grabbed my camera. The distant one I call the Castle was enormous.

Next day a huge storm set in. Gray, cold, dark, huge waves totally different.

Went wading in the sea last night. The water was so hot, even at 7:00pm, it felt geothermal. I've been to hundreds of beaches in several countries, and this was the first time the heat of seawater turned my skin pink. Every step made my heart break a little more, made me think "What have we done" How can the fish and other organisms survive this

And then comes the grim reality, that there will soon come a time when I will be remembering these days fondly as "cooler times."

Not a record-breaking hot weekend, but pretty close to August normals w/ some drier air moving in. More hot weather in the world as continues causing damage.

All that and more in tonight's WDEFNews12 .

: He intends to our fight against the climate crisis. And, Arizona, every day you feel the impact of extreme heat and drought. You know this crisis is real. He calls it a hoax Vice President Kamala Harris

You may be high.
You may be low.
You may be rich.
You may ne poor.
But, when the warm comes...
... You gotta move.

I Left California Because of Wildfires. Now, My Town Is Dealing With a Whole Other Kind of Disaster.

Summer Koester

6 - 8 minutes


Alaska Felt Safe From Global Warming. Then the Glacier Melted.

What I hope people understand about the record flooding in Juneau.

Energy Majors Hide Nearly Half of Their Damage to Biodiversity

A new study has found that large energy companies in Europe hide 47 percent of the damage they cause to biodiversity through their activities.

10.08.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Greenpeace raises over 1m to fight off Shells legal attack

Check out the time-lapse gif of the overall melt.

"An outburst flood from the sent a record amount of water toward Juneau, Alaska, for the second year in a row. Experts said that these types of floods would not be possible without ."
- NOAA Climate.gov

Poverty More than Doubles Your Likelihood of Dying from Heat

New research shows high temperatures disproportionately impact people on income assistance.

The huge problem about to smack us all in the face isn't that climate scientists are wrong about the climate warming.

It's worse than that.

According to OCHA, dry conditions are expected in most inland parts of the country, with chances of light rainfall over coastal parts of the southern regions.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks