Paris is burning: Europe saw yet
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Paris is burning: Europe saw yet another year of increasing temperatures and intensifying climate extremes including heat stress with record temperatures, wildfires, heat waves, glacier ice loss and lack of snowfall jameykeaten

Green Our Planet

Mark Benecke: Umwelt-Messungen: Stand 6. Apil 2024, mit Zahlen aus den letzten Jahrtausenden zum Vergleich. Live von der see-conference Wiesbaden 2024. Besser Auflsung des Videos kommt noch, der Inhalt ist aber genau gleich. Aus der Serie "Time is up"

"NZ's planet-heating gases hit lowest level since the 1990s"

Well the headline sounds like good news, but 's got a way to go before it meets its conservative 2030 goal. I added the yellow dot that represents our NDC net emissions target of 50% of gross emissions, but even getting anywhere near the green line that represents a 41% reduction under a "creative accounting" budget approach is going to require purchasing a lot of carbon credits!

: "Scientists have shown for years that it would be wise to hold global warming to 1.5C, as outlined in the Paris Agreement. But this would require a breathtaking rate of decarbonisation: emissions would have to nearly halve by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050. So far, global emissions are not even falling, let alone halving, and 2030 is just six years away.

Is it fair to lay all the blame on serious grown-ups in successive governments and boardrooms who have spent years failing to do enough to fix the problem Probably not. But it is fair to ask them a question that Stern posed the other night about how dangerous it would be to take more radical, unorthodox climate action: compared to what

We know that unthinkable action, like sudden mass lockdowns, can be launched in the face of a problem with the frightening immediacy of a global pandemic. Climate change is a different, slower-moving type of disaster. But it is a disaster nonetheless, and one that no truly serious person can continue to ignore."

I hate articles like this. A vegan shopping bag toting, straw refusing person is not going to do jack for the

Instead of writing about actual solutions to like going after oil producers, pointlessly large car manufacturers, fast fashion, or Amazon, the tail wagging writers doing the billionaires bidding has once again pinned the problem on you, the consumer with no agency except to pick one brand of potato chip over the other in a desperate attempt to reduce your plastic by micro grams while Bezos has bridges removed so he can float his yacht out to sea.

in from doing Exxon's climate denial bidding back in the day to obfuscating the real problem now.

Hearing the impact of climate change in Okinawa, one bird call at a time

"Combined with devices at 22 other sites spread across Okinawas main island and backed by advancements in artificial intelligence, the recorder is giving scientists at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology the data they need to track how the species that call it home are being affected by climate change."

Climate-linked disasters inflicted billions of dollars in damages in Europe last year, with "extreme heat stress" posting the biggest climate-related health threat as global warming drives ever-hotter summers.

ESTOC European State of the Climate Report 2023 as of 22.04.2024

"Temperatures for the year were above average across most of Europe, with some parts of eastern Europe seeing temperatures up to 2.6C above average and parts of the Alps up to 2.3C above average.
Europe is the fastest warming continent, with temperatures rising at around twice the global average rate."

this article by a researcher from the University of Bath makes a similar point for , but less toned-down

The gist is, the way capitalism (finance) is structured is making sure no renewables transition occurs, despite a fall in generation costs. The solution is gov led and funded transition

The only difference is the can afford either path, but Pak can only afford green

That graph should go down there, not up. Can someone notify them erring sea temperatures to please behave!

"Climate Reanalyzer sea surface temperature (60S - 60N mean) was 21.2C on April 20, 2024"

For , I am sharing an older blog post:
Folktales about Climate Change

I collected some traditional stories about taking care of our natural home, and what happens when we don't.

Read here:

> Extreme underwater heatwaves are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity as we continue heating the planet. We are entering unknown territory for these incredibly diverse and highly valued ecosystems, with flow-on effects we are only starting to understand.

More than coral: the unseen casualties of record-breaking heat on the Great Barrier Reef

It's really hot outdoor (and indoor if you don't have AC turned on).
#dhaka #bangladesh #climatechange #heatwave #weather #fediverse

Congrats on this huge effort. Also: What a cover illustration !

- European State of the Climate 2023 - "Last year Europe experienced its joint warmest or second warmest year on record, depending on the dataset, while the average sea surface temperature across Europe was the warmest on record. The 2023 edition of the Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S*) European State of the Climate (ESOTC) report, produced jointly with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) for the first time, paints a sombre picture. Along with record temperatures came drier-than-average surface soil moisture, wildfires, droughts, and flooding."

- European State of the Climate 2023 - "The 2023 ESOTC report, published on 22 April, provides descriptions and analysis of climate conditions and variations from across the Earth system. This year, in addition to examining key events and their impacts, it also discusses climate policy and action, with a focus on human health. The data in ESOTC 2023 sound a warning bell for urgent coordinated global action to mitigate climate change." - The 2023 edition of the Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S*) European State of the Climate (ESOTC) report, produced jointly with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Europe is warming twice as fast as the global average

More than coral: the unseen casualties of record-breaking heat on the Great Barrier Reef

Gli uomini capiscono solo quando il loro conto in banca a rischio. La crisi climatica ci sta rendendo tutti pi poveri, ma continuiamo a far finta di nulla

Mother Nature 2023
Woman figure represents Mother Nature with her Eyes open to how we treat her.
Let's take care of our Planet

Startups want to geoengineer a cooler planet. With few rules, experts see big risks

Under a middle-of-the road scenario of future income development , this corresponds to global annual damages in 2049 of 38 trillion in 2005 international dollars .

These damages already outweigh the mitigation costs required to limit global warming to 2C by sixfold over this near-term time frame and thereafter diverge strongly dependent on emission choices.

Every day is Earth Day Let's celebrate our beautiful planet and commit to protecting it for generations to come. Small actions make a big difference!

- Chris Stark: Rishi has set us back, head of change watchdog says

Someone posted the following article a week or so ago. It touches on a topic many here might understand. Climate risk includes systemic shocks could trigger a break down in the global and even national economies. Locality is an insurance policy.

Then there are things that can be done quickly, and locally. Communities that had been doing some of this work before the pandemic hit were better able to adapt to the 2020 disruptions

Lethal heatwave in Sahel worsened by fossil fuel burning, study finds

"The deadly protracted heatwave that filled hospitals and mortuaries in the Sahel region of Africa earlier this month would have been impossible without human-caused climate disruption, a new analysis has revealed."

shields millions of acres of Alaskan from drilling and mining

"Together, the two moves amount to one of biggest efforts in history to shield Alaskan land from drilling and mining... Conservationists and tribal leaders called the governments decision a historic victory."

Well paid workers are happy workers. In , union workers are building the Ford electric truck that will help reverse the clear and present danger of . It is also creating a boom for a small town.

New study calculates climate changes economic bite will hit about $38 trillion a year by 2049

more sources

incredibly intense rainfall in Guangdong, China -- Bei River surges to record levels

Only 40 of the world's 100 largest private firms have set net-zero carbon emissions targets to fight climate change, according to a report released Monday.

Every day should be , because we should treat the planet that is providing us a home every day way better than we do!

Earth day has become an lame excuse for all those that dont really care.

No birdsong, no water in the creek, no beating wings: how a haven for nature fell silent.

Firefighters fear lingering dry conditions could cause a 'major' bushfire, urge people to be cautious
By Samantha Goerling, Ethan French, and Ellie Honeybone

Firefighters say even though the temperatures have gone down, everything in the bush is "very, very tinder dry" and even a small spark could set things off.


NASA and IBM AI Partnership with Open Science for Climate Change Research

See here -

CBS News Poll April 16-19, 2024, Adults in the U.S.

Record heat, hurricanes, and wildfires all have been making news in recent years. While not everyone agrees events like these are the direct result of climate change, they do connect to peoples' opinions about it: a big majority of Americans feel the U.S. needs to address climate change, with those who report experiencing extreme weather more likely to say we should do so right now.


A radical rooted in is spreading and the establishment doesnt like it.

From right to roam to anger over polluted rivers, a new breed of activists is pushing back against environmental destruction

"And as Larry Summers and NK Singh wrote last week, the world is still on fire: 2023 was the worlds warmest year on record, as it is virtually every month." . Alan Kohler, TND 210424.

Alert: global warming! Warmer water temperatures can result in coral bleaching.

The frequency of Warm Arctic-Cold Continent events is anticipated to increase until the 2020s, but is expected to decrease after the 2030s, influencing weather patterns worldwide...

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