Recent research has revealed a startling
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Recent research has revealed a startling connection between plastic production and pollution, with every 1% increase in plastic production leading to a corresponding 1% rise in plastic environmental pollution...

... and this is the YouTube playlist of the Impact Scholar Program seminars you were waiting for!

"Heavy rains and flooding kill dozens as racks

Devastating during Kenyas rainy season, aggravated by , have killed at least 38 people and displaced thousands as rivers burst their banks and inundated low-income neighborhoods."

"US seeing rise in climate-related power outages, report says"

A review of the 2023 World Meteorological Organisation report:

Allen acknowledges there's uncertainty in how fast the climate system can unravel. He provides details on the factors that influence the overturning of ocean waters, which is one of many looming tipping points.

Slide: Some think the models may be wrong.

For me it shows how pivotal this point in time seems to be. We all appreciate the physics involved in rolling a heavy ball up a hill once it starts to descend.

the uninhabitability of some places on Earth has begun: Human survivability at its absolute limit in currently: , , , , and the . All hit temperatures above 40C, with some places experiencing an incredible life-threatening heat index of up to 52C.

Worst harvest in 62 years blamed on and

The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) says the drink hit its lowest level since 1962. This intergovernmental organisation has 50 member states, representing 75 per cent of the worlds vineyard area.
Experts blame extreme environmental conditions including and that have been driving the downward trend in production.

Blistering summers are becoming the norm, and although experts say it is unlikely that climate change will cause a dangerous shortage in Japans overall rice supply, extreme heat still threatens to lower grain quality and farmers income.

worldwide agendas

The Mandate condemns what it describes as a radical climate agenda and Bidens war on fossil fuels

In response to the decline, , and are among a handful of states that have recently launched major programs.

Sure enough, data from a satellite shows denser patches of green vegetation where beavers have been reintroduced when compared to areas where their population is limited.

are helping fight , shows Space

tldr by

- The Atacama Desert in northern Chile has become a dumping ground for massive amounts of discarded clothing, with one pile estimated to be 11,000 to 59,000 tons.
- This clothing waste problem is fueled by Chile's status as the biggest importer of secondhand clothing in South America, with much of the clothing arriving through the port of Iquique. (1/5)

La Resexistance preparing for some action

Only a shortie for the

We want a that prioritizes systems, refill and repair!

This is too funny - just unreal. BC Greens did an advert rightfully attacking the BC NDP and LNG industry for greenwashing

They respond, 'The World is Asking For It', ugh, for what The continual damage, the denial

You know you are winning when industry and poli flail around and spend money to deny truth

Strict new rules would force -fired power plants to capture or shut down

"New limits on from -fired electric plants are the administrations most ambitious effort yet to roll back planet-warming from the power sector, the nations second-largest contributor to ... This will avoid 1.38 billion tons of C pollution through 2047, equivalent to the annual emissions of 328 million cars"

Weird that we are acting like this isnt happening.

Critical Atlantic Ocean current system is showing early signs of collapse, prompting warning from scientists.


Extraordinary example of the
The words 'climate' 'weather' and 'hurricane' are completely absent in this piece

Pretty much every summer from now on will be the hottest summer of our life.

Green Our Planet

Der Vater der 5 ostdeutschen Nationalparks kommt in die Egge!

Er hat fnf wunderbare Nationalparks geschaffen, die heute alle Juwelen des Artenschutzes sind und positive wirtschaftliche Effekte entfaltet haben.

Wir in OWL knnen jetzt die Chance nutzen, von seinem Wissen zu profitieren.

Morgen, am 28.04. wird er um 14 Uhr am Forsthaus Steinbeke (Sandweg 49, Bad Lippspringe) sein und eine kurze Exkursion ins Naturschutzgebiet Egge-Nord in die Wildnisflchen mitmachen.

Danach geht es nach Nieheim -Eversen ins Dorfgemeinschaftshaus (Navi-Adresse: Eversen 152, 33039 Nieheim), wo um 17 Uhr eine Veranstaltung und Pressekonferenz mit Professor Succow stattfinden wird.

Das ist eine einmalige Chance!

The power of !

Costs of by 2050 Costs of by 2050
Kotz, M., Levermann, A. & Wenz, L. The economic commitment of . Nature 628, 551-557 (2024).

Its getting harder and harder not to conclude that humans are an utterly unrepentant parasitic species bent on destroying its host with haste and prejudice. There is no other conclusion possible or plausible at this point in our evolution. Wasnt always this way, didnt have to be this way but regrettably, here we are on the eve of destruction. Cant say we dont deserve what we are surely going to get at this juncture, but it makes me sad for my grandchildren and future generations in general. It is they who will pay for this folly.

Beavers are helping fight climate change, satellite data shows.

Satellites reveal denser green patches of vegetation where beavers were reintroduced.

Two countries in Europe are powered by 100% renewable energy as wind capacity soars.

Via the

Record-breaking heat means ice cubes now cost more than bread & milk in parts of

"I've come 2 buy ice because it's very hot now," says 15-year-old Fatouma Yattara as she visits her local vendor in the capital,

W/ no working fridge due 2 prolonged power cuts, she resorts 2 using ice cubes 2 preserve food & keep cool during a which has seen temperatures soar to 48C (118F)

Z At the top of the hour it's Radio Ecoshock (repeat) Presented by Alex Smith. A weekly program about the Latest , authors, issues - from , oceans, forests, , solar storms, the , and .

We could be heading into the hottest summer of our lives.

High temperatures across the US have the potential to increase risks for drought, wildfires, and hurricanes.

The state of has known for over a decade that they need to stop development at the forest interface due to and . Theyve chosen the messiest way to do it: sit on your hands and let people die until the market fails.

Study shows that plastic production could be nearly one third of the global carbon budget and emits four times more greenhouse gases than the airline industry.

Italy can do without Russian gas, says energy minister #Majorandchronicdiseases #Remediesandcommitments #Aidanddevelopment #Financeandbanking #FinancialServices #EnergyandClimate #Renewableenergy #Sustainability #Climatechange #Lossanddamage #Biodiversity #Electricity #Immigration #Investment #MiddleEast #Naturalgas #Elections #Emissions #Biofuels

Such a cheerful read: The Busy Workers Handbook to the Climate Apocalypse

I was born in November 1970. I grew up knowing that climate change would come.

As far as I can remember back (to an age I could comprehend the meaning of what scientists said) there was always talk and discussion of how the climate would change sooner due to the human industrialisation.

Now I wonder am I the only one with that memory

Lost opportunity: We couldve started fighting climate change in 1971 Ars Technica

Because if we're not monitoring it, climate change can't be a real thing amirite

Same principle as with covid. "If you dont test, you dont have any cases"

Beware of the bullshitter!

Charlatans try to make people believe that they're something their notthat something is honest. They're not trust worthy people! Of course, they can make truthful noises. Gaining the recipients trust is the first agenda of the bullshitter. On the internet, that could be something as simple as a profile that infers, e.g., that they're interested in . When in truth, they're fossil fuel lobbyists or merely any 'Joe' that dislikes environmentalists, etc

Climate damages by 2050 will be 6 times the cost of limiting warming to 2

So moving.
Stuart Capstick, deputy director at the Centre for Climate Change & Social Transformations in Cardiff, wrote a letter to his children.
Benedict Cumberbatch reads it.

The hottest summer of our lives SO FAR


Article: We could be heading into the hottest summer of our lives

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