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Been wondering how to respond to climate change locally and as a human who is affected by it.

I'm listening for a practice or activity that could confirm to other locals that they're part of a group who support robust action to prevent large human-activity-caused climate change.

Looking for something that will help in the tiniest discernable way to shift me, and maybe others, away from by climate change.

What you got universe

"NO sUcH tHInG aS !"

About 10% of the UK looks underwater after this weeks record levels of rain.

1. If the webpage is, e.g., titled "CNN Travel" that's an explicit biased business interest (be cautious of sales rhetoric)

2. If it sounds like bullshit it probably is

"Poop-powered planes: could jet fuel made from sewage take off"

Something smells off about that question

At least saying that the idea of burning "poop" to mitigate CO2 emissions sounds like another bullshit idea has a comedic quality to it.

"The visualization presents monthly global temperature anomalies."

Green Our Planet

Are they ever going to accept the message that it's burning "shit" (AKA carbon based fuels) that is the problem that's causing

At least saying that the idea of burning "poop" to mitigate CO2 emissions sounds like another bullshit idea has a comedic quality to it.

Talking about climate solutions

Havoc as major train line closed by flooding evacuations after canal bursts banks.

All predicted 50+ years ago

climate change
once fertile land
now arid

- arid

But, you know, whats the rush with net zero

Growing up at the time when you could demonstrate or actively influence policy on issues of concern, theres now a galling abyss where individual democratic power used to be after our powers have been stripped by .

The powerlessness over , economic mismanagement, general endless corruption and elite ineptitude is intentionally crippling But there must be something left we can do without resorting to Guy Fawkes tactics and heads on sticks

Germanys emissions hit 70-year low as it reduces reliance on coal Energy industry The Guardian

Report on an issue that most people are unfortunately still not paying enough attention to:

Days hotter than 35C almost all year round within this century: 5 key takeaways from Singapore's new climate study - CNA


UK coal use falls to 1957 level

everything is fine

Another "Gobsmackingly Bananas" Month in climate/weather news.

Looks like Dec-23 was the 7th consecutive month of record-shattering global temperature. 2023 is breaking all records. The 10 hottest years are the last 10. And the 2 hottest years are the last 2.

Whatever happened to acid rain

That was the big scary thing when I was in infant school.

I even drew a picture of it.

Sorry Sweden.

Desert swallows livelihoods as climate shocks continue in northeast Nigeria

stripes need new colour as world warms

How forests smell a risk for the climate

Plants emit odours for a variety of reasons, such as to communicate with each other, to deter herbivores or to respond to changing environmental conditions. An team of researchers carried out a study to investigate how biodiversity influences these emissions. They were able to show species-rich forests emit less of these gases into the atmosphere than monocultures.


Hansen et al. 4 January 2024

Global absorbed solar radiation anomaly

"Earth has become darker, absorbing more of the sunlight incident on the planet. The increase of absorbed solar radiation (1.4 W/m2) is a decrease of Earths albedo (reflectivity) of 0.4% (1.4/340). This reduced albedo is equivalent to a sudden increase of atmospheric CO2 from 420 to 530 ppm."

In my own little version of how will the unfold - will i lose my job first die to collapse of Goldsmiths/higher education or will my commute become untenable due to I can report that it looks like the latter today

Is carbon capture the key to halting global warming

For every socio-economic problem there are winners... so in a time of & problems with hot weather (including droughts), you'll be unsdruprisd that destinations are seeing increased bookings as are locations further north in the summer - the great holiday pivot looks to have got started.

Of course, the travelling to these holiday *does* contribute to the very problems holiday makers are seeking to avoid.

Summer in Iceland looks increasingly attractive

It should be like this for a few days, a rarity on this warming planet.

needs to fire its brand agency.

The new brief should be about profitable, collaborative, and sustainable approaches, using Two-Eyes Seeing, for energy infrastructure, industrial agriculture, and transportation.


Tricia Stadnyk, professor of civil engineering in the Schulich School of Engineering and geography, is one of the authors of the study. The prairies, specifically Canada and down through the continental U.S. are one of only a few hotspots in the world, where drought is actually projected to decrease mean annual runoff.

Alberta facing , agricultural disaster if drought conditions persist were seeing now. This is what it looks like, Pomeroy said. And so ( conditions are) not going to go away after a bad year. Were going to keep seeing these effects year on year. was over five degrees above normal in December. If we have those conditions in the spring again, then were back into an agricultural disaster.

"The year has shown us, more than ever before, that dithering over climate policy is not just unproductive, its ruinous. What weve experienced should be a call to action that transcends politics, a call to safeguard our future against the relentless force of a wilder climate. Governments wise enough to answer that call must press forward with robust mitigation and adaptation policies and investments."

It's panic mode for City officials in Calgary monitoring drought conditions and water supply.

Without some rain or snow soon, we're in real trouble.

"Despite the official end of the wildfire season being marked in the fall, there are still 64 fires burning throughout the province, about 10 times the normal amount."

No permission for ground floor in houses or they should be at least 3 feet above ground level

Evolution might stop humans from solving climate change, researchers say

"We need to reframe sustainability as an opportunity because it is an opportunity"

How to know if something is or not Defining Absolutely Anjila Hjalsted TEDxGoodenoughCollege

Are We the Last Generation or the First Sustainable One Hannah Ritchie

Ultimately, that is a choice!

court cases have impeded & are just about the only way to stop

The Australian Earth Laws Centre (AELC) is Australia's leading network of researchers, practitioners and community leaders who are working to create & promote Earth centred law and regulation

second verse. Same as the first Little bit louder, little bit worse.

I'm going to 'pretend' that your question wasn't rhetorical

Have you heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy Or, If You Dont Have a Dream, How are You Going To Have a Dream Come True

Fundamentally, we are talking about problems of behaviour. For those of us who study , and we know that all the problems to mitigate for example, are sociopolitical (psychological)

In other words, we can make a better world when enough people understand how

Narrator: NO ONE is prepared

"Climate change has forced millions to flee their homes and Asia is not prepared'"

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Satellite observations show that many important US East Coast cities are sinking, which will eventually threaten infrastructure and other structures. Sinking is believed to be a direct result of

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks