Record-breaking increase in levels in worlds
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Record-breaking increase in levels in worlds
Experts issue warning after finding global average concentration in March was 4.7ppm higher than same period last year
The largest ever recorded leap in the amount of laden in the world's atmosphere has just occurred, according to researchers who monitor the relentless accumulation of the primary gas that is heating the planet.

I already had reservations about Taylor Swift's private jet usage and all the emissions generated, and now there is the issue of her fans generating more emissions by flying across the world to see her - is there a more sustainable solution to touring

why is the headline so tentative The last glacier is gone, no

"The stakes could not be higher: world is on edge of climate abyss, UN warns"

Bidens actions on combating likely wont satisfy young voters

Keen to uncover the mesmerizing meanings behind 's terms

Illegal logging is a global problem

It damages , devastates communities and wildlife, & aggravates .

But what's the definition of according to IPBES

V Guardian:
A cup of tea and a biscuit for the end of the world

I know, this article has been shared multiple times over the last few days, but I feel the urge to share it myself as well.

It is further proof that all this is not a tragedy anymore but a crime, exactly because we all know whats happening and what the possible countermeasures are.

The Labor backbench MPs Josh Burns, Jerome Laxale, Sally Sitou, Josh Wilson and Carina Garland issued statements that either criticised or urged caution about the governments future strategy, released on Thursday. Late in the day, Ged Kearney, the assistant minister for and aged care, issued her own statement, saying Australia could not draw out our reliance on fossil fuels any longer than is necessary.

Gas shortage Yeah, nah. A Fact Check on Labors fossil gas future strategy

Artificial intelligence helps scientists engineer plants to fight climate change

Researchers utilize AI to engineer plants combatting climate change. Deep learning software, SLEAP, analyzes plant traits, expediting the design of carbon-capturing plants. By optimizing root systems, plants draw more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

via Salk Institute

We arent there yet but moving in the right direction: More and faster: Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total

Residents in survive unprecedented floods and chaotic response by authorities but fear more

If another storm strikes, the situation won't be pretty"

Testimony of issues w food and supplies and widespread water-borne illness

How Floods Caught the Off Guard (Shereen Shaji)

Trump promised oil executives he would slash oil regulations for a $1 billion donation.

The news reports from The Washington Post and The New York Times ignored record temps and how fossil fuels affect climate change.

Oh, and more Russians than Americans believe is a serious threat to humanity.

- change: may be first nation to lose all its

Climate Held Hostage in Trump Election Campaign

Trump asked oil executives for $1 billion to fund his campaign, promising deregulation in return.

Bidens administration enacted over 100 environmental regulations Trump plans to reverse these, favoring fossil fuel interests.


Fostering the maturity of applications for tackling : Workshop as part of ICLR 2024 iclrconf will take place on Sat May 11, 8-5 CET in Vienna, co-organised by NikolaMD (). Link to free & open access livestream:

The largest ever recorded leap in the amount of carbon dioxide laden in the worlds atmosphere has just occurred. The global average concentration of carbon dioxide in March this year was 4.7 parts per million (or ppm) higher than it it was in March last year, which is a record-breaking increase in CO2 levels over a 12-month period.

Spot prices at the North Hub, which includes Dallas, jumped to more than $3,000 a megawatt-hour just before 7 p.m. local time, versus about $32 at the same time Tuesday, according to data from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas.

Unusually hot weather in the region has boosted demand for cooling and lowered the efficiency of many power plants. Wind output has also fallen from a day earlier and there are more outages.

Green Our Planet

8 min

Before aught else, they must drink. Its not like it will last. The midwest will stop only when the cant draw water.

Trump: I want tariffs on everything from China

Biden: I want tariffs specifically on EVs, solar panels and large rechargeable batteries from China

No US politician: I want working class people to be able to afford more environmentally friendly technologies

Last year I was complaining about the worst heat wave I had experienced in this city. Well, I was wrong. Now we have the worst heat wave. Today the temperature broke all records: 37 C (the maximum mean temperature in May here had been 30C)

Axios reporting that progressive climate groups, like the Sunrise Movement, are giving Biden high marks for his environmental record.

That's great to hear but also really f'ing annoying.

For about the past year, these group -- especially the Sunrise Movement -- have been going out of their way to shit on Biden's record because they felt he wasn't doing enough.

They waited until now to sing Biden's praises

That the climate change we are heading towards will "increase" immigration is optimistic.

It will produce levels of migration never before observed.

These levels of migration will most probably first destabilize and then end our democracies.

"The largest ever recorded leap in the amount of laden in the worlds atmosphere has just occurred"

All the odd things brings

> Mosquitoes found all across warming .

I've only been to Scotland once and I can't remember if I noticed any mosquitos or the lack of them. I hope there aren't any in Glasgow this summer.

I think the only two places I've ever been where I *did notice* a lack of those tiny little flying bloodsuckers Iceland and the high Andes.

It's going to be a rough summer. We'll be lucky to get by with mild water restrictions and forest fires.

okay, so... the "bomb spike" is the graph of Carbon-14 relative to... C-12

I guess I'm thrown off by units of pMC/percent. percent what

globally: 50 tonnes
nuclear testing: 1.3 tonnes

ocean: most of it
soil/biosphere: the rest
atmosphere: 840kg

3,206,000,000,000 tonnes (CO2 in general) ... hold up I have to have my units wrong.... each ppm is supposed to be 7.82 gigatonnes and we've released 2400 gt max since 1850... does that mean it started at 806 gt CO2 in 1850 or did I mess that up

is the graph relating a fixed baseline like 1950 or an ever changing %

also, the decrease is NOT due to decay, it's due to exchange w ocean/biosphere

like the Suess effect is just "carbon 14 gets diluted by human use of fossil fuels" (which seems depressing)

C14 is naturally produced in the stratosphere by cosmic ray neutrons at a base rate

nuclear power plants release C14 at night when plants aren't photosynthesizing

Andrew Coyne Helped Run Charity That Gave $6.4M to Climate Crisis Denial Groups


Greta is for real

Massive respect to her

Every time you see an oil company/industry commercial touting their commitment to the environment, remember this shit.

Move to protect Australian industry from EU land clearing laws criticised by scientists

Agriculture minister says theres no risk cattle industry is connected to deforestation, a claim environmental scientists say is patently false

Note that this is a supposedly progressive government.

Fantastic piece.

The largest barrier to the production of new gas is certainty of demand. Gas consumption, like supply, has been falling since 2014 and is now a quarter below the supposed baseline of 200 petajoules a year.

Since 2021, the International Energy Agency has found that no new oil and gas fields are needed to meet its net zero pathway.

I understand climate scientists despair but stubborn optimism may be our only hope


(see )

It's just that the movement should get active on , , , , , etc. in earnest. Nothing has ever improved in the world without the movement forcing things to get better. By voting you can only prevent thngs getting worse.

10.05.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Texas is unique" alright

'Everything has a price': Insiders say Trump secret offer left oil barons 'stunned'

...Trump made a transactional offer that reportedly "stunned" top oil executives at an event last month at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

... you should raise $1 billion to return me to the White House...

he vowed to immediately reverse dozens of President Bidens environmental rules and policies and stop new ones...

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Global Warming sucks