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Green Our Planet

Let the hounds out

Climate change weakens the immune system by both compromising defenses and hindering their recovery.

Cartographie : la dcouverte des btiments menacs par lrosion du littoral

Le Cerema a chiffr et cartographi les logements, locaux dactivit ainsi que les routes et voies ferres qui pourraient disparatre sous leffet de la progression des ocans, un phnomne qui sacclre , alerte Christophe Bchu, le ministre de la Transition cologique.

Looked out my back door and saw two rooks being blown about so much they can't land in their nests. Panicked birdsong.

Wrong season for this storm.

Our poor poor climate and the poor poor birds.

Vandaag gaan ze weer de weg op, de mensen van Extinction Rebellion (eva.). En ze kunnen vast jouw steun ook gebruiken in de supportdemo.
Wat een prchtige dag om te demonstreren voor wat nodig is.

Netherlands leading again, with competitive tile whipping to reverse the trend of paving instead green sponge gardens. Much needed in England where green gardens with earth and plants are lost to paving every day, exacerbating heating and flooding.

Listening to the podcast discussing how highways were known to not reduce inner city traffic even before highways were built.

Listen to it here:

Or read about 's book here:

Bad news on climate: the March average of atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa was 425.4 ppm, a massive 4.4 ppm higher than in March of last year.
The cause: record high global emissions, probably combined with an El Nio effect.

Just donated to the campaign. Ticks a lot of boxes for me - corporate bullies, climate change, David vs Goliath and protecting the right to protest.

I have a new boss, who said our vendors gave us free convention tickets in Vegas and Orlando .

I took the opportunity to say that I wasn't comfortable flying, and would catch our vendors' mini-roadshows when they come to Chicago (7 hour train ride).

I got zero pushback.

This is how I fight


Unveiling the titans of carbon: How 57 companies drive the global climate crisis

The quest to curb emissions becomes not just a matter of individual or national effort but a pressing need for accountability at the corporate level.

Nearly 15% of Deny Change Is Real - The Good Men Project

Personality traits and change , concern, and proactivity: A systematic review and meta-analysis - ScienceDirect

change has made heat waves last longer, hotter: study CTV News

MIT tool shows change could cost a month and a half of outdoor time by 2080 TechCrunch

Thousands of schools in the Philippines have stopped in-person classes due to unbearable heat. In Indonesia, prolonged dry weather has caused rice prices to soar. In Thailands waters, temperatures are so high that scientists fear coral could be destroyed.

Homeowners in these U.S. cities face the greatest threat from change KXAN Austin

GridEx VII, Lessons Learned Report

Participants across North America exercised
the resilience of the electric system in the decentralized and independent Distributed Play exercise. Industry executives and government leaders from
the United States and Canada explored the challenges presented by cyber and physical attacks against the electric grid and the electric market system.

, ,

History of the Australian Space Agency

#Agriculture #Apollo #Artemis #Australia #AustralianSpaceAgency #ClimateChange #Communications #DeepSpace #Earth #EarthObservation #Europe #Government #Infrastructure #IoT #Launch #Manufacturing #Mars #Medicine #Moon #NASA #Policy #QuickOverview #Research #Rockets #Satellites #Science #SpaceEconomy #SpaceExploration #SpaceIndustry #SpaceMedicine #SpacePolicy #SpaceSector #Spaceflight #Spaceports #Technology #Timeline #UnitedStates #EditorSPicks #MarketDataAndAnalysis #PolicyLawAndRegulation #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy


Renewables are the new Trudeau.

They get blamed for everything that goes wrong in Alberta these days.


Australia should prepare for 20-year megadroughts as the climate crisis worsens, study finds

Australia should prepare for megadroughts that last more than 20 years and will worsen due to human-induced global heating, new research has found. Megadroughts are exceptionally severe periods of below average rainfall that last decades. Climate modelling by the Australian National University, published in the journal of...

Is Asia frying even faster this year, than last It sounds pretty grim, and in Africa too.

In fact, the problem has started since 2010 and it has just aggravated over the years. Its like clockwork one or the other thing goes wrong every year. If this continues, the fate of Patgaon Honey will be up in the air, he said.

Worlds cartoonists on this weeks events #Climatechange #Elections #Politics

Its Friday, so I checked out my Senators and Representatives press releases and Twitter/X feed to see what leadership theyve provided addressing over the past few days.

It was great to be able to affirm Senator Alex Padilla for providing some leadership in one of his press releases, but another that could easily made the connection to the was silent, as was his Twitter/X feed.

Senator Laphonza Butler co-introduced legislation that (if passed) will help address a surprising source of GHG (and other pollutants). I just wish her press release about this legislation make the importance of this more bluntly.

Congressman Eric Swalwell (who doesnt have press releases on his website) was silent about the in his Twitter/X feed, which is par for the course -- and deeply disappointing.

Join me in this effort. Contact your elected representatives at least twice a week and ask them what concrete action they've taken to address the climate crisis in the past 72 hours.

Rezoning is good for the , & even TAXES. Tell city council we need to get this done on April 22nd

", the most important and abundant of the gases caused by humans, rose in 2023 by the third highest amount in 65 years of record keeping, NOAA announced Friday. Scientists are also worried about the rapid rise in atmospheric levels of , a shorter-lived but more potent heat-trapping gas. Both jumped 5.5% over the past decade." This seems like a problem.

Just read that CO2 and methane levels in the air hit record highs last year. Looks like Mother Nature is serving up some spicy air soup!

Austria likely to be largely ice-free within 45 years as glaciers recede quickly, experts say

A network of air monitors installed in Northern CA has provided scientists with some of the first measurable evidence quantifying how much EV are shrinking the carbon footprint of a large urban area.
Researchers from UC Berkeley set up dozens of sensors across the Bay Area to monitor planet-warming carbon dioxide, the super-abundant greenhouse gas produced when fossil fuels are burned.

"New Portland heat map shows where to plant trees and remove pavement for a cooler city"

"The studys results have been turned into a free, accessible map and a report."

There's a free virtual event April 16 for those interested in both mindfulness practice and taking action for the climate crisis:

Mindful Actions for Climate Change Symposium
Hosted by Harvards Thich Nhat Hanh Center for Mindfulness in Public Health

The event is free, but registration closes April 14!

Full list of presenters/speakers and schedule:

Networked geothermal is catching on in Minnesota

No, EVs are Not Worse for the Planet

The political culture war surrounding EVs intersects with climate policy, labor politics, and misinformation.

Location: Central Europe
Date: Beginning of April
Time: Midnight
Temperature: 16C

From David Spratt:
Even Carbon Brief comes out in support of Hansen. MichaelMann is clearly wrong in his no acceleration mantra.
Interesting. This article says warming consistent with models in AR6, but at the time of their release some of these same people said the AR6 models were running too hot because their climate sensitivity was too high.

Hansen saying sensitivity is higher for more than a decade is another confirmation of his extraordinary scientific skill.

Katherine Hayhoe, author, scientist, and a distinguished professor at Texas Tech expressed her personal frustration.
Since August 2018, Facebook has limited the visibility of my page, labelling it as political because I talk about climate change and clean energy. This change drastically reduced my post views from hundreds to just tens, and the pages growth has been stagnant ever since.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks