Oceans face triple threat of extreme
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Oceans face triple threat of extreme heat, oxygen loss and acidification

life in the ocean touches everyone: US rolls out first national ocean biodiversity strategy

We are confronting biodiversity loss and its implications for human well-being, alongside the challenges posed by climate change and social inequity"

Joining Sheffield council, "Edinburgh council bans SUV and cruise ship ads in climate crackdown"

last year I gave up meat to , starting today I'm giving up cow milk & its products due &

the amazing side effect of giving up meat is the radical improvement in my digestive health

It's World Environment Day, let me ask, have you ever heard that trees communicate with each other Imagine their conversations about us. It's crucial to preserve our forests.

The wonders of nature are truly astounding.

Scientists: cut fossil fuel emissions now to reduce dangerous climate impacts. Things are increasing in temperature and getting worse in sort of exactly the way we predicted. borenbears

I wonder which bit of the field floods

Il la Giornata mondiale dell': in questa raccolta di saggi, una proposta per affrontare l'impatto che il ha sulle colture frutticole del Mediterraneo

"World's biggest solar farm comes online in China's Xinjiang"

- 5 GW installed capacity
- >800 km
- 6.09 TWh a year

A single large nuclear power plant (EPR) produces twice the amount of electricity, on a speck of the land (0.09 km). The Dutch government wants to build four of those. Energy density makes a real difference.

China is doing both btw, because solar (and wind) are faster to install, they have the room and the industry to pull it off.

Climate change is most prominent threat to pollinators

is the top threat to pollinators like bees and , crucial for biodiversity and food security, according to a new review paper. The study highlights how climate-induced habitat changes and human activities harm pollinators, urging integrated conservation strategies to mitigate these impacts and safeguard our food systems.

via CABI

On the occasion of , we highlight fairtrade Napps efforts towards climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Read more:

Climate scientists have been alarmed by the relentless onward rise of heat in the ocean, which has hit extraordinary heights in recent months. The heat has been literally off the charts, its been astonishing to see.

"... the world hits an alarming climate milestone, with data showing last month was the hottest May on record, marking what has now been 12 consecutive months of unprecedented global heat."

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ECtHR Favours 1.5-Degree Limit

05.06.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Contrattazione costante
e continua con la natura

The other hope we have is that the government loses all support from its partners in crime and an early election will be called, its really on the cards to happen with the way the Maori voters are being treated and the total lack of concern for

Contrattazione costante
e continua con la natura

Green Our Planet

- Indicators of Global Climate Change 2023 - annual update of key indicators of the state of the climate system and human influence - "This is a critical decade: human-induced global warming rates are at their highest historical level, and 1.5C global warming might be expected to be reached or exceeded within the next 10 years in the absence of cooling from major volcanic eruptions (Lee et al., 2021). Yet this is also the decade that global greenhouse gas emissions could be expected to peak and begin to substantially decline." - Earth System Science Data published by Copernicus GmbH (Copernicus Publications)

Lazard's Levelized Cost of Energy 2024

, ,

Clean Investment Monitor: Q1 2024 Update

, ,

This is interesting. I have sometimes suggested that because people quibble about whether this or that storm is "climate caused", we should just figure out how many storms or how much rainfall or how much destruction is normal and draw a line in the year saying that what follows is what we will refer to as "climate caused" rather than talking about every storm of the year being some percentage likely to be climate caused.

This isn't the same thing, but it is certainly an interesting way to draw a line and to create a possible path to useful discussion. I appreciate and applaud the effort.

As 12 months of record heat stack up, scientists unpack the impacts around the globe

> As the world hits an alarming climate milestone, a new report by a US research team shows the staggering amount of extreme heat days each country experienced last year, with the majority made more likely by human-induced climate change.

>"Australia didn't have a particularly interesting summer this year, **but in Africa it's just day after day after day of climate change just beating down on that continent."**

>He said having the past 30 years as the baseline also meant the extreme heat was out of the ordinary even within the context of the climate people were used to

Just imagine how this affects people with PTSD, especially if the PTSD were acquired in a war situation.

So far as I can tell, this is just petrochem corps being cheap - not funding on-the-ground inspections.

are acutely impacted by environmental crises because they experience pre-existing social and economic disadvantage. Another reason is they tend to take responsibility for caring for other vulnerable groups, such as or older people.

In a meta-analysis of 130 studies, 68% found women were more impacted by -linked issues than men. Maternal and perinatal health is affected by hazards such as extreme heat

-caused at all-time high, new report concludes

Seed for Future.

Groundwater is heating up, threatening life below and above the surface.

Under your feet lies the worlds biggest reservoir. Groundwater makes up a whopping 97% of all usable freshwater. Where is it In the voids between grains and cracks within rocks. We see it when it rises to the surface in springs, in caves, or when we pump it up for use.

How an Aboriginal woman fought a coal company and won.

Goldman Prize Winner Murrawah Maroochy Johnson talks climate justice and inheriting a legacy of Indigenous resistance.

Can AI defeat climate misinformation

A team of Australian and British researchers is training an AI model to combat the spread of misleading claims about climate change. The move could help repurpose AI from an agent of misinformation to a policing force.


Who thinks people can affect what the government does about global warming

Overall, Americans perceptions of collective political efficacy have increased slightly since December 2018. In 2018, 38% of Americans felt at least moderately confident that they could affect what the federal government does about global warming. This increased to 43% of Americans by October 2023.


Oceans face triple threat of extreme heat, oxygen loss and acidification.

Third of worlds ocean surface particularly vulnerable to threats driven by burning fossil fuel and deforestation, new research finds.

The massive heat dome over the western US is another symptom of human caused change.

It's hotter, earlier, and more extreme than without .

Forecasters expect temperatures to be 10 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit above normal.

10 to 20 Degrees.

I've told you this before, but I want you to digest this first and foremost.

is the only issue. It will be the defining issue for the rest of my life. For all of my kids lives.

There's one party that's trying to do something about it, and one that actively denies that it even exists.

You cannot claim to love my kids and vote for the party that won't do anything to help change the future that currently awaits them.

: "Countries' climate plans are not yet in line with a goal to triple renewable energy capacity worldwide by 2030 which was set at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai last year, a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Tuesday.

The target would involve increasing installed renewable energy capacity to at least 11,000 gigawatts (GW) by the end of the decade, compared to 4,209 GW in 2023.
Very few countries - just 14 out of a total of 194 - have included specific targets for total renewable power capacity for 2030 in their commitments under the Paris Agreement climate pact, called nationally determined contributions (NDCS).

Official commitments in current NDCs amount to 1,300 GW just 12% of what is required to meet the global tripling objective set in Dubai, the IEA said."

As Ocean Oxygen Levels Dip, Fish Face an Uncertain Future

Global warming not only increases ocean temperatures, it triggers a cascade of effects that are stripping the seas of oxygen.

Fish are already moving to new waters in search of oxygen, and scientists are warning of the long-term threat to fish species and marine ecosystems.

London, Ont. gas-powered lawn equipment debate boils over at council
Tempers flared after Ward 10 Coun. Paul Van Meerbergen said council shouldn't turn into a "Politburo of groupthink and indoctrination.

London, Ont. gas-powered lawn equipment debate boils over at council
Tempers flared after Ward 10 Coun. Paul Van Meerbergen said council shouldn't turn into a "Politburo of groupthink and indoctrination.

05.06.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

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