"European Union countries unanimously agreed on
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"European Union countries unanimously agreed on Thursday to quit an international energy treaty over concerns that it protects fossil fuel investments and undermines efforts to fight .

The 1998 Energy Charter Treaty () allows energy companies to sue governments over policies that damage their investments. In recent years, some companies have used it to launch billion-dollar lawsuits against measures to shut or restrict fossil fuel projects."

Here comes the climate section of Writing the Occult, and we've got the human who literally wrote the book: Dr Kevan Manwaring will give an intro to cli-fi as it appears in speculative literature. Consider this your crash course in how to put the day's learning on the page.

Vote Red or Green !..

Climate Change

: "Large language models such as ChatGPT are some of the most energy-guzzling technologies of all. Research suggests, for instance, that about 700,000 litres of water could have been used to cool the machines that trained ChatGPT-3 at Microsofts data facilities. It is hardly news that the tech bubbles self-glorification has obscured the uglier sides of this industry, from its proclivity for tax avoidance to its invasion of privacy and exploitation of our attention span. The industrys environmental impact is a key issue, yet the companies that produce such models have stayed remarkably quiet about the amount of energy they consume probably because they dont want to spark our concern.

Googles global datacentre and Metas ambitious plans for a new AI Research SuperCluster (RSC) further underscore the industrys energy-intensive nature, raising concerns that these facilities could significantly increase energy consumption. Additionally, as these companies aim to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels, they may opt to base their datacentres in regions with cheaper electricity, such as the southern US, potentially exacerbating water consumption issues in drier parts of the world. Before making big announcements, tech companies should be transparent about the resource use required for their expansion plans."

Just completed the training on and

An excellent resource to open up your thinking about how climate change and health are so closely related and what action is possible. Particularly helpful to understand the national and international perspectives and mechanisms to enact change.

Only module 1 is live at the moment but there is more to come. You can sign up, for free, here:

The way we face the generational communication challenges today exhausts us, but with skillful we could showcase multiple perspectives.

The grandparents who don't understand what the kids are about and want to just live their last years in peace.

The parents caught in the crazy economy, just wanting to protect the family.

The teenagers who see beyond the daily struggle, but feel powerless.

There's space for so much empathy and understanding, discussing the hard topics

The idea of (is it a ) was initially suggested to me as a mockery of the movement, but I see a huge potential in such a formula!

Imagine several generations living through the with very different approaches, seeing their lives completely uprooted. There's so much to explore between the characters who resist or embrace the changes in society!

"Honey, just don't tell grandpa you don't want to be a coal miner."

$249 billion dollars. That's not the price tag of the US switching to renewable energy, it's the health and benefits accrued from 2019-2022 from renewables reaching a mere 14% of power generation.

"During that time period, by reducing the use of fossil fuel power plants, the nations use of wind and solar power cut its carbon dioxide emissions by 900m metric tons... the equivalent of taking 71m cars off the road every year."

Progress matters. Keep at it.

Texas should build a wall to stop these winds.

It is an error for sure.

Human induced.

In this short but enlightening article the econmist and author Mariana Mazzucato highlights the significant environmental impact of the tech industry, particularly the resource-intensive nature of large language models like ChatGPT, which consume vast amounts of energy and contribute to global greenhouse emissions.

Worth your attention.

'The heatwave has been building up inexorably for weeks, but even so residents were shocked by conditions on Tuesday and Wednesday. People told of fingers being scorched from touching the steering wheel of a car, and tap water was coming out at boiling temperatures.
Having a shower is almost a waste of time, said Aruna Verma, a chemistry teacher. You come out of it and instantly you are a sweaty mess again.'

As the shows no sign of abetting with the temperature in crossing an astonishing 52c yesterday, 'Nose-Bleed' becomes common for those who are working outdoors like in this c1700 CE now at Bhuri Singh ,

Stay hydrated friends, after all, what a good can of beer is for


Phoenix Is Facing a Hurricane Katrina of Heat. Its Not Alone.

A slow-motion catastrophe threatens the most vulnerable and stands as a cautionary tale for other cities. 

Fast Learning Collaboration with BasCat - UniCat BASF JointLab leads to Discovery of a New Catalytic Promoter on Par with Decades of Study

In an era where challenges us to accelerate our efforts, the traditional decades-long R&D cycles in chemical processes are no longer viable. A groundbreaking collaboration between and the Theory Department at the opens the way to an accelerated discovery approach.
Read more below

At the bottom of the Earth sits a massive bowl of ice you may know as the West Antarctic ice sheet. Each day, the ocean laps away at its base, slowly eroding the glaciers that line its rim. When they inevitably give in, the sea will begin to fill the basin, claiming the ice for its own and flooding coastlines around the world.

Welcome to the 2024 from Director General
florikafink , a week of exciting events to see water differently!
Across the EU, water issues are worsening due to , mismanagement, pollution & ecosystems degradation.
We need change, we need a EU Environment EUENV

"Asked if fossil fuel companies should be held legally accountable for their contributions to , 62% of voters said yes.."

BOM's official winter outlook unpacked
By Tyne Logan

Every inch of the country is likely to have higher-than-normal temperatures between June and August, according to the Bureau of Meteorology's official winter outlook. Just how wet it will be, however, is less clear.

threatening Big Sur, a 75-mile span of CA coast which, because of both challenging topography and strict land-use regulations, is one of the few remaining shoreline areas between LA & SF without wide-scale development. Since the winding ribbon of Highway 1 opened, in 1937, driving the routepast vistas , mountains flanked by redwood groves and moody views of the Pacifichas become a rite of passage for tourists from around the world

The impact is enormous: Farmers in struggle to survive amid worst in 30 years Euronews

Delhi heat claims first victim 40-year-old factory worker from Darbhanga

The doctor said once he arrived at the hospital, he was immediately admitted to the Heat Stroke Unit a special unit set up for the first time at the hospital on May 8 because of the rising temperature.

RT by : "We cannot take water as one challenge, it is part of the whole puzzle of the global crisis"

At the 2024, key stakeholders are taking the floor to talk about security and resilience

Water's safety must be mainstreamed in all sectors and should be in all discussions about

2024-05-29 15:22 UTC

1 week into the election campaign.

By far and away the most important issue facing politicians right now is .

Although I watch or listen to at least 2 or 3 mainstream news bulletins a day, I haven't heard it mentioned, even briefly, a single time.

No doubt the are talking about it, but there seems to be a conspiracy of silence about them in the media.

Our political classes and their tame media are seriously failing us.

NZ Budget 2024: tax relief for the squeezed middle but whos paying 7 experts follow the money

are 14 times more likely to die in a climate disaster than men. Its just one way is gendered

30.05.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Aemet has advised a yellow heat warning for today (39C) from 1200 to 1900 hrs local and tomorrow (40C) for Ecija

Saudi Arabia is trying to juggle its still-vital petroleum industry with alternative energy sources like wind and solar as it faces pressure to lower carbon emissions.

Why you should be a climate activist Luisa Neubauer

Very angry about the after looking at news about the extreme here in . I know we need to campaign and that individual actions won't fix this anymore, but where does one begin Who do I campaign Where do I put my energy And how

If outlaws EVs then only outlaws will drive EVs.

At 52.3 degrees Celsius, Delhi sees hottest day on record

Large parts of northern India were in the grip of extreme heatwave conditions on Wednesday, with Delhi reporting the countrys highest-ever temperature on record at 52.3 degree Celsius.

Contaminated water labelled a political failure as alarming levels of toxic TFAs found.

Europes rivers, lakes and ground water contain alarming levels of a pesticide-like forever chemical Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA).

Vote for Red or Green

This winter could be one of the warmest on record for Australia, according to the BOM outlook
By Tyne Logan

Every inch of the country is likely to have higher-than-normal temperatures between June and August, according to the Bureau of Meteorology's official winter outlook. Just how wet it will be, however, is less clear.


"Rivers and in Alaska are changing color from a clean, clear blue to a rusty orange because of the metals released by thawing ."

Sorry, and Native people.

in are turning orange. Its an unexpected consequence of CNN

"Mehdi and Naomi explore whats really behind Trumps drill baby drill obsession, and what it says not only about our future, but also about the rights preoccupation with brute force, masculinity, and of course, climate denial."

In the words of Chris Skidmore: Any British voter who believes in climate change should not vote Conservative in the July 4 general election.

Thats because, in its current state, the Conservative party is endangering peoples lives, jobs and opportunities for economic growth by taking a negative approach to climate action and rowing back on the energy transition.

Mental models guide electric vehicle charging

Qualitative interviews were conducted with novice and experienced EV users. Three mental models were discovered and found to guide EV charging behavior. EV charging behavior based on liquid fuel model leads to user problems and anxiety. Policy and private measures are suggested to improve EV user charging strategies

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Global Warming sucks