No, Texas is not No.1. Visualized:
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No, Texas is not No.1. Visualized: Per Capita Electricity Emissions, by State

New paper by Marius Bartmann:
, , and
Climate Change as a Bioethical Justice Problem

The Winds of Change: Foehn Drive Intense Melt

Increasing extreme melt in northeast Greenland linked to winds and atmospheric rivers

" on the northwestern Greenland are driving dry winds across northeastern , forcing extreme short-term ... as atmospheric moisture rises because of , an increase in atmospheric rivers is expected"

Plant trees and save the planet.

Windows 10 end of life costs more CO2 than Greece produces in a year

Microsoft will end of life Windows 10 in October 2025. At that point a lot of computers will need to be replaced if people want to continue to use Windows.

Software companies end long term support for software all the time. This isnt news in itself.

The problem arises when minimum requirements for the next version of Windows forces people to also upgrade their computers.

According to Canalys 240 million computers will be impacted by this forced upgrade.

Looking at the CO2-eq emissions in the lifetime of a computer, including the production, transportation, and end of life in a landfill, this comes to about 331kg.

The math is simple enough to do at this point: 331kg CO2-eq per computer times 240 million computers, which comes to about 80 million tonnes CO2-eq.

This is more CO2 than all of Greece produces in an entire year.

(Average CO2-eq emissions per capita is 5.6t, their population is 10.3 million, for a total of 57,7 million tonnes CO2-eq).



"Zimbabwe: At least 100 elephants die in national park amid drought"

Rushi Sunaks helicopter replacement when the public no longer has to pay for his flights

As a student I made some money giving tours at the Maeslant . It protects over a million people directly from flooding. This has been the first time closed for a it was designed for. It was build in 1997. It really is a modern wonder of the world. So people: Think long term.

Because of extreme and conditions all 5 storm surge in the Netherlands were closed these days to protect people from flooding. Because of this will happen more often, until well have to move. Until that time, please give your local a hug.

A first step is taken to make our lab more sustainable!

Following an extensive assessment, we're thrilled to announce that we've achieved Silver certification from the My Green Lab program

This is the first milestone in a long and rewarding journey! We will move on to go greener and greener, step by step!

More on :

Der Tourismus boomt.

Aber er trgt auch zum CO2-Aussto, zur Erderwrmung und zu den Folgen des Klimawandels bei.

Wie knnen Tourismusunternehmen berleben UND die heutigen Herausforderungen der Nachhaltigkeit meistern

The richest 1 percent (77 million people) were responsible for 16 percent of global consumption emissions. The richest 10 percent accounted for half (50 percent) of emissions.

The basic 'ingredient' to mitigate & prepare for is -

We need to change our society, our lifestyles, so that we are not taking any direct or indirect part in burning carbon based fuels

That's part of the successful outcome. How we achieve that, for example, by elevating people's scientific literacy, providing resources to those that need them, is more about "it's not the winning that matters, it's how we win"

policies should be 'carrots', not 'sticks'


Had a brilliant and enlightening time at the UK Alliance for Disaster Research annual conference this week - 2030 and beyond. As we hit the Sendai mid-term review, where next How do we promote more investment in resilience How do we bridge the gap between climate change and disaster risk reduction

I consider where many people hear their "science" from (e.g., on social media, not directly from the 'horse's mouth', or rather the science journals)

The point about "scaring" people is that 'climate' has been politicised (by laypeople). Science papers, e.g., papers about can contain concerning information. But, that's to inform people. Whilst in & some groups intentionally 'ramp' up down the fear factor to cause social polarisation

Ground Hog Day

Its January 6th
Gotta drive to Jersey in my
Tesla to visit Jimmy "The Brute" DiNatale (Kelly Ann Conways Philly LCN grandfather) at the cemetery, Tony Soprano style cigar in mouth,
Then i gotta get my daily


in Westernised forms of democracies, politicians are followers, not leaders

In that, neoliberal politicians, whilst in power, will often be persuaded more by the agendas of industries, but, come election time, it's the people's votes that count

In the , people want the government to do something about

But, the government isn't doing anywhere near enough

People believe the government's misinformation.

biggest climate stories of 2023

Maybe the population needs to show government how to do it... What is a small, immediately achievable action that we all can take to reduce climate impact that collectively would make a LARGE impact for the planet

Time-honoured strategy.
NSW govt snuck in a coal approval this afternoon:
Happy Christmas to one & all.
Enjoy your gift

Don't miss this amazing book.
David Attenborough's A Life On Our Planet My Witness Statement And A Vision For The Future (2020)

Donate via ActBlue

Here in New York, today marks the 675th day in which our great city didn't get an inch of snow.

This is the first time this has happened in history. A new record!

This is, of course, because of El Nino and climate change. Any semi-reasonable bonehead at a bar will agree with this. Even the poor bastards who have had to root for the Patriots this year. Yes! Even THEY will nod their heads. The world is warming rapidly around us. And our world governments refuse to take this seriously, even when eminent domain may have to be used in bolder ways that go well beyond the imagination of highly paranoid libertarians.

The of Online Lecture with Lawrence Krauss

Via mansur mansurshaheen
i watched home alone over the weekend and what stuck out to me most was, remember snow remember we used to play in the snow this time of the year i miss snow. its like 60 degrees in the northeast in december now.

Merry Christmas! Now, when is payday #Climatechange #CentralBanker #Energyprices #Energysupply #Companies #Inflation #Research #farmers #Markets #Brexit #Budget #Energy #Farms #Feed #Gas #War

Streams in Alaska are turning orange with iron and sulfuric acid. Scientists are trying to figure out why.

Streams in Alaska are turning orange with iron and sulfuric acid. Scientists are trying to figure out why.

Penn Jillette: Changing His Mind on

Pondering putting together the State of the City (Future). City government has done miraculous things with careful budgeting. Re: planetary resources it still looks like trying to turn the Titanic facing an iceberg. Within our bubble we are doing well and moving the needle forward. But...we've got to
1. Get people connected to climate change. 2. Realize citizens can actually partner with the resources in the region. 3. Dare to dream extreme efficiency, solar, wind and most importantly energy storage.Extreme 4. Keep doing cutting edge members and receive citizen support.

An early summer heatwave swept over large parts of Australia on December 16-17, 2023, helping to fuel dozens of bushfires in New South Wales.

An early summer heatwave swept over large parts of Australia on December 16-17, 2023, helping to fuel dozens of bushfires in New South Wales.

This is what a in the wild looks like underground. All of those roots are storing .

The Earths soils contain about 2,500 gigatons of carbonthats more than three times the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and four times the amount stored in all living plants and animals.

The world's soils are the best we have.

No better day than the December Solstice for an Alaska and Arctic Newsletter post about winter climate trends. Check it out.

everything is fine

Earth got hotter, disasters more costly, but the fight for the planet isnt over. Heres more on the Year in Climate Crisis, including the story of young activists in Montana who sued the state over their constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment and won.

In southern , severe winds and rainstorms submerged streets and prompted rescues of people and pets. More at work. It is time for the President to declare a and put the at the front and center of his administration.

"Public input is needed before December 22nd

Without the limitations imposed by processing capacity, transshipment operations could increase vessel traffic, which would, in turn, increase:

- Vessel noise and presence impacts
- The risk of ship strikes, accidents, and oil spills
- Potential impacts to Tribal Treaty Rights"

As the Arctic warms, its waters are emitting carbon: Study

"Where does this research come from "Alarmists" An advocacy group Activists Is it based on tenuous logic and cherry-picked data"


"It comes from a place that's about as sober and serious and conservative a group of professionals as you can get. The British Institute of...Actuaries."

Stop denying the reality of human-caused .

Stop subsidizing

It Doesn't Take Much to Get a Runaway Greenhouse Effect

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks