New study reveals natural solution to
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New study reveals natural solution to mitigate effects of : researchers from , idiv, UniJena and others found that high plant diversity acts as a buffer against fluctuations in soil temperature.

New study reveals natural solution to mitigate effects of : researchers from , idiv, UniJena and others found that high plant diversity acts as a buffer against fluctuations in soil temperature.

Have we exceeded 1.5C pre-industrial



Difficult to know when

We are not even sure what pre-industrial means )

Why Hydrogen DOES Have a Future Undecided with Matt Ferrell

Earth on verge of five catastrophic climate tipping points, scientists warn

"The problem is the "will." There is no desire to change anything in Congress related to environmental issues because the American population keeps voting for insane candidates. Candidates that believe in Jewish space lasers and rolling back environmental protections like the Clean Water Act."

Basically this government isnt prepared for anything

UK government is not prepared for climate disasters, says spending watchdog

This is powerful. Young people making a difference.

Climate Change

According to an Indigenous leader, a carbon credit project in his community has threatened its very fiber, fraudulently wresting control from Indigenous leadership and driving a wedge between locals who support the project, with its quick cash injection, and those against it.

AP: Scientists say November is 6th straight month to set heat record 2023 a cinch as hottest year

The last half year has truly been shocking, said Copernicus Deputy Director Samantha Burgess. Scientists are running out of adjectives to describe this.

: Leaders of ExxonMobil have always had an intimate relationship with the US government: Lee Iron Ass Raymond (Chief Executive Officer from 1993 to 2005) was a close personal friend of US Vice-President Dick Cheney and helped shape the US government policy on Rex Tillerson (Raymonds successor in 2006) left the company in 2017 to become the US Secretary of State under President Donald Trump. Coll describes how ExxonMobil uses US state power to find more and more oil reserves and to ensure that ExxonMobil becomes the beneficiary of those finds.

Cop28 live: scientists warn of catastrophic climate tipping points as summit continues

Planet tipping points pose 'unprecedented' threat to humanity: report

Good question
What do people here find helpful to read on

The key findings of WG3 summarized

Its chart for personal action is powerful

And here an overview of mitigation options


Scientist or not, we are in the same boat on this planet. Our decisions - as consumer, voter, environmentally responsible human, part of community, activist - matter.

The certainty that were going over 1.5C is why language like this is frustrating:

Five important natural thresholds already risk being crossed, according to the Global Tipping Points report, and three more may be reached in the 2030s if the world heats 1.5C (2.7F) above pre-industrial temperatures.

If This sounds like some hypothetical future. Its not.

'Living dead': Tunisian villages suffer drought, climate change

Emergenza climatica: banchieri contromano

DesignBoom : TOP 10 reader submissions of 2023 social impact

This is independent greenhouse gas emissions tracking, pretty neat :

Our AGilmour moderated a event on how exacerbates conflict in in many dangerous ways.

Emergenza climatica: banchieri contromano

"Global emissions of fossil carbon dioxide (CO), in yet another year of growth, will increase by 1.1% in 2023. These emissions will hit a record 36.8 billion tonnes. Thats the finding of the Global Carbon Projects 18th annual report." Pep Canadell, Chief Research Scientist, CSIRO Environment, and others 05 12 23.

The IPCC pathway for staying below the 1.5C climate goal is now considered implausible by the expert climate community.

Cant get much clearer than that.


Future-proofing health systems for climate risks and pandemics

Check it out!

November 2023 highlights from :

- November 2023 was the warmest November on record globally, with an average surface air temperature of 14.22C.

- In November 2023, it was wetter than average across most of Europe: Storm Ciarn impacted many regions, including Italy, bringing heavy precipitation and floods.

- Arctic sea ice extent reached its 8th lowest value for November, and Antarctic sea ice extent was the second lowest for November.

Five important natural thresholds already risk being crossed, according to the Global Tipping Points report, and three more may be reached in the 2030s if the world heats 1.5C (2.7F) above pre-industrial temperatures.
Triggering these planetary shifts will not cause temperatures to spiral out of control in the coming centuries but will unleash dangerous and sweeping damage to people and that cannot be undone.

An Inevitable Showdown With the Fossil Fuel Industry Is Brewing at COP28

Oil, gas and coal companies sent a record number of lobbyists to the talks in Dubai, and their alignment with extreme right-wing leaders could scuttle global consensus on climate

Der Marsch wurde von der Klimakoalition organisiert, einer Organisation, die ein breites Spektrum von Nichtregierungsorganisationen und Gewerkschaften in ganz zusammenbringt. Diese 100 Verbnde haben seit 2009 im Rahmen der Klimakoalition mobilisiert.

#romania #climatechange #nuclear

COP28: Romanian president announces 8GWp of PV parks, nuclear ambitions

"Iohannis also noted that Romania's climate change and energy strategy envisages an energy mix based on renewable sources and nuclear power"

Yes. People concerned about climate are politically homeless, especially in the US.

November 2023 was by far the warmest November on record globally, with an average surface air temperature of 14.22C. That's 0.32C above the temperature of the previous warmest November, in 2020, and roughly 1.75C above the pre-industrial average.

Scientists raise alarm on ecological 'tipping points' at Cop28 amid UK's muted press response

That pretty much sums up my feelings about AI

Sellafield nuclear site has leak that could pose risk to public.

Maybe time for another name change.

Airline adverts banned over 'greenwashing' claims via BBC

Hey everyone, lets be cruel to people who were born in other countries, jet off on holiday, redefine everyone to exclude as a minimum the 23.3% of households without cars, stir things up however we can, just whatever you do dont look up!

Are the solutions to fight climate change making progress via BBC

COP28: Is the world about to promise to ditch fossil fuels via BBC

Global carbon emissions from fossil fuels to hit record high via Guardian

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Global Warming sucks