Of course Danielle Smith wants this
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Of course Danielle Smith wants this because they will use more Natural Gas to boost the electrical grid!!

"Data centres are hungry for power, and Alberta is pitching itself as the place to build

"Alberta has faced several grid alerts over the past few years as demand soared typically during extreme cold or hot weather, while some power plants were unexpectedly offline."

"El Mediterrneo al rojo"

De Antonio Turiel y Juan Bordera en

Algunas consecuencias del cambio climtico que ya estamos viviendo y otras que estn por venir. Agrrense que vienen curvas.

Climate Change

Yeah calling that an unseasonable day is pretty accurate

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 1.06C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

Our kids will feel most the pain of bad climate policy choices. With this program you can help give them a voice - a say in their future.

Help register HS students to vote.

Human-caused climate change made the unprecedented wildfires that spread across s wetlands in June 2024 between four and five times more likely, according to a new rapid attribution study

Without , this would occurring only once every 161 years.
In todays climate, which has already warmed as a result of human-caused warming, these conditions are a one-in-35 year event.

causing this

In the sweltering heat of India's Thar desert, where summer highs soar above 50 degrees Celsius, an architecturally striking school is an oasis of cool thanks to a combination of age-old techniques and modern design.

Heat waves kill thousands of American's every year, but the lack of precise data makes such deaths hard to track.

Storm warning. Adelaide, South Australia
Calm and weirdly warm, 24C. Winter is changing.

This is why I recommend this book to understand climate change. It not only explains the science and politics behind it but also shows how our small actions can significantly impact our environment for the better.


A group wants all of humanity to be extinct and the sooner the better

Batteries + solar = grid stability

I don't generally complain about weather in the UK.
It is what it is. It's the weather of an island on the North Sea not the Carribbean.
But this year's non summer has ruined me.
The relief summer heat gives my and is a tonic.

But what really fu*ks me off is folk who complain about this ever changing but tell me how "global warming" is a myth


Feni Update:

1. The water in the city is receding rapidly. If this improvement continues, normal life is expected to return to Feni city by tomorrow morning, Insha'Allah.

2. The water is flowing out through Sonagazi and Daganbhuiyan, which will likely increase the water pressure in these two areas today.

3. The mobile network in the city has largely been restored. I hope that by this afternoon, Feni will be fully covered by the network.

4. I expect everyone will receive updates from Parshuram, Fulgazi, and Chagalnaiya starting this afternoon.

5. Due to the lack of electricity, no one in the city or surrounding areas has had active refrigerators for a long time. Therefore, there is a risk that the fish and meat stored in your refrigerators may spoil. Please try to send them to shelters as quickly as possible otherwise, they may have to be disposed of.

6. Please ensure to include baby food, sanitary pads, primary medicines, and water purification tablets in the relief supplies.

7. Seek assistance from the army for relief distribution. Coordinated relief efforts are essential avoid scattered individual initiatives here and there.

- Arefin Mohammad


Ontario is taking cues from Enbridge Gas a fossil fuel giant freaking out about its future

New records show the Doug Ford government and Enbridge were in regular contact as the provincial energy regulator considered the role of natural gas in a future shaped by climate change

By Fatima Syed
Aug. 22, 2024

24.08.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Harriss New Strategy: Equate Fighting Climate Change With Freedom

After attacking her Republican opponent, former President Donald J. Trump, on abortion, Ms. Harris declared that along with reproductive choice many other fundamental freedoms are at stake in the November election. Those include the freedom to breathe clean air, and drink clean water and live free from the pollution that fuels the climate crisis

Can climate stripes change the way we think about air pollution

A new way to visualise air quality dating back to 1850 may force governments to take action, scientists say

Climate change stalling cleanup of Boston rivers, EPA report card says

Improvements to Boston's three major rivers are slowing or stalled, and climate change is a major culprit

Heat deaths in Europe may triple by end of the century, study finds.

Countries in south most at risk, with rise likely to outstrip fall in cold-related deaths if global heating hits 3C or 4C.

$1 Trillion LNG Infrastructure Boom Threatens Climate Goals

A report by Earth Insight warns that the planned $1 trillion expansion of LNG infrastructure could harm ecosystems and hinder climate progress

China and UK must be able to talk frankly and cooperate, Starmer tells Xi

We don't want to sabotage her: Why green groups are going easy on Harris

We have to defeat Donald Trump, said Brett Hartl, chief political strategist with the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, a group that has sued the Biden administration several times and challenged federal oil and gas drilling permits. We dont want to sabotage her campaign for no valid reason.

UN Report Calls For Businesses To Pay For Climate Change, Restructuring Of Economy

A new United Nations report examines the costs and impacts of climate change, making drastic proposals to create new obligations and financial liabilities for countries and businesses in the name of climate justice. It also calls for a shift from capitalist economy to a human rights economy.

DN Debatt. Sverige riskerar att bli knt som klimatkrisens gulaschbaron

Humanity is failing: official report warns our chance to save the Great Barrier Reef is fast closing

En halv miljon trd hggs ner fr Teslas fabrik

I do not see the winning this court case anytime soon.

If take control of both chambers of Congress & wins the presidency & enters the , they will still contend with the courts who do not view as a threat to humanity.

could deal another blow to climate action

Southern US Meteorologist Maiya May gives info to help regular folks start preparing for weather emergencies.

Fuck the fossil fuel industry for knowing about and choosing to press on anyway, poisoning so many minds for decades.

No need to wonder why the Paris Agreement failed.

Further degradation of Great Barrier Reef 'inevitable' with climate change locked in, report says
By Esther Linder

A rapidly closing "window of opportunity" to protect the Great Barrier Reef needs to be addressed with urgent action, its governing authority says.

When Is Recyclable Not Really Recyclable When the Plastics Industry Gets to Define What the Word Means.

Should we label recyclable on plastic shopping bags and other items virtually guaranteed to end up in landfills and incinerators

"What has worked to fight climate change Policies where someone pays for polluting, study finds...

"If subsidies and regulations come alone or in a mix with each other, you wont see major emission reductions. But when price instruments come in the mix, like a carbon energy tax, then they will deliver those substantial emissions reductions."

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks